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f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringde la carretera, la construcci de canonada de desgus: a causa del drenatge canonades incrustat en tons, dacord amb les especificacions pertinents i tenint en compte els requeriments raonables de tecnologia de la construcci, ha de fer el tractament subgrade i la zona dexcavaci desprs de lelevaci de lexcavaci a la ubicaci correcta i construcci de clavegueram. Per tant, lexcavaci de terra-Roca i terrapl caixa de la carretera, un acord raonable dobres de drenatge es va convertir en la clau per a la realitzaci del projecte suau. Pre-construcci, noms accelerar lexcavaci del moviment de terres per a subgrade i terrapl, per les obres de drenatge i posterior construcci crear cares, per tal de garantir la superaci de la totalitat del projecte. Aiges avall de nou lautor: segons els requeriments de tecnologia de construcci de drenatge, seguint lordre codi dincrustaci desprs de la primera per garantir la construcci de bon drenatge temporal durant lorganitzaci de construcci, perode de construcci en el seu conjunt. Desplegament raonable de moviment de terres: aquesta Enginyeria per la construcci de processament i subgrade moviment de terres excavaci Enginyeria volum gran, base suau en la plena segons situaci especfica lloc, pargraf de cincia dividit construcci, arranjaments raonables distribuci de moviment de terres i nombre de moviment de terres abandonades exterior, festa pot camp redut dins el moviment de terres de repetici cavat omple de treball, per accelerar el moviment de terres subgrade i processament de subgrade de progrs de construcci, des del principi a les condicions de construcci creada de canonada drenatge, garantiran Enginyeria tot ordenat per. Canonades, paisatgisme, illuminaci denginyeria, construcci, Enginyeria de transport: a causa del disseny de drenatge del sistema utilitzant combinat, fora de la reserva a drenatges vial la canonada transversal ms significatiu impacte construcci i Enginyeria de drenatge de la canonada creuant, i collectors enterrats profund,. 7.4.1 fase de preparaci construcci (1) construcci de lestaci de lloc: Oficina de lsing, va crear camps i altres installacions temporals, posant en el poder de lloc de construcci, corredor daigua. (2) lestabliment de la construcci de xarxa de control de topografia, organitzacions mesurar golfes i mesurar els resultats reportats pel Comissionat, els propietaris. (3) gran quantitat dexcavaci de subgrade, la identificaci de lrea de descrrega, per a la paret de Roca es prepara b. (4) mbit construir 2.4m blaus metllics de paret, noms reservat per a la construcci de treballs amb interseccions trnsit transversal, estrictament segons lorganitzaci de trnsit dels unitats organitzatives i residents al llarg del trnsit original. 