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2014学年度第二学期五年级期中测试卷学校: 姓名: 班级: 成绩:听力部分:40分 (每小题读三次)一、 听句子,选出句子中所含的信息。(10分)( ) 1.A. from B. former C. far( ) 2.A. another B. the others C. each other( ) 3. A. early B. earlier C. later( ) 4. A. play football B. play games C. play computer games( ) 5. A.worried B. think C. worry( ) 6. A. some of B. plenty of C. many( ) 7. A. get up B. wake up C. checkup( ) 8. A. 10:00 B. 10:10 C. 10:30( ) 9. A. more larger B. much larger C. much longer( ) 10. A. their classrooms B. our classrooms C. their libraries二、 听句子,请写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1. He_watches TV on weekdays.2. Im_ to see you!3. Betty is _ beautiful than her sister.4. _ up, Janet. Its time to get up.5. We shoud have a _ every day.三、 听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)( ) 1.A. Yes, I am. B. Thank you C. No, he doesnt.( ) 2. A. At 8:30am B. At 10:30pm C. By bus.( ) 3. A. There are 30. B. Yes, there are C. No, I am not.( ) 4. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, it is. C. Excuse me( ) 5. A. OK. B. Hi C. I dont feel good四、 根据听到的内容,把图写上英文大写字母编号。(5分)( )( )( )( )( )五、 听短文,判断句子内容与短文是否相符,如相符在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)( ) 1. Lily is from France.( ) 2. Lily is taller than Mary.( ) 3. Lily is younger than Mary.( ) 4. Xiaoling is good at sports.( ) 5. Xiaoling can speak French better than Lily.六、 听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)( ) 1. Kate is from _. A. America B. China C. Japan( ) 2. Kate is _ years old. A. nine B. ten C. eleven( ) 3. Kates father is a _. A. teacher B. doctor C.cook.( ) 4. Rose goes to school _ A. On foot B. By car C. By bus( ) 5. We often _ on Saturday. A. play games B. play basketball. C. go swimming笔试部分:60分 一、 找出一个与其它三个不同类的词。(5分) ( ) 1. A.often B. never C. fever D. seldom ( ) 2. A. subject B. Chinese C. maths D. English ( ) 3. A. harder B. larger C. small D.taller ( ) 4. A. he B. she C. your D. we ( ) 5. A.sweet B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache.二、 按中文提示完成句子。(每格一词)(6分)1. I _ _ (不得不) get up early on weekdays.2. We should help _ _ (互相帮助).3. I want to be your _ _(笔友).三、 选择正确的答案。(13分)( ) 1.We take exercise half _ hour every morning. A. a B. an C. the( ) 2.The blue bag is yours. The red one is _. A. my B. me C. mine( ) 3.Janet works _ than Ben. A. hard B. harder. C. good( ) 4. Ms White always _ early. A. get up B. gets up C. getting up( ) 5.Its time _ school. A. to B. for C. to go ( ) 6. We _ play computer games too much. A. should B. shouldnt C. are( ) 7.My mother gets up _ than me. A. early B. late C. earlier( ) 8.A: Whats the _? B: I have a fever. A. wrong B. matters C. matter( ) 9. Jiamin looks _ than before. A. thin B. thinner C.fat.( ) 10.Take the medicine three_ a day. A. time B.times C. a time( ) 11. Youd _stay in bed. A.better B. good. C. matter.( ) 12. He _a cold today. A. have B. has C. had( ) 13. A :_ does your classes begin? B: At 8:00. A. What B. What time C. What colour.四、补全对话(毎格一词)。(10分)(一) (speaking worry forget May fever) A: Hello, _ I speak to Mrs Chen. B: This is Mrs Chen _. Whos that, please? A: Its Janets teacher. Why Janet doesnt go to school today? B: I am sorry, Ms White.I _ call you . Today,Janet has a _.I take her to hospital. A: I am sorry to hear that. Dont _Mrs Chen. I am sure she will all right soon. B: Thank you.(二) A: _ the matter? Tom?B: I _ toothache.A: Do you eat a _ of sweets every day?B: Yes, I do . I have plenty of sweets.A: Do you have any medicine?B: No, I _.A: Youd better go and _ the dentist. I think he can help you.B: Thank you, I will.五、 找出相应的答句。