河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版

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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版_第1页
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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版_第2页
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河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语 Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版_第3页
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Unit8 lesson4Journey to the AntarcticWarm up Lets enjoy the wonderful Antarcticthe clever penguinsthe cute sealsWhat do people do in the wonderful Antarctic?sailingSetting station for researchingJapanese catch and kill the whales therePre-reading1.Can all of us go to the Antarctic?2.Who is the first person to go to the South Pole?VOCABULARYcheerful a. 愉快的,高兴的愉快的,高兴的distant a. 远处的,久远的远处的,久远的within prep. 在。里面,在。里面, 在。内部在。内部sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤悲哀,忧伤function n. 运转,起作用运转,起作用patience n. 耐心,忍耐力耐心,忍耐力nationality n. 国籍国籍aim n. 目标,目的目标,目的on ones way 在途中在途中break down 损坏,不能运转损坏,不能运转run out of 用完,耗尽用完,耗尽carry on 继续做某事继续做某事READING STRATEGIES: DEALING WITH DIFFICULT WORDS Read the sentence the word is in and decide what kind of word it is. 找出词语所在的句子,并判断词语的词性. Read the paragraph the word is in and try to work out the meaning from the context. 阅读词语所在的段落,并从上下文猜出词语的词义。READING STRATEGIES: DEALING WITH DIFFICULT WORDS Check the context to see if the meaning fits. 从文章判断词义是否符合上下文意思。从文章判断词义是否符合上下文意思。 Now use a dictionary to check the exact meaning of the word. 查字典看看词的准确含义。查字典看看词的准确含义。READ THE TEXT CAREFULLY. ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? Scott and Amundsen started their journeys in the polar spring. Scotts use of sledges and horses was a success. Amundsen traveled more quickly than Scott. When they got to the Pole, Scotts team had a celebration. Captain Oates went for a walk and died in a snow storm. Scotts latest letter was to his wife.TFTFTTPara 1- Para 3 收到收到的短信的短信 receive a message from 向向进发的竞赛开始了进发的竞赛开始了 the race to is on 食物储备食物储备 food bases 为为做准备做准备 in preparation for 极地冬夜极地冬夜 polar winter 第一个做第一个做 the first to 拉雪橇拉雪橇 pull the sledges 前进速度很快前进速度很快 make rapid progress 遇到遇到的麻烦的麻烦 have serious difficulties with.Para 4- Para 5 准备回程 prepare for the return journey 感到震惊 be shocked 雄伟目标 goal of ambition 探险史 history of exploration 很快就筋疲力尽 be soon exhausted 食物短缺 run out of food 天气状况 weather conditions 绝望境地 hopeless situation 感到愉快 be cheerfulPara 6 Para 6 Para 7 Para 8 FIND THESE WORDS IN THE TEXT AND DECIDE WHAT KIND OF WORDS THEY ARE sledge Noun break down run out of Adjective ambition hopeless Phrasal Verbs cheerful distant Prep carry on within shockedMATCH THE MEANINGS ! sledge 1.stop functioning break down 2.without hope run out of 3.inside ambition 4.equipment used for moving hopeless on snow cheerful 5.continue distant 6.extremely surprised carry on 7.happy within 8.far away shocked 9.something you want to achieve 10.having nothing left41109278536VOCABULARY: WORD BUILDING Complete the sentences. Make nouns or adjectives from the words in brackets.1.They had done so much _ (prepare) that the actual task was easy for them.2.Without food, water, or a map, their situation was _ (hope).3.Even with all her problems, she is still _ (cheer) every day.preparationhopelesscheerfulVOCABULARY: WORD BUILDING He wanted to get away from everything so he moved to a _ (distance) land. Everyone experienced _ (sad) at the terrible news. All the exams have different levels of _ (difficult).distantsadnessdifficultyWORD BUILDINGAdjectiveVerbNounAdverbexplorepoleorganisationpatiencepreparationambitioncouragesuccessexploredexploreexplorationpolarorganisedorganise organisationpatientlypatientpreparedprepare preparationambitiousambitiouslycourageouscourageouslysuccessfulsucceedsuccesssuccessfully


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