7.4.2 etapes de construcci de moviment de terres de aquesta enorme quantitat de moviment de terres de lenginyeria, construcci sDelegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Assembly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve, smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.815 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No personal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions performance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two management system basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two management system for improvement. Focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervision of production safety and the Olympic Games and other中海澜庭一期地库渗漏维修方案一、 工程概况 本工程为中海澜庭一期项目的地库工程,由于基础产生不均匀沉降和位移,使变形缝(伸缩缝)墙体、底板和顶板及穿墙管部位产生大量漏水,使下一步施工无法进行,因此必须尽快采取快速有效的防水堵漏措施,以满足使用的要求。 二、方案编制依据 1、国家标准GBJ108-87地下工程防水技术规范 2、国家标准GBJ208-83地下工程防水施工及验收规范 3、防水堵漏工程费用计算 4、防水工程图集 5、现行全国防水工程定额汇编 6、中国工程建设标准化协会标准CECS117:2000贮液物构筑物变形缝设计规程 7、国家建材行业标准JC483-92聚硫密封膏 8、甲方有关技术质量及施工要求 三、伸缩缝(变形缝)渗漏治理方案 1、伸缩缝渗漏情况分析 地下工程伸缩缝(变形缝)是极易产生漏水的特殊部位,漏水产生的原因主要有以下几个方面: (1)地下工程变形过大,超过允许变形范围,主要是热胀冷缩及基础的不均匀沉降。 (2)地下室变形缝在施工过程中产生的快速位移,引起橡胶止水带的损坏。 (3)由于浇捣混凝土时没有达到密实程度,产生了疏松,狗洞、蜂窝等现象,形成了渗漏水的通道。 (4)橡胶止水带硫化不完全,时间久后产生老化断裂,或在施工时被钢钎凿坏。 伸缩缝一旦渗漏,即表明整个止水带失效,因此必须进行全面全缝周长的渗漏治理才能有效。 2、防水堵漏方案 根据上述渗漏原因分析,本防水堵漏方案采用先注浆止水,后用高分子密封材料柔性保护,最后采用刚性保护的措施,具体堵漏方案示意图如下: 1、注浆堵漏王 2、PE泡沫条(双排) 3、快速堵漏剂砂浆(厚4050mm) 4、PG321双组份聚硫(厚20mm) 5、抗压密封剂 6、伸缩缝侧混凝土 防水堵漏方案如下: (1)清理基层: 将伸缩缝中原有材料及杂质清除到规定深度(一般为710cm深),用水冲洗干净。 (2)固定注浆通道及注浆管: 用快速堵漏剂(液体、粉状均可)拌和32.5级以上普通硅酸盐水泥固定注浆通道PE泡沫条,在固定PE泡沫条时,每相隔50cm左右埋设一根注浆管。注浆管采用1013mm的耐压橡胶软管,该管既作为引水管又作为注浆管用。 (3)注浆堵漏: 从底部开始注高分子注浆材料注浆堵漏王,注浆压力控制在0.30.5MPa之间,待注浆的旁边一孔冒浆时可停止注浆,关闭阀门,再从另一孔注浆,然后依次循序进行,待全部注浆完毕后观察有无渗漏,如个别地方仍有渗漏可以从最近一孔补充注浆直到不漏为止。 (4)割注浆管: 注浆24h后在确认无渗漏的情况下,割掉所有注浆管,用喷灯烘干界面。 (5)清理界面: 用钢丝刷清理杂质及由于喷灯烘烤时产生的表皮杂屑。 (6)施工柔性材料: 在缝内施工5060mm厚PG321双组份聚硫密封剂,外贴T型宽300mm、厚20mm双组份聚硫密封剂。 (7)做保护层: 待聚硫密封剂固化后,用抗压密封剂作为最后一道半刚性保护层。 四、裂缝渗漏治理方案 根据甲方要求及工程实际情况,首先需要对渗漏部位进行防水注浆堵漏,然后进行双组份聚硫密封剂作柔性防水密封层,再次进行抗压密封剂刚性防水保护层施工。刚性保护加柔性防水的防水堵漏方案是依据了国家地下工程防水技术规范的要求进行的。 具体治理方案如下: 注浆堵漏王扩散区 6mmPE泡沫条 快 速 堵 漏 剂 PG321双组份聚硫 抗 压 密 封 剂 防水堵漏、结构加固施工程序如下: 1、 先将施工缝处凿一条深70mm,宽60mm的“V”型缝,用水冲洗干净。 2、固定注浆通道及注浆管 用快速堵漏剂和32.5级以上普通硅酸盐水泥固定注浆通道PE泡沫条,在固定PE泡沫条时,每隔50cm左右埋设一根注浆管,注浆管采用1013mm的耐压橡胶软管,该管已作为引水管又作为注浆管用。 3、注浆堵漏止水和聚硫柔性密封防水施工 从一侧开始注高分子注浆材料注浆堵漏王,注浆压力控制在0.30.5MPa之间,待注浆的旁边一孔冒浆时可停止注浆,并关闭阀门后再从另一孔注浆堵漏,然后依次顺序进行,待全部注浆完毕后观察有无渗漏,如个别地方仍有渗漏可以从最近的一孔补充注浆直到不漏为止。割管后再做PG321双组份聚硫密封剂施工。 4、刚性保护层施工 当防水堵漏注浆后,裂缝不会再产生漏水情况,但是结构的强度没有得到提高,必须采用抗压密封剂加上各种添加剂、活性剂、助剂制成一种高强度、低粘度的结构加固材料,当该材料固化及到令期后可产生大于C30的结构强度,使上下混凝土板连成一个整体,达到长期整体工作的目的。 五、大面积(蜂窝)渗漏治理方案 1、面层法:适用于结构的大面积渗漏水治理。一般情况下,地下室大面积渗漏水治理无法迎水面进行,只能在背水面处理,故在施工前,应进行引排水,以防止新做的防水面层被有压水冲坏。面层法具体作法为:选择漏水量集中部位,开洞埋管使水从导管流出。