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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 1.shop cn. 商店(Br.E) = store (Am.E)1) shop assistant 店员 (英)assistant - helper(助理,助手,副手)salesman / saleswoman男 /女售货员(美)2)shopkeeper (店主)shop的派生词有:shopper 购物者shop lifter 商店扒手 shop lifting 入店扒窃shopping bag 购物袋shopping center 购物中心(常在郊外,有设施完善的停车场,生活必需品相当齐备)shopping mall 大型购物中心window shopping 逛街do some shopping 买东西go shopping 去购物“动词 + er = 发出动作的人”,是一种构词法。report = reporter, clean cleaner,run runner, teach teacher,think thinker, writewriter,work worker, wait waiter,drive driver,sing singer,swim swimmer, read reader,speak speaker, lead leader,dance dancer, paint painter有少数几个是加or。actor男演员 ,visitor参观者,inventor 发明者后缀“-or”“-er”尽管写法不一样,但是发音一样。2.police n 警方(集合名词)the police 为复数名词1)警方正在找那个丢失的孩子。The police are looking for the lost boy.policeman / policewomanpolicemen / policewomen2)当警察很令人激动。Its exciting to be a policeman.3.waiter / waitress 侍者,服务员/女服务员actor / actress演员,男演员 / 女演员4.station 车站,政府机关的署,局电视台, 电台, 警察局TV station, radio station, police station火车站 汽车站railway station, bus station1)她的妈妈在一家电视台当记者。Her mother works as a reporter in the TV station.5.uniform cn.(军人、学生、警察等的)制服1)学生在上学的日子里要穿校服。Students have to wear (school) uniforms on school days.2)他穿着制服。He is in uniform.= He is wearing a uniform.6.dress n. 女长裙,晚礼服vt. 使穿上表示动作的词组:dress sb. / oneselfput on ones clothes1)他穿上衣服出去了。He dressed himself and went out.=He put on his clothes and went out.2)这位妈妈每天都给她的孩子穿衣服。The mother dresses the baby every day.表示状态的词组有:wear clothes / long hair/ short hair /a smile / glasses3)在学校男孩不能留长发。Boys cant wear long hair in school.have on + clothes (没有进行时)4)今天他穿了一件新毛衣。He has a new sweater on today.=He has on a new sweater today.=He is wearing a new sweater today.be dressed in +颜色/样式; be in +颜色/样式5)她今天穿着红色的衣服。She is dressed in red today.=She is in red today.=She is wearing red clothes.=She has red clothes on today.=She has on red clothes today.7.dangerous (adj.) 危险的 / safe 安全的处于危险中be in danger (n.)1)警察的工作是帮助处在危险中的人们,所以当警察是危险的。The policemans job is helping people in danger, so its dangerous to be a policeman.8.late adv. 晚,迟工作到很晚; 起得很晚;work late; sleep late=get up late;熬到很晚; 来得晚stay up late; come lateadj. 迟的,晚的be late for sth.1)老师经常告诉我们上学不要迟到。The teacher often tells us not to be late for school.2)你最好不要上学迟到。Youd better not be late for school.9.sometimes“有时候”,可放句首、句末、句中1)有时候我和父母一起去公园散步。Sometimes I take a walk in the park with my parents.2)他有时在家看电视。He sometimes watches TV at home.sometime 将来某时some times (正式文体中无此用法)几次 很多次several times many times3)我去过长城好几次了。I have been to the Great Wall several times.10.hard adj. 坚硬的;严厉的;困难的1)这是个很难解决的问题。Its a hard nut to crack.adv. 努力地;剧烈地;困难地2)他学习很努力/刻苦。He studies very hard.3)那天雪下得很大。It snowed hard that day.11.teach sb. sth. (双宾语)1)陈老师教我们历史。Mr. Chen teaches us history.teach sb. to do sth.2)谁教的你骑车?Who taught you to ride a bike?teach sb. how to do sth.3)你能教我如何使用这台电脑吗?Can you teach me how to use the computer?12.skill n. 技能,技巧1)在足球上他表现出了非常熟练的技巧。He shows great skill at soccer.skillful adj. =skilful (Br.E) 熟练的,巧妙的2)她擅长画画。She is skillful in / at drawing.=She is good at drawing.