河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 Lesson3 Macro Polo课件 北师大版必修3

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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 Lesson3 Macro Polo课件 北师大版必修3_第1页
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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 Lesson3 Macro Polo课件 北师大版必修3_第2页
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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 Lesson3 Macro Polo课件 北师大版必修3_第3页
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Unit8 lesson3 Marco PoloThe land silk roadWarm upThe line that connecting East to WestZ.x.x. K Z.x.x. K Seeing the picture, what things will you think about?When talking about the silk road, who will occur into your mind?Pre-reading HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT MARCO POLO? WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING DO YOU THINK IS TRUE?A. He was a French traveller who lived in Italy for some time.B. He was an Italian traveller who lived in China for some time.(旅行者)(旅行者)Zx.xkZx.xkKublai Khan 忽必烈汗忽必烈汗 the Yuan Dynasty Emperor 元朝皇帝元朝皇帝Marco Polo seeing Kublai Khan 马可波罗晋见忽必烈汗马可波罗晋见忽必烈汗Warship (战船)in Marcos timeMarco was telling stories about China in the prison (监狱监狱).Books talked about Marco Polo in ChinaFast readingRead through the text quickly, and find match the paragraphs with the main idea.Zx.xkZx.xkPara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.6Marco Polos early lifeMarco returned to ItalyInventions and developments in ChinaKublai Khan welcomed MarcoMarco was amazed at ChinaPeoples reaction to Marcos storiesRead through the text quickly, and find out the information about Marco Polo and fill out the following form.Second readingThe third reading Read the passage again and answer the following questions. How old was Marco when he travelled across Europe and Asia? Why did Marco and his father travel to China?QUESTIONS:He was 17 years old at that time.Because they wanted to do trade with the Chinese.Questions: Was Kublai Khan happy to meet Marco and his father? Why was the Emperor impressed by Marco?Yes, he was very happy to meet them.Because Marco was very clever and could already speak 4 languages, although he was young.Questions: How did Marco describe the Summer Palace? He described it as “ The greatest palace that ever was”.The walls ?The Hall ?Questions: Why was Marco surprised to see people using paper money? What were the black stones Marco saw people burning for fuel?Because in Europe, people paid for goods with gold or silver.The black stones were coal.1. start2. as a result3. Insist that something is true4. writer5. richin turn, wealthy, author,break out, stand byRead the passage again and match the words in the box with their definitions.break outwealthyin turnstand byauthorComplete the sentences using the words from exercise 3.1. He became _ through hard work and careful saving.2. He is a successful _. He has already written three best selling novels.wealthyauthorin turn, wealthy, author,break out, stand by3. The president told the reporter that he wanted to _ his earlier statement.4. In the past, without clean running water, disease would often _ in cities .5. The customer praised the manager, who, _ praised his staff.break outin turnstand byLANGUAGE POINTS1.trade (n) & (v) 贸易;商业贸易;商业(Para 1) do with sb. ; with sb. 与某人做生意与某人做生意e.g. Our country does trade with a lot of European countries. trade sth for sth.用某物交换某物用某物交换某物e.g. I traded information for money.2. eventually (adv.) 最后最后,终于终于,结果结果(Para 1)e.g. He worked very hard and eventually made himself ill.3. be happy (sorry/ sad) to do sth.(Para2) 很高兴(抱歉很高兴(抱歉/ 伤心)做某事伤心)做某事e.g. I am sorry to tell you this bad news.4. serve (v) 服务;侍候;供应服务;侍候;供应(Para2) (sb.) as sth. 为(某人)工作;当某职为(某人)工作;当某职e.g. Tony serves (his boss) as a driver for many years. sb. (sth.) with sth. 为某人为某人(某物某物)提供某物提供某物e.g. Lily likes to serve her guests with coffee. The city is well served with public transport.6. amaze (vt.) 