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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上五人英语对话:Ken, Lee, Stephen, Jenny, Jessica Ken: Hey, Jess. You have changed your hairstyle& Jessica: Yup, I think its the easiest way to change my image. Its bored of me having the same image, so I cut my hair yesterday. Is it nice& Ken: Hmm, Im not sure. I dont know how to describe. Stephen: Yes, agreed. I think it seems a bit weird to see your new look. Lee: Is it& Wow, I just noticed your hairstyle. Quite nice, Jess. Jessica: Thanks, Lee. Tell me more, Ken and Stephen. Why you say Im looking weird& Is it too short& Is it too bulky& Ken: Maybe you should ask Jenny about her opinion. Guys might not as delicate as gals. Stephen: It seems I have met the “Jess in primary school”. Have you travelled back to your past& (Stephen, Ken and Lee laughed together.) Jenny: Hey, guys. Wont you stop laughing at her& Jessica: Jenny, help me. Am I really looking weird& I want you to speak frankly. Jenny: Dont listen to them. Its not true. A hairstyle can change ones image. Previously, you had a long hair which gave others a feeling of mature and staid. Ken: Agree. This is what I want to say. You look younger now compared to previous hairstyle. Lee: Thats why I say you look nice. You have become cute and young. Jessica: The same compliment as I get from my parents. Stephen: Its still alright that you have this look during school. But when you have graduated from school, others might not want to employ you since you are giving others an image of fresh, no experience and playful. Jessica: Is it true& But I like my hairstyle and appearance now. Ken: The first impression of you to the employer is important. If he is impressed, then the probability of you to be employed is higher. Lee: I agreed. I always want to change my image. Should I change my hairstyle then& Which type of hairstyle should I choose& Stephen: Changing attire is one of the ways to change our image. However, hairstyle affects us the most since we will normally see ones face and hairstyle first when we look at him. It depends on you whether you want to change your hairstyle. Jessica: To have a new image, I think you should cut your hair a bit and make it a short shaggy hairstyle. Jenny: Good suggestion, Jess. The short shaggy hairstyle can make Lee look more stylish. Ken: Yes, agreed. Since Lee has less hair and short shaggy type of hair may make his hair look bulky a bit. Lee: Hmm, I shall consider that. Stephen: Again it is proved that image is very important to everyone. A hairstyle plays an important role to figure a persons overall image. Jessica: Yes, changing hairstyles not only change ones image, but also affect ones self-esteem. Jenny: I totally agree with you. Recess is over. Lets go back to our classroom. 专心-专注-专业


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