听、说、读、写技能listening skills / speaking skillsreading skills / writing skills13.sir. madamDear Sir or Madam,Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss.Dear Mr. / Mrs. /Ms. /Miss Smith,Almost everyone knows the meanings of Mr., Mrs., and Miss.Mr. is used before the name of men. Mrs. is for married women and Miss is for single women.But what isMs.?For some time, businessmen in the United States have usedMs. before a womans name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Today, however, many women prefer (更喜欢) to use Ms. rather than Mrs. or Miss.The wordMr. does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women think this is an advantage for men .They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.There are some problems withMs., Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce. (Ms. sounds like “miz.”)Generally, young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether or notMs. will be used by more American women in the future. What do you think of this change?14.I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。“want to be + 职业”表示“想成为一名”1)当我大了,我想成为一名医生。I want to be a doctor when I am older.want sth 想要某物2)他过生日时想要一个足球。He wants a soccer ball for his birthday.want to do sth / be+名词/形容词想要做某事/想成为 /怎么样3)你想给你的儿子买件毛衣吗?Do you want to buy a sweater for your son?4)我的朋友想当一名警官。My friend wants to be a police officer.want sb to do sth. 想让某人做某事6)周末我妈妈想让我帮助她做饭。My mother wants me to help her with the cooking on weekends.7)我想让他和我一起去超市。I want him to go to the supermarket with me.15.-What does she do?-She is a doctor. (P191c)询问职业的句子有:What does she do? 她是做什么的?What is she?What is her job / occupation?她的工作/职业是什么?16.work 和 job 的区别:work 劳动、用功;工作。既可作动词,又可用名词。作名词时是不可数名词。1)今天我有很多工作要做。I have a lot of work to do today.2)只读书不玩耍,小孩会成为小傻瓜。(谚语)All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.失业 有工作 正在工作(be) out of work (be) in work (be) at work表示“著作、美术作品”时,works 可数。3)你喜欢莎士比亚的著作吗?Do you like the works of Shakespeare?4)我觉得这张桌子是一件艺术品。I think (that) this table is an art work.work vi. 工作;做事;读书;用功;运转7)爸爸正在他的书房里工作。My father is working in his study.8)他的叔叔在一家银行里工作。His uncle works in a bank.work with sb. / sth. 和一起工作/打交道11)银行职员与人和钱打交道。Bank clerks work with people and money.work hard ( at sth ) 努力学习12)我们都努力学习数学和英语。We all work hard at math and English.hard work (名词词组)艰苦的劳动13)我觉得对我们来说那是一项艰苦的工作。I think (that) it is hard work for us.work for sb. 为某人/团体工作14)如果你喜欢和人打交道,你可以来我们这里当记者。If you like meeting people, you can work for us as a reporter.job (一项)工作、职业, 是一个可数名词。15)你想要一份作招待员的工作吗?Do you want to have a job as a waiter?16)在这个城市找一份好工作很困难。Its difficult to find a good job in this city.17. People give me their money or get their money from me. (P213a)可以跟双宾语的词有:get sb. sth.;give, pass, tell, show, lend(借给); sing;send(送去); bring, make (整理)buygive sth to sb表示“把某物给某人”。其中sth表示某物,称直接宾语;sb表某人,称间接宾语。两者合称“双宾语”。常见结构为:“动词+直接宾语+to / for+间接宾语” (动词buy, make, get, sing等常与for搭配;其余与to搭配)1)请给我那本书。Please give me the book. = Please give the book to me.2)你能把你的全家福照片拿给我看看吗?Could you please show me your family photo?= Could you please show your family photo to me?当直宾和间宾都是代词时,只能用“give sth to sb”结构。4)那是我的书。请把它给我。Thats my book. Please give it to me.不能说: Please give me it.5)那本杂志很有趣。请把它递给我。The magazine is very interesting. Please pass it to me.不能说:Please pass me it.18.I like talking to people. (P213a)talk to / with sb. 与某人交谈1)那个男孩刚才犯错误了。老师正在和他谈话。