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Language & Culture Press英语基础模块(下册)Career PlanningCareer PlanningLanguage & Culture PressWhat do you need to do to get these things?Language & Culture PressHow can we stand out(脱颖而出) from the crowd of job applicants(申请者)?Language & Culture PressJob HuntingWarming upLanguage & Culture PressLanguage & Culture PressWhat do you think is the most important thing before an interview?Language & Culture Presswant ads in newspapers or on the InternetJob HuntingWarming upLanguage & Culture PressJob ads in newspapers or on the internet Language & Culture Presssomething necessaryJob HuntingWarming upDiplomaDiplomaID cardID cardresumeresumecertificatecertificateapplicationapplicationrecommendationrecommendation Language & Culture PressYour advantages /strengths are What do you think What do you think about our about our corporation?corporation?Your weakness ?Your weakness ?Self-introduceworking individually or in a team atmospherePractice Interview Questions!Language & Culture Presswith confidencedressing neatin good mannersJob HuntingWarming upLanguage & Culture Press河北三强建筑工程有限公司性别要求:不限年龄要求:23-40岁雇佣形式:全职学历要求:大专以上薪资待遇:4001到6000工作地点: 河北保定市 职位描述1、负责土建图纸的审核,工地现场考察、勘察、测绘,进行土建工程概预算,督促设计单位按要求对图纸进行修改和完善;2、协助招标工作,参加招标工程图纸答疑,草拟土建专业相关条款,审核土建专业报价是否符合相关规定及各项收费是否合理;3、施工过程中,负责土建施工质量、进度和成本的控制,解决施工中出现的具体专业技术问题;4、协调业主、施工单位和监理单位之间以及与其他各专业之间的关系;5、组织人员审查竣工资料和对单位工程及单项工程初验和组织竣工验收,作出土建工程结算核定意见,办理结算单。相关要求1、大学专科及以上学历,建筑、工民建、土木工程类相关专业;3、熟悉国家及地方相关法规、政策,熟悉土建类施工图、施工管理和有关土建的施工规范及要求,掌握项目规划、建筑设计、施工、验收规范及市政配套等基本建设程序;4、精通土建工作量清单及组价编制,熟练使用预算清单软件,熟悉施工现场工作流程和环节,了解市场工程造价信息及材料信息;5、具有良好的技术英语水平和计算机操作能力,熟练使用CAD制图,富有责任心、事业心及团队合作精神。招聘广告Language & Culture Pressquestions: What is she concerned about? Intensive Reading2She is concerned about job opportunities.Is it easy to find a suitable job at present?No, it isnt.Language & Culture Pressquestions: What is the first consideration when looking for a job? Intensive Reading2The first consideration when looking for a job is what you can do for the job.The second paragraph Language & Culture Pressquestions: What is the first thing to do when you have decided to apply for a job? Intensive Reading2When you have decided to apply for a job, the first thing to do is to prepare a good resume.The third paragraph Language & Culture Pressquestions: What is a resume? Intensive Reading2A resume is a summary of your personal education and work experiences.Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingLanguage & Culture Press3). When you have decided to apply for a job, the first thing to do is to prepare a good resume.1). Finding a suitable job is not easy at present in the world which is full of competition and challenges .2). Doing job hunting requires a better understanding of who you are and what you want to do.4). A resume is a summary of your personal education and work experiences .Job HuntingReadingLanguage & Culture Press5) In a separate section, you can make a list of honors and activities, such as awards you have received and school activities you participated in.6) You can also give a list of your special skills, such as computer skills, the level of foreign languages and special talents in this section .Job HuntingReadingLanguage & Culture Press7). A cover letter tells a prospective employer who you are, what you have accomplished and for what position you are applying.8). The main purpose of a cover letter is to seek a job interview, because employers wont hire you unless they see you in person.Job HuntingReadingLanguage & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingLily is graduating from vocational school with a diploma in according. 丽丽就要获得会计文凭从职业学校毕业了。is graduating 是进行时态,表示“即将发生”的将来行为。 graduate from 从毕业Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingLily is graduating from vocational school with a diploma in according.有类似用法的动词还有:come, go, leave, arrive 等。e.g. 下周他要前往上海。 He is leaving for Shanghai next week. Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingShe is surely concerned about job opportunities.她很关心就业机会。be concerned about 关心,挂念e.g. 请不要为我担心。 Please dont be concerned about me . Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingNow Lily is facing this challenge.她很关心就业机会。face v. 面对、面临某种形式e.g. 1. 转过来,面对着我。 Turn round and face me. 2. 我们正面临的就是这种形势。 Such was the situation we were facing. Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReading face to face 面对面 face up 面朝上 face down 面朝下 face with 面对 face up to 大胆面对face 常见的短语归纳: face the truth 面对现实 face (to the) east 面朝东 be faced with 面临Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingThe first consideration when looking for a job is not how much you can earn, but what you can do for the job.找工作时,首先要考虑的问题不是你能挣多少钱,而是你能为这项工作做些什么。Look for 找,寻找When looking for a job 是现在分词短语作时间状语Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReading look at 看 have a look看一看 look around (about) 四下张望 look ahead向前看 look back回头看,回顾 look over检查 look out向外看;小心 look up向上看;查(字典) look 常见的短语归纳:Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReading look down on (upon) 看不起,轻视 look up and down 上下打量look after 照看,照顾 look forward to (doing) 盼望 look like 看起来像 look right/left 向右/左看 look 常见的短语归纳:Analysis课文分析Language & Culture Press How many sections does a resume include? What are they? Discussion3Language & Culture PressresumeLanguage & Culture Press4. Resumeeducationschool, specialties, graduation dateswork experiencejob titles, names, addresses, dates of employmenthonors/ activitiesawards you have received/ school activities you participated inspecial skills awards you have received/ school activities you participated inbasic informationName, Sex, Age, Phone Numberreferencethe name, addresses or phone numbers of those who have agreed to supply information about youLanguage & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingIt usually begins with a short paragraph that summarizes the education you have received, listing the names of schools attended, specialties and graduation dates, first the most recent .简历开头一段通常概述你的学历,列出所上过的学校名称及专业和毕业时间,要先写最近期的。Analysis课文分析begin with = start with 用开头,以开始e.g. He began his speech with a humorous story. 他以一个幽默的故事开始了他的演讲。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingAfter that, you should list your work experiences, starting with the most current position, including job titles, names and addresses of the employers and the sates of employment.接下来应列出你的工作经历,以最近的工作岗位开头,包括职位名称、雇主名称、地址及雇用时间。Analysis课文分析start with = begin with 用开头,以开始e.g. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。 Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析to start with 首先;起初;最初e.g. To start with , we have the correct leadership of the Party. 首先,我们有党的正确领导。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingFinally, in a reference section, you should give a list of the names, addresses or phone numbers of those who have agreed to supply information about you if requested.最后,在证明人栏目里,如果需要的话,应列出同意推荐你的人的姓名、地址和电话号码。Analysis课文分析reference section 介绍栏目,证明栏目agree to do sth. 同意做某事e.g. Mike agreed to help us . 迈克同意帮助我们。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析agree to do sth. 对达成协议;对适合agree 常见短语归纳 agree on/upon 同意做某事agree with同意某人的意见与一致;对合适Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingOnce your resume is completed, you can send it to prospective employers with a neat, brief “cover letter”.一旦写好了简历,你可以附上一份简明的“求职附函”一起寄给预期的雇主。Analysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析 once连词连词一旦就 用以引导时间状语从句e.g. Once you have learned English, you will find it easy. 你一旦学会了英语,你就会发现它并不难。副词副词一次I use to see my grandma once a week . e.g.以前我一周去看一次我奶奶。曾经、一度The song was once very poplar . e.g.这首歌曾经一度流行。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingReadingBut dont forget that the main purpose of a cover letter is to seek a job interview, because employers wont hire you unless they see you in person . 但是不要忘记,附函的主要目的是寻求面试的机会,因为雇主没见到你本人是不会雇用你的。