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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2015年成人高考高起点英语真题及答案 选 择 题一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的画线部分与其他单词的画线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。1Afamily Bvalue Ccat Dbaby2Ashow Bnow Cyellow D.grow3Abeach B1unch Cchair Dmachine4Ahuman Bcut Cfun D1uck5Asale Bsnow Cdesign Dask二、词汇与语法知识5小题:每题1.5分,共225分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。6Tom attendedevening school for month or two Athe:a Ban;the C不填;the Dan;不填7Spring is by far time to visit the island Abetter Bthe better Cbest Dthe best 8The weather report says it again tomorrow Arains Brained Cwill rain Dhas rained 9Bill has a very high price for the car Apaid Bspent Ccost Dbought1 0. There is nobody here in the office-they have all gone home. Acan Bmust Cshould Dwould1 1Mary looks great this pair of trousers Ain Bby Con Dat1 2The next morning people found the world outside their houses completely Achange Bchanging Cchanged Dto change1 3These books should not be from the library Ataken away Btaken off Ctaken down Dtaken over1 4By the time I got home,my grandmother the dinner and was watching TV Aprepares Bprepared Chas prepared Dhad prepared1 5The reason the president kept silent is still unknown Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhat16一Will you please open the door for me? 一 . AYes,please BMy pleasure CNot at all DYoure welcome17James got lost in the city, he had to ask for help Aor BSO Cbut Dfor1 8MrsSmith persuaded her husband the right thing Ado Bdid Cto do Ddoing19.My parents and I couldnt get into the house last night because 0f us had the key Aall Beither Cneither Dnone20Dogs have a very sense of smell Anice Bclear Cgood Dhigh三、完形填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分。) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 In nearly every town or city centre in the UK,on most days of the week you can find one or more people standing in the street selling a magazine 2 1 The Big IssueThese people are all 22 ,but they are not begging for money23 ,they are selling the magazine as a means(手段)of 24 a small but respectable living The Big Issue magazine was 25 in 1991 by Jon Bird and Gordon Roddick after they 26 that there were many homeless people who were 27 0n the streets of LondonOn a previous(之前的) 28 to New York,one of them had seen homeless people selling a newspaper known as Street News 29 they decided to set up something30 in the British capitalNowadays,The Big Issue has31 all over the UK and there are even different versions(版本)of the magazine in different parts of the 32 The sellers buy each magazine from the organization for seventy pence and then sell it to a 33 for one pound fiftyBy working with The Big Issue,many people have been 34 to escape from homelessness,and 35 many of them have moved on to new jobs and new lives21Aprinted Bspelt Ccalled Dstuck22Ahealthy Bhomeless Cimpolite Dsingle23AInstead BBesides CAnyhow DTherefore24Achanging Benjoying Cmaking Dimproving25Arecognized Bstarted Cfound Dwritten26Aforgot Bhoped Csaw Ddoubted27Adriving B1iving Cdrawing Dworking28Avisit Bentrance Cway Dflight29Aor Bbut Cfor Dand30Asimilar Bpersonal Cnatural Dfriendly31Abroken B1anded Cspread Dfloated32Acity Btown Cworld Dcountry33Areporter Bpainter C1istener Dreader34Aasked Bhelped Cneeded Dforced35Ain the end Bnow and then Call the time Din a hurry四、阅读理解(共15小题;每题3分,共45分。) 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。A“Troublemaker”was what was given to my friend Peter by his teachersThey also said that he had nofuture and no hope!But now I suggest that anyone who said that should say“sorry”to himPeter finished Grade Nine,and then he went to study at a technical collegeHe became a leader of agroup of bad boysAfter graduation he had nothing to d0,SO he just hung around by the market with hisfriends It looked like nothing could change his lifeIt was not until the day that his father diedHe left theboys and went to help his mother who sold food by the roadside He really pitied his mum and wanted to do something to support herHe loved reading cartoon(漫画)books and had been collecting them for years,SO he decided that he should sell themSoon he realized that his books were very popularSo he made up his mind to set up his own businessHe went around buying cartoon books from other peopleHe bought them for 25and then sold them for half price These days,he doesnt have to go around looking for cartoon books because there are always people coming to his shop to sell their old onesHe now has a monthly income of about 55,000 baht(泰铢) He was a“troublemaker”to his teachers but he is a hero to meIf you are judged by your teachers as a“bad student”I suggest you ignore what they sayJust do your best in everythingDont give up so eas-ily, Believe me ,one day you could be successful,too.36Why does the author think some people should say“sorry”to Peter? AThey refused to help him BThey considered him hopeless C-They looked down on his parentsDThey made him give up his friends37What did Peter do after his father died? AHe worked at a market BHe learnt to draw pictures CHe started his own businessDHe continued his c011ege studies38How does Peter get secondhand cartoon books now? A.He buys them from bookstores BHe goes around collecting them C.He borrows them from his friends DHe waits for people to sell them to him39The word ignore in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning t0 Atake no interest in Bpay no attention to Cbelieve in Dstick to B Welcome to North Road Medical Centre!We are open from 8:30 amuntil 6 PmMonday to FridayAppointments(预约)with the doctors and nurses are acceptable both morning and afternoonHowever,a same-day appointment may not necessarily be with your usual doctorPatients may be seen by any member of the team If you decide to register(注册)with us,please speak to one of our receptionists(接诊员)You will need to complete a registration formEach new patient is asked to answer some medical questionsYou should also make an appointment to see one of the nurses for a health check soon after registerin9There is sometimes a delay in handing over medical records from your earlier doctor,and this appointment gives us valuable information about your health The Out of Hours Service is reachable from 6:30 Pmuntil 8 amMonday to Friday;at weekends from 6:30 PmFriday t0 8 amMondayTelephone 08453458995 to talk to the Out of Hours ServiceThey will have a doctor get in touch with you For medical advice,you can call NHS Direct(24 hours)on 08454647 0r through the Internet at wwwnhsdirectnhscomYou can always get advice over the telephone If you are too ill to come to the medical centre,You can ask for a home Visit over the telephone.Most visits by doctors are made between12 noon and 3 P.mIf you are able to phone before 11a.m。