根据漏水量大小,可于一处或多处埋管引水,找不到漏水点时,可在墙体下部埋管引水。然后在不漏水部位按照材料使用要求,大面积涂抹聚合物水泥防水砂浆,需分层抹压,顺序为防水素浆防水砂浆防水素浆,最后拨管堵水。对于混凝土轻微渗水,可用抗压密封剂涂抹在混凝土表面,用刮板施工,一般施工23遍,直至不见水影为止。对于有明显渗漏水的孔洞和缝隙,按孔洞和裂缝渗漏水处理的方法,逐个进行止水处理。 对于地下室混凝土结构表面,出现水压较小的不甚严重的慢渗漏水时(如冒汗、洇湿等)可于背水面涂刮抗渗漏克,使表面形成一层不透水的覆盖层,起到防渗作用。具体做法为:将基层表面处理平整光滑,凹凸不平处用水泥砂浆填平、压平抹光,同时除去基层表面灰尘、油污等,以利防水层粘结牢固。上述工作完成并检查合格后,即可使用抗渗漏克施工。 2、注浆法:遇有地下室大面积渗漏水时,也可采用注浆方法处理,根据渗漏水情况可在结构上布置注浆孔,可布点成梅花形、三角形或一字形,然后进行注浆处理,以在结构内部形成防水帷幕。此外,还可采用“面层封闭注浆”的方法,即先下管引水,然后用抗压密封剂大面积抹面,待防水涂层强度达到要求后,从引水管注浆堵水。 六、孔洞、点渗、预埋件、穿墙管道渗漏治理方案 (一)孔洞、点渗渗漏治理方法 1、堵漏法:用无机堵漏材料直接堵塞。遇到孔洞较小或孔洞较大但水压不大的慢渗漏水情况时,可采用无机防水堵漏材料直接堵塞。 操作程序为:根据渗漏水情况,查出漏水点,以渗漏点为圆心凿洞(直径为13cm,深为25cm),孔洞壁尽量与基面垂直,并用清水冲洗干净,用堵漏材料捻成与孔洞形状相近的锥团形,待其开始凝固时,迅速压入洞内,并向孔洞壁四周挤压密实,使堵漏材料与孔洞壁紧密结合,堵漏完毕经检查无渗水现象时,即可用聚合物水泥砂浆抹压至与板或墙面平齐。 2、下管法:适用于孔洞水压较大的急流或涌水的渗漏水处理。具体作法为:清除漏水处空鼓的面层及粘结不实的石子,然后剔成孔洞,深度视渗漏水量而定。在洞底铺一层碎石,碎石上盖一层与孔洞大小一样的铁皮或油毡片,并在其上开一小口,将胶管插入孔中,使水顺管流出,然后用速凝材料把引水管周围孔洞一次灌满,待堵漏材料开始凝固时,用力把孔洞四周堵漏胶泥挤压密实,并使胶泥表面低于结构面不小于1.5cm,堵塞完毕并经检查无渗漏水后,拨出胶管,堵塞孔眼,最后用抗压密封剂分层抹压至板面齐平。 当孔洞漏水压很大时,可采用木楔等堵塞孔眼,将水止住,并用堵漏材料封堵。经检查无渗漏水后,用聚合物水泥砂浆或抗压密封剂作防水层。治理孔洞渗漏水也可采用嵌缝法,即在剔槽中采用堵漏材料堵塞止水后,用双组份聚硫密封剂嵌填沟槽,最后连国其他部位作防水层。另外,对于地下结构出现的孔洞渗漏水情况,还可采用注浆法进行堵漏,可单孔注浆或于孔洞周围钻孔注浆。 (二)预埋件、穿墙管道渗漏治理方案 1、当预埋件周边渗漏时,将其周边剔成环形沟槽,清除预埋件锈蚀,并用清水冲刷地沟后采用填塞堵漏止水材料、嵌填双组份聚硫密封剂或灌注堵漏浆液等方法进行处理。 2、当常温穿墙(地)管道周围出现渗漏水时应沿管道周边剔成环形沟槽,用水冲刷干净后,用堵漏材1、注浆堵漏机(注浆泵) 2、冲击钻(变速或二档速度) 3、电锤(日本产) 4、射钉枪 5、汽油喷灯(2.5kg级) 6、嵌缝枪600ml(英国产) 7、切割机 8、五金小工具若干 9、配电设备 10、空压机 九、防水堵漏材料参考用量 (一)伸缩缝渗漏堵漏材料用量 1、注浆堵漏王20kg/m 2、双组份聚硫密封剂22kg/m 3、快速堵漏剂(液体)18kg/m 4、抗压密封剂53kg/m 5、PE泡沫条2m/m 6、其它材料若干 (二)裂缝渗漏堵漏材料用量 1、 注浆堵漏王6kg/m 2、双组份聚硫密封剂3kg/m 3、快速堵漏剂(液体)4kg/m 4、抗压密封剂5kg/m 5、PE泡沫条2m/m 6、其它材料若干 (三)大面积渗漏堵漏材料用量 1、注浆堵漏王12kg/m 2、快速堵漏剂(液体)8kg/m 3、抗压密封剂10kg/m 4、其它材料若干 十、施工组织及人员配备 1、施工组织 该项目工程应实行项目法管理,设项目负责人,做到人财物,责权利到位,精心组织、科学管理,及时协调,确保各项堵漏工艺程序按要求顺利进行。 2、人员配备 项目负责人1名,全面负责该工程的管理和与甲方联系,技术负责人兼现场工长1名负责施工技术和现场管理、安排和领班作业。 材料员兼安全员1名全方位负责现场安全和材料领发及临时购料,防水技工7名,负责防水堵漏施工。 十一、施工计划周期 预计施工时间为2025个日历天(在“V”型缝开凿完毕后)。 (1) 组织设计 (2)施工准备 (3)施工周期 总施工计划天数为25个日历天(特殊情况例外)。 十二、安全措施 1、进场施工人员必须严格遵守各项操作规程,严禁违章作业。 2、作业现场必须加强通风,保持空气清晰,并配备充足的照明设施。 3、施工用电源必须配备漏电保护装置。 4、注浆作业必须严格控制压力,并保持务连接部件状况良好,严防高压喷浆伤人。 十三、堵漏工程质量标准 按国家颁布的地下工程防水技术规范GBJ108-87中规定防水达到滴水不漏的质量标准进行堵漏工程质量验收。 14、 防水堵漏施工注意事项 1、在施工时严禁吸烟及带入火种。 2、必须穿戴好工作服和手套和防护眼镜。 3、防水堵漏材料必须分类堆放整齐。 4、双组份材料必须搅拌均匀。 5、注浆设备每次用完后必须及时清洗。 上述防水堵漏方案仅供参考,在施工时还要根据具体情况作适当修改完善。 长春建工集团张洋项目部 2015-7-26 f submission time sampling, test results have not come out before, not released. When the process is finished, quality inspector, after passing the post first and then inform the supervision of acceptance, quality supervision, party representatives, qualified before they can move on to the next procedure. For failed operations, inspectors have the right to order the suspension or rework. Project inspection, measuringun procs clau, principalment per lexcavaci subgrade. Latrun pel