八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater(第3课时)(Grammar Focus3c)同步语法精讲精练课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater(第3课时)(Grammar Focus3c)同步语法精讲精练课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater(第3课时)(Grammar Focus3c)同步语法精讲精练课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater(第3课时)(Grammar Focus3c)同步语法精讲精练课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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第三课时第三课时 (Grammar Focus3c)单元同步语法精讲精练单元同步语法精讲精练Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?形容词的最高级:形容词的最高级: 形容词最高级的含义形容词最高级的含义形容词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或物的比较形容词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或物的比较,表示表示“最最”。 形容词最高级的构成形容词最高级的构成一般情况直接在单词后加一般情况直接在单词后加est。eg:smallsmallest以不发音字母以不发音字母e结尾结尾,其后加其后加st。eg:largelargest以以“辅音字母辅音字母y”结尾的词结尾的词,变变y为为i,再加再加est。eg:earlyearliest以重读闭音节结尾以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词且词尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,双写这个双写这个辅音字母辅音字母,再加再加est。eg:bigbiggest多音节词在其前加多音节词在其前加most。eg:outgoingmost outgoing部分不规则形容词的最高级。部分不规则形容词的最高级。eg:good/wellbest;bad/illworstmany/muchmost;littleleast 形容词最高级的句型用法形容词最高级的句型用法“主语主语bethe形容词最高级形容词最高级in/of范围范围”表示表示“在某范围内在某范围内最最”。“one ofthe形容词最形容词最高级可数名词复数高级可数名词复数”表示表示“最最的的之之一一”。“the序数词序数词(除了除了first)形容词最高级可数名词单数形容词最高级可数名词单数”表示表示“第第几几(大大,长等长等)”。eg:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国的黄河是中国的第二长河。第二长河。选择疑问句中选择疑问句中,常用句型:常用句型:Which/Who.the形容词最高级形容词最高级,A,B or C?eg:Who plays the piano best,Jane,Mary or Alice?谁弹钢琴最棒?谁弹钢琴最棒,简简,玛丽还是艾丽丝?玛丽还是艾丽丝?【注意注意】形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词the。但前面若有物主代词。但前面若有物主代词,指示代词或名词所有格等修饰时指示代词或名词所有格等修饰时,不需再用定冠词不需再用定冠词the。形容词最高级常与介词形容词最高级常与介词in或或of引导的短语连用引导的短语连用,与与in连用意为连用意为“在在内内”,表示表示“在某范围内在某范围内”,不一定是同类;与不一定是同类;与of连用表示连用表示“属性属性”,介词后的名词或代词与句中的主语是同一类人或物介词后的名词或代词与句中的主语是同一类人或物,意为意为“在某一类中在某一类中”。一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1I drank _ (little) juice of the three.2I think music is the _ _ (interesting) of all subjects.3Beijing is one of the _ (big) cities in China.4. Who is the _ (tall) of the five girls?Grace,I think.leastmost interestingbiggesttallest5The Yellow River is the second _ (long) one in China.6Of the four boys,Jim writes _ (careful)7I have to say this is the _ (bad) story Ive read.8Which is the _ (small),the sun,the moon or the earth?9Lucy is good at every subject,and she is_ (hardworking) of all the girls in her class.10Who is the _ (create) student in your class?longestmost carefullyworstsmallest the most hardworkingmost creative二、把下列句子改为同义句。二、把下列句子改为同义句。11My ruler is shorter than Jims.Jims ruler is _ than _ 12Bill is the tallest boy in his class.Bill is _ than _ _ boy in his class.13Li Lei is taller than the other boys in the class.Li Lei is _ _ boy in the class.longerminetallerany otherthe tallest14Sandy has many books. Tony has more books than Sandy. Linda has more books than Tony.Linda has _ _ _ of the three students.15Mo Yan is a writer who is famous in the world.Mo Yan is one of _ _ _ _ in the world.the most booksthe most famous writers本课时其他本课时其他知识点精讲精练知识点精讲精练 worse“更差;更坏;更糟更差;更坏;更糟”,为为bad和和badly的比较级形式。的比较级形式。 service名词名词,意为意为“服务;接待服务;接待”。其动词形式为。其动词形式为serve,意为意为“为为服务服务”。 act动词动词,意为意为“扮演扮演”。其名词形式为。其名词形式为actor,意为意为“男演员男演员”。【拓展拓展】actress女演员女演员一、根据句意及所给的提示完成下列单词。一、根据句意及所给的提示完成下列单词。1Do you want to _ (表演表演) at the school party,Helen?2There are only 10 dishes on the _ (菜单菜单)3I like that restaurant because it has the best _(服务服务) in our town.4The movie is _ interesting.Lets go and watch!5How are you feeling today?Im feeling much _ (bad)actmenuserviceprettyworse


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