Analysis课文分析cover letter 求职附函unless 从属连词引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义unless=if not unless 和 if 引导的条件状语从句中用主将从现Language & Culture PressStudy the words and expressions in the box,and complete each sentence, with one of them in the right form. be concerned about apply for title summary position applicationJob HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析Language & Culture Press3). Would you please fill in the application form?1). Now heres a summary of todays news.2). She hasnt written to her family since she left. Her family members are concerned about her.Job HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析Language & Culture Press3). First, read the following short passages, then give a suitable title to each of them.4). Now any citizen over 18 is free to apply for a passport.5). Please find the position of the new power station on the map.Job HuntingReadingAnalysis课文分析Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListening职务工作职责需掌握的语言应具备的技能加班的机会起薪Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListeningA secretary for the sales departmentTyping, receiving telephones and E-mail messages, replying customers questionsEnglishHave some experience as a tour guideSometimes1,600 yuan per monthLanguage & Culture PressJob HuntingListeninginterviewn. 会见,接见 e.g. He asked for an interview with the president. 他要求会见校长。 面谈,面试 e.g. Dont be late for your interview, or you wont get the job. 面试不要迟到,否则你就得不到工作了。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListeninginterviewvt. 接见,会见;采访 e.g. We are now going to interview the Minister of Education. 我们现在就去采访教育部长。对进行面谈,面试 e.g. She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job. 她已和大部分申请这份工作的人面谈过。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListeningbe interested in对感兴趣e.g. 1. Would you be interested in going sightseeing? 你有兴趣去旅游观光吗? 2. I made John interested in the puzzle. 我使约翰对难题感兴趣。Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListeningshow sb. around/ round带某人参观 show off炫耀 show up使呈现,使醒目 on show在展出 show in领入 show sb. the way给某人指路 show sb. sth.向某人展示某物 show sb. sth. = show sth. to do拿某物给某人看 show sb. out / in领某人出去/进来Language & Culture PressJob HuntingListeningbe willing to do sth.愿意做某事 hear from sb. = receive a message from sb.收到某人的来信Language & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob Hunting1) So, what is the most important (youve learned at school)?主干部分主干部分thing 先行词先行词定语从句定语从句修饰你在学校里学到的最重要的东西是什么?2) Ill try my best to provide good service to all hotel guests.我会尽我最大努力向酒店的客人提供优质服务。Language & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob Hunting3) Thats why I want to work in your hotel.这就是我为什么想在你们酒店工作的原因。4) Ill be happy to start as soon as possible.我乐意尽快开始工作。引导词引导词表语从句表语从句as soon as one can Language & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressReading and SpeakingJob HuntingOne possible dialogue :A: Sit down , please , Mr. B: Thank you.A: We have got your application form and resume. Id like to talk with you about it. B: Yes, please.A: What qualifications do you have for the secretary?B: I have been studying accounting since September 2008. My academic scores range between excellent and very good. A: Good. You know how to work on a computer, dont you?B: Yes, I do. l also hold an SET(Spoken English Test )certificate of A level.A: OK. However, we naturally want to interview the other applicants before we make the final decision. Well call you.B: Thank you, sir. l hope to hear from you soon.Language & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingSample Resume:Language & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingLi HuaAddress: APT. 15, Bldg. 10,Nanjing Road,ShanghaiTel: (021) 35789348Date of birth : May 2nd. 1987 Sex : MaleMarital Status: Single Health: ExcellentEducation Experiences :Sep. 2004 - July 2007 No. 1 Vocational High School Sep. 2008 present Business Management School of Haihua University Language & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingWork Experiences:July, 2007 July 2008 Management , W Company , Shanghai Duties including the sale of goods Skills:English PET Certificate Level 4Computer skills: Word , Excel , PowerPointPersonal Hobbies:Listen to Pop music and play the guitar Honors:Three years full scholarship Excellent graduated student References:Available upon requestLanguage & Culture PressWritingJob HuntingLanguage & Culture PressThe Great WallHomeworkJob HuntingComplete the writing practiceRecite the words learnedLanguage & Culture PressThanks


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