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会计学1人教英语中考人教英语中考(zhn ko)第一轮复习时第一轮复习时七年级上七年级上unit第一页,共58页。第1页/共58页第二页,共58页。第2页/共58页第三页,共58页。第3页/共58页第四页,共58页。第4页/共58页第五页,共58页。第5页/共58页第六页,共58页。第6页/共58页第七页,共58页。第7页/共58页第八页,共58页。第8页/共58页第九页,共58页。一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。1Do you remember the _(号码) of Jims new car?2Im _(整洁的),but my sister isnt.Her things are always everywhere.3Where are _(那些(nxi) foreign students from?They are from the US.A.4Thank you for your help.You are _(受欢迎的)5I have been to such a wonderful city for the _(第一) time.6There are different kinds of books in these _(图书馆)7How do you say it in _(英语)?numbertidythosewelcomefirstlibrariesEnglish第9页/共58页第十页,共58页。8Boys usually do very _(好好) in swimming and running.9Marys _(叔叔叔叔(sh shu) and aunt are both doctors.10My bike is broken.What about _(你的你的)?welluncleyours第10页/共58页第十一页,共58页。二、用括号内所给单词(dnc)的适当形式填空。11The boys in our class are taller than _(that) in Marys class.12May I use your ruler?Ive _(lose) mine.13Are there any _(photo) in your room?14Is this jacket _(you)?No,its not _(I)It may be _(she)15Where is his tape _(play)?Its on the desk.thoselostphotosyoursminehersplayer第11页/共58页第十二页,共58页。三、从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式(xngsh)完成下列各句。middle school,thanks for,telephone number,last name,askfor,excuse me,first name,a set of,come on16_,are you in Class Four?17Is your _ 8587639?18There is _ keys on the floor.19Smith is my _20Whats your_Kate.21Alice and I are in the same _We are classmates.Excuse_metelephone_numbera_set_oflast_namefirst_name?middle_school第12页/共58页第十三页,共58页。22_,Jim!We are waiting for you.23_your help,Jim.24Lets _ grandpa _ something to eat.Come_onThanks_for ask for第13页/共58页第十四页,共58页。第14页/共58页第十五页,共58页。【题组训练(xnlin)】.单项选择。1_ _ is your father?Does he still work as an engineer?(2015,安徽)Yes,he has been an engineer for thirty years.AWho BHow CWhat DWhich2_ _ is her favorite subject?Its art.(2015,枣庄)AWhy BWhen CWho DWhatWhats this in English?(From:Starter Unit 2)这个用英语这个用英语(yn y)怎么说?怎么说? what和inCD第15页/共58页第十六页,共58页。3_ _ are you going to buy for your father for Fathers Day?A Tshirt.(2014,德州)AWhat BWhen CWhere DHow4Gina,whats this _ _ English?(2014,成都)Aby Bfor Cinwhat和inAC第16页/共58页第十七页,共58页。.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1你哥哥的电话号码是多少(dusho)?_ your brothers_?2这个男孩问,“那个用英语怎么说?”“_that _English?” the boy asks.3他的床是什么颜色的?_ is his bed?Whatswhat和intelephone numberWhatsinWhat color 第17页/共58页第十八页,共58页。(1)what是疑问词,意为“什么”,可以用来询问姓名、物品、颜色、各种号码、身份和职业以及做什么等。(2)in在这里是介词,意为“用语言”,此外,它还可表示(biosh)“用某种方式、手段、材料”等。第18页/共58页第十九页,共58页。Some keys are in Classroom 7E.(From Unit 3/Section B)一些钥匙一些钥匙(yo shi)在在7E教室里。教室里。some和any【题组训练】.单项选择(xunz)。1Is there _ beef in the fridge?No,there isnt. There is _ pork.(2015,天津)Asome,any Bany,anyCsome,some Dany,some2May I drink _ _ water?Sorry,I dont have _Aany,some Bsome,anyCsome,some Dany,anyDB第19页/共58页第二十页,共58页。some和any3Would you like to have _ _ coffee?No,thanks.I dont want _ drinks now.Aany,any Bany,someCsome,some Dsome,any4There isnt _ _ rice in my bowl.Will you please get _ for me?Aany,some Bsome,anyCany,any Dmuch,any5Is there _ _ drink in the fridge?(2015,河池,河池(h ch)Yes,there is.There is _ coke.Asome,any Bany,anyCsome,some Dany,someDAD第20页/共58页第二十一页,共58页。some和any.根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。1我有些问题要告诉你,你能给我一些我有些问题要告诉你,你能给我一些(yxi)建议吗?建议吗?I have some problems to tell you,and can you give me_?2他们明天没有课。他们明天没有课。They _ classes tomorrow.some advicedont have any 第21页/共58页第二十二页,共58页。