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Lesson 6. The Great WallI. ScriptOne great structure that didnt rise naturally from the Earth is China s Great Wall. This thirteen-thousand-mile barrier was built by China hands to protect the people from invading armies.China wasn t always the peaucl enfation it is today. Once upon a time, it was all-out war between competing ethnic groups. It was destined to be a nation of constant war with itself, until one man decided to build the world-smladrgeest manstructure.The Great Wall of China, the longest man-made structure on Earth, runs from the pacific ocean to the Gobi Desert. Laid out its individual sections it stretches for 13,000 miles longer than the length of North and South America combined.In 221 BC, the first emperor of China decided to stop the constant conflict by uniting the country against foreign invaders. He ordered existing and scattered fortifications to be connected into one Great wall.“ The Great Wall has not much practical use in the modern aBgeu.t in the ancient times, it served as a defense fortress during wartime. Hence, one can sense the grandeur of the Great Wall.”Today, the horde still descend on the wall, ten million annually. But the vast majority are Chinese tourists. As a local saying goes“:one who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true man. From al”l corners of the country they come to pay tribute to an ancient feat of engineering that shaped their nation.“ The entire world knows about this landmark and makes us as Chinese feel really proud. So for the people who work here, it is a real hono.r”I I .Tr anslation 有一个依靠人工拔地而起的伟大建筑, 就是中国长城。 这个一万三千英里长 的屏障是华夏人民亲手而建以御外敌。泱泱华夏并非总如今日般歌舞升平。曾几何时,四夷乱华,战火纷飞。她曾 注定会是一个内部战争不断的国家, 直到有一个人决定要修筑世界上最大的人工 建筑。中国长城,这世界上最长的建筑,东起渤海之滨,西至大漠戈壁,各个部分 互相连结蜿蜒一万三千英里, 比南北美的总长更长。 公元前 221 年,秦始皇决定 抛弃矛盾,上下一心以御外敌。 他下令将现存和的防御工事筑为一体, 成为长城。“长城的一些作用, 还有在现在来说基本上就没什么作用, 但是在古代是一 个比较有防御性质的一个战争的堡垒。然后感觉得到那种长城的伟大。”当今仍有每年一千万人的游客慕名而来, 而大多数都是中国游客, 因为中国 有句古话: “不到长城非好汉。”来自天涯海角的人们来到这里,向保卫了自己 国家的伟大的古老工程致敬。“在这个, 中国万里长城全世界的人都比较知道, 更让中国人自豪, 更让我 们身为工作者在长城上班的人感到自豪。”III. New words and expr essions1.structure str?kt? n. 结构;构造;建筑物2. barrier b?r ? n. 障碍物;屏障3. eth nic ekfara?.种族的;部落的4. destine d?st?n vt. 注定;命定5. constant ka nst?ntadj.不变的;恒定的6.i ndividual ?id?v?i?u?l adj.个别的;独特的 n.个人;个体7.invader ?nve?d?(r) n. 侵略者;侵入者8. fortification ?f?:t?f?ke?n n. 设防;防御工事9. fortress f?:tr?s n.堡垒;要塞10. grandeur gr?nd?(r) n. 伟大;宏伟;壮观11. horde h?:d n. 一大群;游牧部落12. descend dsend vi.下降;下去vt.沿向下13. feat fi:t n. 功绩;壮举 adj. 合适的;灵巧的14.landmark l?ndma :k n. 地标;界标,里程碑,纪念碑be destined to 注定laid out 安排,布置stretch for 蜿蜒practical use 实际用途descend on 袭击pay tribute to 向致敬


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