poble cam les condicions del trnsit abans que comenci la construcci de dos carretera pioner. Una secci de construcci (secci XI) se centren en Latrun quin K0 + 440 Hill Road a la vorera, secci b construcci (secci est) es va centrar en Latrun K1 + 480, K1 + 840 Hill Road a les voreres del Yangtze. Vorera Latrun obert moviment terra superfcie de treball, parallela a les operacions superfcie de treball, segons el cabal de disseny del sistema de drenatge, de seguir el principi de drenatge de construcci de moviment de terres incrustaci de codi a la caixa de la carretera. 7.4.3 canonades de desgus establerts en letapa de construcci i moviment de terres caixa integrat estretament de la carretera, intercalades amb la construcci. Segons els principis i matries abans que siguin originals, des subgrade excavaci al tanc de cam, abeurador de desgus, formaci subgrade, drenatge es poden formar, segmentats flux. 7.4.4 carretera base i superfcie capa construcci etapa carretera base pargraf de construcci Enginyeria dividit localitzaci amb enginyeria drenatge com, tamb dos punts dun pargraf de construcci per segment secci de punts per a la construcci dorganitzaci daigua parallels: els principis de secci completa dut a terme la construcci, en general direcci construcci de drenatge canonada completat direcci avan construcci, estrictament segons subgrade creu secci i la lnia de pendent per a la construcci de control, construcci Enginyeria drenatge Hou, Groove backfill a, subgrade amb segents formant una. Segons aquest pensament amdues cares constant aven de la construcci fins a la base difusi. Arranjaments dimplementaci dacord amb els principis dorganitzaci de la secci important desprs de la primera construcci de gamma dintersecci, moviment de terres i drenatge, funciona desprs de la construcci i acabats organitzacions caixa de la carretera, coix, base, asfalt construcci de paviment de formig. 7.4.5 la vorera i la vora lateral de paviment pedra en construcci etapa construcci segons el progrs de la construcci de la construcci de la canonada i acabat construcci duna canonada, seguint una construcci vorera. 7.4.6 projecte recapitulaci: tancament de lloc de construcci, dispositius de sortida, neteja NET. 7.4.7 tancament de tancament fases construcci lloc, surt de lequip. 7.5 suport a la construcci del primer tram de la canonada establint noves conduccions est centralitzada en la localitzaci de carril de barreja, on el subministrament daigua, gas es barreja carrils, fanal del carrer, corrent de llum, energia, telecomunicacions es troben a prop Greenbelt i voreres,activities, comprehensive and tamping Safety Foundation . Troubleshooting, management mechanism, give full play to role of technical supervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process