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车辐山中学 九 年级 英语 学讲预案 第 九 周 星期 课题 Unit5 Reading(一) 课型New教学目标1.了解著名作曲家谭盾的经历和代表作品。2.了解并熟悉传记文体。教学重点New words, English phrases and sentences.教学难点根据重点短语复述课文。学讲进程学一学,讲一讲,点一点,练一练个性化处理导学1、 【自主先学小组讨论交流展示】相信自己,你能行!(一)、自主先学A听录音,正确朗读并背默以下单词、词组 1边界,界限 11.音乐家 2奖牌,奖章 12.控制,支配 3颁发,提交 13.流动 4获胜者 14.成功地 5作曲家 15.传统的+ 6中央的 16.钟,铃 7乐器,工具 17.虽然,尽管 8-普通的,常见的 18.因而著名 9物品,东西 19.分界线,界限 10.石头B听录音,跟读P66-67课文至少三遍,注意模仿语音语调。C完成P68,B1.(二)、合作助学组内成员轮流介绍著名作曲家谭盾,并完成P68 82。(三)、拓展导学组内讨论“My music is to dream without boundaries.”的含义,完成P69 84.二质疑拓展 开动脑筋,做一做。.茌课文中划出下列词组1每次 2.因为。而被熟知2被颁发给获胜者 12.通过控制水流的速度3被由谭盾写 13.搭建东西方之间的桥梁4-个世界闻名的作曲家 14.成功地把中西方音乐融合起来5显示音乐方面的兴趣 15.使用传统中国音乐6淙淙的流水声和飒飒的风声 16.现代西方音乐7乐器 17.混合在一起8用普通物品来制作音乐 18.音乐无界限9继续在美国深造 19.中国古钟的声音10.结识著名的音乐人们 20.以西方风格三、检测反馈(一)闲庭信步I根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。1.In the ( 中央的) park is a man-made island2.We crossed the state (边界) successfully at midnight.3. Millie is crazy about all kinds of musical (乐器)4. There are lots of huge ( 石头) in the mountain.5,Whose (物品) are those? Please put them in order.6.The traffic lights are(控制) by a computer.单项选择( )1.Tan Dun won an Oscar his music the film CrouchingTiger,HiddeDragon.A. in; in B. in; for C. for; in( ) 2. . you are wrong, you should apologizeA. For B. As C. Since D. Because( )3. John a doctor. He his medicine skills. A. is famous for; is known for B.is famous as; is known asC.is famous as; is known for D. is famous for; is known as( ) 4.Bob worked every day as a cook, and the a second job in the evenings.A. went on doing B.continued on doing C. went on to do D. continued doing(二)小试牛刀I用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Do you like the sounds of the_ (rush) water?2.David was a famous (music) years ago, but he no longer plays it3. It is most (common) seen in German Shepherd Dogs.4. The award music of Beijing 2008 0lympics _ (write) by Tan Dun.5. The (win) of the competition will be announced next month.6 My dream is (become) a great dancer.背诵下列句子并口头翻译。1. Born in 1958 in central Hunan, China Tan Dun grew up near the Liuyang River.2. Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objectslike stones and paper.3. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in thefilm Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.4.Theyre the sounds of nature, and they create different pictures in different minds.5. My music is to dream without boundaries.四:小结反思


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