词汇意思用法some一些常用于肯定句和表示请求或者征求意见的一般疑问句any一些;任何常用于否定句和一般疑问句第22页/共58页第二十三页,共58页。Thank you for your help,Anna.(From:Unit 3/Section A)安娜,谢谢安娜,谢谢(xi xie)你的帮助。你的帮助。 【题组训练】【题组训练】.单项选择。单项选择。1Thank you for supporting the volunteer project._ _(2015,泰安,泰安)AAll right BMy pleasureCNever mind DIt doesnt matter2John,thank you for driving me home._ _See you tomorrow.(2015,资阳,资阳)AThats right BIm afraid notCYoure welcome DIts a good ideaBCthank you for第23页/共58页第二十四页,共58页。3Thanks for _ _ me with my science.(2014,泸州,泸州(l zhu)Ahelp Bto help Chelping Dyou help4_ _ her husband,she has now become a famous film star.(2014,呼和浩特,呼和浩特)ABecause BThanks toCThanks for DWith the help5_ _ the No.48 bus driver, all the passengers were saved.The driver managed to stop the bus before he died.(2015,菏泽,菏泽)AAs for BAccording toCThanks toCBthank you forC第24页/共58页第二十五页,共58页。.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1谢谢你的来信。_ your letter.2幸亏医生们帮助,这位老人(lo rn)脱离了危险。_ the doctors,the old man is out of danger.Thanks for Thanks to thank you for第25页/共58页第二十六页,共58页。Thank you for也可以说成Thanks for,意为“为了某物或因为做某事而感谢”。其中(qzhng)for是介词,表示原因,后面接名词或动词ing形式。其答语通常用Thats all right.(没关系);Thats OK.(没关系);Youre welcome.(不客气)等。【拓展】thanks to是一个非常重要的习语,其中(qzhng)的thanks不能改为thank you;to是介词,后面不能接动词原形。thanks to意为“幸亏;由于”,表示原因,与because of近义。第26页/共58页第二十七页,共58页。第27页/共58页第二十八页,共58页。and/but/so/or【题组训练】【题组训练】.单项选择单项选择(xunz)。1Whats the secret of success,Dad?(2015,鄂州,鄂州)More time and effort,_ _ youll make it some day.Aor Bthen Cbut Dand2Get up early,_ _ youll be late for school.(2015,北京,北京)Aso Band Cor Dbut3Work hard,_ _ youll pass the exam.OK.Ill try my best.(2015,郴州,郴州)AorBandCbut DCB第28页/共58页第二十九页,共58页。4You are wanted on the phone._ _nobody knows Im here.(2015,徐州,徐州(x zhu)AAnd BSo COr DBut5Read this article,_ _ you will understand that not everything can be bought with money.(2014,苏州,苏州)Aor Band Cbut Dso6Are you going out,Mike?(2014,德州,德州)Its the last day to buy tickets to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil,_ _ I must go now.Aif Bor Cso DthoughDBC第29页/共58页第三十页,共58页。.根据根据(gnj)句意选用句意选用and,so,or或或but填空。填空。1Hurry up,_ you will miss the early bus.2They used up all the money,_ they had to walk home.3He was young,_ he could do many things all by himself.4You can help us with our English,_ we can help you with your math.orsobutand第30页/共58页第三十一页,共58页。and,but,so和or都可以(ky)作连词,常见用法详见下表:第31页/共58页第三十二页,共58页。第32页/共58页第三十三页,共58页。good/fine/nice/well【题组训练【题组训练(xnlin)】.单项选择。单项选择。1This kind of Tshirt looks _ _ and sells _ in the market.(2015,安顺,安顺)Anice,good Bwell,wellCnice,well Dgood,nice2The fish tastes _,we have eaten it up.It is certain that she cooked it _(2015,凉山,凉山)Agood,well Bwell,goodCwell,well Dgood,goodCA第33页/共58页第三十四页,共58页。3Da Shan is _ _ at Chinese.He can speak Chinese very _(2015,铜仁,铜仁)Agood,good Bwell,wellCgood,well Dwell,good 4Could you give me some _ _ on how to learn English _?Sure.Practice makes perfect.(2014,咸阳,咸阳(xin yn)Aadvice,good Bsuggestions,goodCadvice,well Dsuggestion,well5The mooncakes look _ _,and they taste even _.(2014,巴中,巴中)Awell,good Bnice,betterCgood,worseCCB第34页/共58页第三十五页,共58页。6How are you?Im _ _,thank you.Afine Bgood Cwell DniceA第35页/共58页第三十六页,共58页。good,fine,nice和well都有“好”的意思,常见用法(yn f)如下表:第36页/共58页第三十七页,共58页。this/that/these/those【题组训练(xnlin)】.单项选择。1Your hometown is really nice!The air quality is as good as _ _ of Sanya.(2015,常州)Ait Bone Cthat Dthe one2Sitting down after a walk is relaxing.But do you dare to sit on a seat _ _ tells you your weight?