management. This year completed the boiler lower header leakage, boiler pressure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, and complete the boiler scale integrated management, host shafting vibration of 10 scientific and technological projects, such as. Complete supercritical 630MW on-line simulation system development and application of circulating water MCC standby power transformation, the transformation of desulfurization waste water, the unit water supply system of comprehensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technological transformation projects, group health is improved. -Science and technology innovation is further increased. Strengthen the characteristics of supercritical unit major issues, gradually clearing the particularity of supercritical unit and regularity. Developed motor oil time management, switch action times, statistics, coal-aided measurement software, improves the production level of lean management. Increased investment in science and technology, reporting science and technology projects and 14 technical project total cost percentage of the total annual production output of 0.25%. Large-scale coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrification complete development and application of key technologies project, won the national science and technology progress second prize. 630MW supercritical units optimized control strategies and the 630MW development and application of on-line simulation system for supercritical units, supercritical 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pump set of comprehensive treatment of defects Datang technology respectively one or two and third. Meanwhile, information technology achievements, the company was named China power information technology benchmarking enterprises. -Repair and maintenance has improved further. Modify the inspection standards and standards on a regular basis, standardizing work procedures, checking and inspection project. Deepening the BFS+ system, and implements maintenance information shared. Reorganizing RB logic again, and ensure the success of the RB. Innovating the mechanism of maintenance management, implemented a project manager system. Successful completion of two autonomous maintenance, reliability improved steadily. Implementing two c-level maintenance, project themselves 48.7% and 42.3%, respectively. Accomplish two circulating pumps repair and overhaul of four Mills, maintenance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of energy saving and consumption reducing, complete the unit energy consumption diagnosis, plant water balance test, 10 energy-saving projects. Second, we should adhere to three on the economic benefits of improving, outreach


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