The boy made a mistake just now and the teacher is now talking to him.2)我爸爸正在和一位老人交谈。My father is talking with an old man.talk about sb./ sth. 谈论某人或某事3)他们正在谈论一部新电影。They are talking about a new movie.19.I work late. 我工作到很晚。(P213a)late adj. 迟的、晚的;最新的,最近的1)对不起,我迟到了。I am sorry I am late.be late for sth. (因)迟到2)她上课迟到了。She is late for class.3)老师经常告诉我们上学不要迟到。The teacher often tells us not to be late for school.adv. (副词),修饰动词,放动词后。4)彼得经常早晨起得晚。Peter often gets up late in the morning.lately adv. 近来5)你近来见到过她吗?Have you seen him lately? (现在完成时)20.I am very busy when people go out to dinners.当人们外出吃饭时,我很忙。 (P213a)be busy with sth 忙于某事1)汤姆在忙于他的作业。Tom is busy with his homework.be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事2)他正忙于看他的书。He is busy reading his book.这两个短语有时可互换。3)安在忙于学英语。Ann is busy learning English.= Ann is busy with her English.when在此引导的是一个时间状语从句,用一般时表示将来。4)当你有时间时请给我写信。Write to me when you have time.5)当他到家时我会给你打电话。I will call you up when he gets home.go out to dinner(s) = go out for dinner = eat out 出去吃饭6)我们经常周末出去吃饭。We often go out to / for dinner on weekends.21.If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a waiter. (P23-3a)如果你的答案是“是”,那么,我们有一个当招待的工作给你。If 引导的是一个条件状语从句,和when引导的时间状语从句一样,也用一般时表示将来。1)如果明天天气好,我们会去公园散步。If it is fine tomorrow, we will take a walk in the park.2)如果下周六不下雨,我们会出去野餐。If it doesnt rain next Saturday, we will go out for a picnic.have a job as有一份当的工作work as 当3)我的叔叔是个记者。(三种说法)My uncle is a reporter. = My uncle works as a reporter. = My uncle has a job as a reporter.22.Do you want to work for a magazine?你想为一家杂志社工作吗?(P23-3a)work for 某人、某个组织、某个团体1)Mike为他的朋友工作。Mike works for his friend.2)他的叔叔为中国日报社工作。His uncle works forChina Daily.a magazine / a newspaper一份杂志/报纸或:一家杂志社/报社3)我长大后想在报社工作。I want to work for a newspaper when I am older.newspaper 可数名词“报纸”4)我爸爸晚饭后经常看报纸。My father often reads newspapers after dinner.Morning Newspaper = Morning Paper 晨报Evening Newspaper = Evening Paper 晚报5)你喜欢哪种报纸,晨报还是晚报?Which newspaper do you like, Morning Paper or Evening Paper?23. Do you like to sing and dance? (P233a)=Do you like singing and dancing?你喜欢唱歌和跳舞吗?此时的问句中用了and而没有用or,强调问的是“唱歌跳舞”两个都喜欢。1)你喜欢唱歌还是跳舞?Do you like to sing or dance? =Do you like singing or dancing?24.Do you want to be in the school play?你想出演校园剧吗? (P233a)be / act in a / the play / show / movie在剧/演出/电影中扮演角色1)你们班谁会在这个演出中扮演角色?Who will be in the school play / show in your class?2)这部电影很令人激动,因为是李连杰演的。The movie is very exciting because Jet Li is in the movie.25.Do you like to work evenings and weekends?你喜欢晚上和周末上班吗? (P233a)此句中省略了in the ( evenings ) and on / at ( weekends ) 。evening加-s,表示“经常性”。1)我妈妈经常周六下午去购物。My mother often goes shopping on Saturday afternoons.2)我周一早上经常起得很早。I often get up early on Monday mornings.26.We need an actor. (P233a)need n. 需要,必要1)没有必要打车去超市。There is no need to go to the supermarket by taxi.need sth. 需要某物2)我需要一些帮助。I need some help.need to do sth. 需要做某事3)我有必要告诉你来我校的路线。I need to tell you the way to my school.27. 在表达“在上”时,注意介词的选择。in a / the book / books 在书上in a / the newspaper / newspapers 在报纸上in a / the magazine / magazines 在杂志上in a / the picture / pictures 在图片上in a / the photo / photos 在照片上in the newspaper want ad 在报纸的招聘广告上on a / the card 在卡片上on a piece of paper / on paper 在纸上on the blackboard 在黑板上8 / 8


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