,this helps us to plan the day40What can be learnt from paragraph 1? AThe centre opens all week round BDoctors and nurses work six hours a day.C. Appointments are not accepted in the afternoon. DA same-day appointment may not be with the usual doctor4 1What is a new patient advised to do alter registration? ATake a health check B. Hand over medical records CAsk some medical questions DComplete an information form42If you need the help of the Out of Hours Service,you may Acall 08453458995 Btelephone 0845 4647 Cget in touch with a doctor Dvisit the NHS Direct website43When do most doctors go for a home visit? ABefore 11 a.m BFrom 6:30 P.mt0 8 a.m CFrom 8:30 a.mt0 6 P.mDBetween 12 noon and 3 P.mC In 2008,the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)wanted to know if all the school lun-ches served to students were healthyThe answer was a bi9,fat NO! The USDA found that most American schools served lunches with too much fat and saltThey also found that most of the fruits and vegetables in the lunches came from cans(罐头)Canned fruits and vegetables are not as good as fresh ones The USDA gives schools food and money to make lunchesBut schools make up their own menusSome make healthy lunchesMost do notNow the USDA wants all schools to serve more healthy lunchesThey want schools to follow the USDAs guidelines for balanced(均衡)meals Mike Sanders,in charge of the USDA in 2008,said the USDA should teach school workers how to make healthier lunches“A good school lunch is just as important as a good textbook,”Sanders saidHe said that children also need to learn about healthy foodsThe USDA is working on a new program-Fresh StartIt will give schools more fresh fruits and vegeta-blesFresh Start will also help schools change their lunches to make them healthierTo find the best way to change lunches,the USDA held meetings with parents,school leaders,doctors,and cooks Children already eat healthy lunches at Chief Joseph School in North Saratoga,OregonThey have wholewheat bread with low-fat cheeseand low-fat milk44What did the USDA find about lunches in most American schools in 2008 7 AThey were mostly fruits and vegetables BThey contained too much fat and salt CMost of them were canned food DMost of them were healthy45What are schools required to do to make the lunches healthy? AProvide balanced meals BMake up new guidelines CDesign their own menusDCook with more vegetables46What was Mike Sanders? AAn office secretary BA school headmaster CThe head of the USDADThe director of Fresh Start47What is the goal of the Fresh Start program? ASelling fresh fruits and vegetables BEmploying good cooks for schools C.Helping improVe the school lunches DFinding a better way to talk with parentsD Magic(魔法)often forces US not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the laws of physics or nature! The word“magic”has many different meaningsWhen a bird appears in a hat or when someone declares that he could see into the future-both can be called magicWhen a sick person sudden-1y becomes well or a well person(or eVen animal)becomes ill, magic is the causeThe British author Terry Pratchett uses magic a great deal in his popular Discworld series of books Magic has alwaYs been used for funPeople enjoy working out in which cup the little ball is or how he knows which card l was thinking ofHarry Houdini was one of the first world-famous magiciansfamous for escaping from deadly situationsRecently David Copperfield,or David Blane,has become very popular for his“unbelievable abilities”,such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear or rise Magical rings and threeheaded dogs may not be real,but does this mean nothing magical really exists? Can you always explain how the magician has done the card trick? Maybe it is better not to explain,but to leave a little magic in our livesPick a cardany card48The author explains what magic is in paragraph 1 by Ausing examples Bgiving causes and effects C1isting the time of magical events Dcomparing a healthy person with a sick one49Who is mentioned as a great escape artist? ADavid Blane BHarry Houdini CTerry PratchettDDavid Copperfield 50What does the author think of magic? AIt changes our lives BIt provides people with fun CIt breaks the laws of physicsDIt explains strange things in our lives非选择题五、补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分。)根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。提示:Peter给Johnson教授打电话请病假,接电话的是教授的助手Sally。 (Peter=P;Sally=S)P:Hello!This is Peter speaking May I speak to Professor Johnson 5 1 ,please?S:Im sorryProfessor Johnson is not here at the momentThis is his assistant,Sally May I help you 52 ?P:YesPlease tell the professor that ld like to ask for sick leave for tomorrowS:Sorry to hear thatMay I ask whats the matter 53 with you?P:Im running a feverIve caught a coldS:Oh, is it serious54 ?P:N0,not very serious,but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have a good restS:I seeI11 tell Professor Johnson 55 as soon as he comes backP:Thank youGoodbye!S:Bye!六、书面表达(满分30分) 假设你是李华,10月20日是你18岁生日,发邮件邀请你的外国朋友Jack来你家参加生日聚合。主要内容包括: 聚会时间:周六晚7点到l0点; 参加人员:朋友和同学; 活动内容:聚餐、唱歌、跳舞、游戏等。 注意:1词数应为100左右; 2开头语已为你写好。Dear Jack,l hope this email willfindyou very well Best wishes,Li Hua6 / 6


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