(7分)( )1.Please hand in your homework on time. A. By school bus( )2.Welcome to our school!B. The boy( )3. Does Jiamin go to bed late?C. English( )4. How does she go to school? D. Six( )5.Who is running faster, the boy or the girl? E. No, she doesnt( )6.Which subject do you like better,Chinese or English? F.OK ( )7.How many classrooms are there in your school? G. Thank you六、(一)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(6分) I am Jack. I come from England, but I am in Guangzhou now. Im going to move to the new house next week. My new house is much bigger than the old one. It has more rooms than the old house. The new house has more windows. Its much brighter. My new house is nearer to the school, so I neednt go to school by bus. I can walk there. I think my new house is more beautiful than the old one. I love my new house.( )1. Jack is in _now. A. England. B. Guangzhou C. Zengcheng( )2. _,Jack is going to move to the new house. A. This week B. Tomorrow. C. Next week.( )3.Jacks new house is _. A. darker B. smaller. C. brighter.( )4. Now, Jack goes to school _. A. by bus B. on foot C. by car.(二)阅读短文,判断正误,正确的在括号内写“”,否则写“”。(8分) Mr Chen always surfs the Nets in the evening. He usually goes to bed at twelve oclock, but he is going to bed earlier tonight(今晚)。 Tomorrow morning he will get up earlier. He will get up at five oclock and have breakfast faster. Then he will drive a car to visit an important person. ( )1. Mr Chen always takes exercises in the evening. ( )2. Mr Chen is going to get up early tomorrow moring. ( )3. Mr Chen will get up at seven oclock tomorrow moring. ( )4. Mr Chen will go to visit an important person by car.Get up 7:oo a.mGo to school 7:30 a.mHave lunch 12:00Play games 4:30 p.mDo his homework 7:40 p.mGo to bed 9:30 p.m七、 根据Rose 的作息时间表,请用英语句子进行描述。(不少于5句)(5分)。 Rose gets up at 7:00a.m_ 2014学年度第二学期五年级期中测试卷(听力部分材料)一、 听句子,选出句子中所含的信息。(10分)1. My former pupil Xiaoling is eleven years old.2. We can help each other with the homework.3. Jiamin should go to bed early.4. They shouldnt play computer games too much.5. My mother is worried about my English study .6. There are too many sweets on the table.7. At first, the doctor gives me a checkup.8. I go to bed at 10:00.9. The new canteen is much larger than the old one.10. Those are their classrooms.二、 听句子,请写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1.He_seldom_watches TV on weekdays.2.Im_glad_ to see you!3.Betty is _more_ beautiful than her sister.4._Wake_ up, Janet. Its time to get up.5.We shoud have a _bath_ every day.三、 听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)1.Welcome to our school.2What time do your classes begin?3.How many pupils are there in your class?4.Would you like to visit our new school next Friday?5.Whats the matter?四、 根据听到的内容,把图写上英文大写字母编号。(5分)AI like polar bear best.B. The boys usually play basketball after class.C. Whats the matter,Xiaoling? I have a toothache.D. Look,they are playing table tennis.E. I always do my homework in the evening.五、 听短文,判断句子内容与短文是否相符,如相符在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)Hello!My name is lily .Look at this photo. The girl in the middle is me. I am tall and pretty. The girl in a red dress is Mary. Shes my friend. Shes from France. Shes older than me, but shes shorter than me. The girl with long black hair is Xiaoling. Shes my cousin. Shes good at singing and dancing.She can speak French well. She often helps me to learn French.六、 听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)My name is Kate . I am American. I am eleven. This is a picture of my family at home. You can see my father, my mother and my sister Rose.My fater is a teacher. My mother is a doctor. They go to work by car. Rose and I are student. Our house is near my school, so I go to school on foot every day. But Rose and I go to school by bus. My father and I like sport, we often play basketball on Saturday. I like my family.5


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