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倒装句之形式倒装一、什么是“形式倒装”?跟完全倒装和部分倒装不同的是,形式倒装只是把要强调的内容放在句首, 主谓不用倒装。二、形式倒装的几种常见句型1.as/though (尽管)引导的让步状语从句的倒装将需要强调的表语(名词、形容词)、部分谓语动词、副词提前到as/though的前面,主谓语序不变。Tired though he was, he still went on with his work.他尽管累,却依然继续工作。Search as they would here and there, they could find no thi ng in theroom.尽管到处寻找,但他们在房间里找不到任何东西。Hard as I studied, I could not catch up with them.我虽然努力学习,但赶不上他们。注意:如果是单数名词或形容词的最高级作表语,提前的时候不再用冠词。下面我们一起来做题:例题1 :, you n eed to be faili ng more if you are expected to succeed in the end. ( 2018南京高三一模)A. Strange as might it seem B. As it might seem strangeC. As strange it might seem D. Strange as it might seem解题步骤:第一步:as引导让步状语从句需要形式倒装- 排除B、C第二步:形式倒装的语序:主谓并不倒装-排除A -答案D例题2 :, Gen eral Winston has bee n severely put to the test duri ng thepast fewweeks. (2015盐城摸底)A. A stro ng man ashe isB. Stro ng man though he isC. A stro ng man asis heD. Stro ng man as is he解题步骤: 第一步:形式倒装主谓不倒装 -排除C、D第二步:前置去冠词-答案B2. what/how引导的感叹句对名词或名词短语感叹时,用what引出;对形容词或副词感叹时,用how引出What an interesting talk they had!他们进行了一次多么有趣的谈话呀!How in teresti ng their talk is!他们的谈话多么有趣啊!例题3 :You cant imagi ne great fun chatti ng on li ne is.Really? But it may cause you a lot of trouble.( 2012 镇江一模)A. whatB. howC. whyD. whether解题步骤:第一步:根据句意 宾语从句部分为感叹句 排除C、D第二步:great fun 名词短语 what引导答案A3. The+形容词/副词的比较级 ,the+形容词/副词的比较级 表示“越就越”The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.你听英语听得越多,它就变得越简单。The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你越努力,你就会取得越大的成绩。4. However形容词/副词引导的让步状语从句However complicated the problem may be, we must work it out this eve ning.无论这个问题有多难,今晚我们必须解决。However long a holiday is, I always feel I want a few days more.无论假期多长,我总觉得还想多休息几天。


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