吃惊吃惊,使惊奇使惊奇(Para3) be amazed by 对对(因因)大感惊讶大感惊讶 e.g. We were amazed by her sexy look. be amazed to do 很惊讶做某事很惊讶做某事 e.g. We were amazed to hear the news. be amazed that 对对大感惊讶大感惊讶 e.g. I was amazed that he had made such rapid progress in English.5. in turn 依此依此,替换地替换地(Para3) e.g. They sang on the stage in turn.7. describeas 把把-说成说成(Para 3) describe sth. (sb. ) as + adj. ( n )e.g. He described my plan as unrealistic. 他批评我的计划不切实际。他批评我的计划不切实际。e.g. 他自称艺术家。他自称艺术家。 He describes himself as an artist.8. seat (n)座位;座位;(v) 使坐下;容纳使坐下;容纳(Para 3) e.g. Please go back to your seat. She seated herself on the sofa. The hall is so large that it can seat 5000 people.9. be available (adj.) (Para 4) 可得到的可得到的;可用的可用的;可看见的可看见的e.g. Is the library available during summer vacation? 这个图书馆暑假开放吗?这个图书馆暑假开放吗? These shoes are not available in your size. 这双鞋不适合你穿。这双鞋不适合你穿。 The doctor is not available now. 医生现在没空。医生现在没空。10. pay (vt.) 付款付款,支付支付(Para 4) pay for 付付的款的款;受受报应报应 e.g. I paid $5 for that book. I will make him pay for his insolence! 我要他为自己的蛮横无礼尝尝苦头!我要他为自己的蛮横无礼尝尝苦头! pay in 缴纳款项;将(钱)存入(银行)缴纳款项;将(钱)存入(银行) e.g. Please pay a cheque into my account. pay off 全部还清全部还清 e.g. I have paid off all my debts.11. confuse (vt.) 使人困惑使人困惑,使弄错使弄错(Para 4) e.g. The difficult question confused him. be confused by 对对(因因)感到困惑感到困惑 e.g. People were confused by a lot of information. 人们被大量的信息搞糊涂了人们被大量的信息搞糊涂了.12. tell sth. to sb. = tell sb. sth. (Para 5 ) 告诉某人某事告诉某人某事e.g. I am going to tell you my secret. I am going to tell my secret to you.13. stand by 忠于,坚守,坚持忠于,坚守,坚持(Para 6) e.g. I still stand by what I said yesterday. I stand by my principles. 我坚持我昨天说的话。我坚持我昨天说的话。 我坚持我的原则。我坚持我的原则。Have you taken downall the language points?Attributive Clause:Th1. The girl who / that is singing is my sister.先行词先行词关系代词关系代词定语从句定语从句(Attributive)主语主语谓语谓语The girl is my sister.作定语修饰作定语修饰-the girl who / that is singing _主语主语 eg.The student who / that didnt do the homework is Tom.Anyone who / that breaks the rules will be punished.It sounds like a train that/which is going under the ground.I watched all the glasses that/which are on the table fall onto the ground.2. The book (that/which) he is reading is funny. (that/which) he is reading _宾语宾语The book he is reading is funny.可以省略可以省略 eg.The boy (that/who/whom) we saw yesterday was Johns brother.The house (that/which) they built last year was destroyed.Tomato is another plant (which/that) early travelers took to Europe.The plant (that/which) Columbus discovered in America is called corn.3.People who/that were killed in the accident were mainly children. who / that were killed in the accident 关系代词关系代词 + be done (被动被动) _不可以省略不可以省略4. The pen (that/which) I write with is very good. (that/which) I write with _作介词作介词 with 的宾语的宾语 with which I write The pen with which I write is very good. eg.The man (who/whom/that) my brother are talking to is a policeman.The games (which/that) the young men competed in were difficult.The place (which/that) I was born in is Jiangsu.The year (that/which) I was born in is 1979.The man to whom my brother are talking is a policeman.The games in which the young men completed were difficult.The place in which I was born is Jiangsu.The year in which I was born is 1979.5。The year (which/that) I was born in is 1979._作介词作介词 in的宾语的宾语The year in which I was born is 1979. in which I was born _ in the year作一个时间状语作一个时间状语 whenThe year when I was born is 1979.6.The place in which I was born is Jiangsu. in the place作地点状语作地点状语 whereThe place where I was born is Jiangsu. house:This is the house where Lincoln was born. farm:This is the farm where Lincoln worked. theatre:This is the theatre where Lincoln was shot.1809:The year when Lincoln was born is 18091818:The year when Lincolns mother died is 1818.1860:The year when Lincoln became present is 1860._ in which_ on which_ at which_ in which_ in which_ in whichFill in the blanks with “which”,“when”,“where”:1.This is the factory _ we will visit.2.This is the place _ he was born in.3. This is the place _ he was born.4. I remember the days_ we spent.5. This is the factory _ we works.6. This is the place _ we live in .7. This is the place _ we live.8. This is the time _ he died.whichwhichwherewhichwherewhichwherewhen


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