(2015,临沂)Awhom B/ Cwho Dthat 3Bob,can you see the boys over there?_ _ are my cousins.Lets go and say hello to them.(2014,兰州)AThis BThose CThat DTheseCDB第37页/共58页第三十八页,共58页。4The cars made in Germany are more expensive than _ _ made in Japan.(2014,呼和浩特)Yes,you are right.But theyre much better.Athose Bthat Cones Dit5Hello!Is _ _ Susan speaking?No,_ is Linda.Athis,that Bthis,thisCthat,this Dthat,thatAC第38页/共58页第三十九页,共58页。.按要求完成(wn chng)下面各题,每空一词。1That is a beautiful watch.(改为复数句)_ beautiful _2Hello!Whos that?(电话用语,补全答句)_ Tom.Those are watchesThis is 第39页/共58页第四十页,共58页。this,that,these和those都是指示(zhsh)代词,用法如下:第40页/共58页第四十一页,共58页。备考跟踪训练(xnlin)一、单项选择。1The Whites have planned to visit _ _ Great Wall in China.(2015,宜宾)Aan Ba Cthe D/2_ _ the dinner was all over,everyone helped wash the dishes.(2015,天津)AHow BWhen CBefore DWhy3Sally,may I use your iPad?_ _ is broken.OK,here you are.(2015,资阳)AYour BYours CMine DMyC B C 第41页/共58页第四十二页,共58页。4How do you do?_ _(2015,黔西南)AFine,thank you. BHow do you do?CHow do you do,too. DThe same to you.5Good books are like friends,because _ _ support you to walk forward and help you understand the world.(2015,临沂)Athey BtheirCthem Dthemselves6The _ _ is black and white.BAA第42页/共58页第四十三页,共58页。7Your cousin Kate is not a tidy girl.Yeah!Her books,notebooks and pens are _ _Aeverywhere BalwaysCnice Dgreen8Would you please pass me the _ _?I need to look up a word in it.OK,here you are.(2014,衢州)Abag BboxCpaper Ddictionary9Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It _ _ interesting.(2014,临沂)Atastes Bsmells Csounds DfeelsADC第43页/共58页第四十四页,共58页。10_ _,Lisa. Whats this _ English?Its a map.ASorry,in BSorry,ofCExcuse me,in DExcuse me,of11Mr.Black and Miss Smith _ _ both teachers.Aam Bis Care Dbe12What are _ _,Lily?Theyre some rabbits.Athis Bthose Cit Dthat13_ _ is Jane?She is in the library.AWho BWhat CHow DWhereCCBD第44页/共58页第四十五页,共58页。14Im in No.15 Middle School,_ _ my brother _Abut,is Bbut,isntCand,is Dand,isnt15My dictionary is on the desk. _ _?Its in the desk.AWhat about you BHow are youCHow do you do DWhat about yoursBD第45页/共58页第四十六页,共58页。二、完形填空。Do you have a sister?If you have one,you may have good memories of _16_ games together when you were kids.Of course,you may also have the experience of _17_ with each other.You may fight for toys,food and maybe clothes.But so,you probably know how lucky you are to have _18_ in your life.Recent studies show that having a sister makes you happier.One of the studies from University of Ulster found that people with at least one _19_ were better at solving problems.They also found that those people could communicate _20_ with others.Sisters are more helpful when families are in _21_.They can give much support at that hard time.第46页/共58页第四十七页,共58页。So why do sisters make us happier?Sure,youll find some careful _22_But women are better at discussing personal lives than men are.If you have sisters in your family,you can _23_ how to discuss your problems calmly._24_ in families with only boys,things are different.They usually use serious conversations instead of calm discussions.Lots of people can _25_ on well with others and solve problems calmly without a sister.But if you have got one,she may have helped you become happier than you are today.第47页/共58页第四十八页,共58页。 ( )16.A.watchingBplayingChavingDdoing( )17.A.writing Breading Clearning Dfighting( )18.A.she Bher Che Dhim( )19.A.sister Bbrother Cmother Dfather( )20.A.good Beasy Cwell Dquickly( )21.A.danger Btrouble Chealth Dneed( )22.A.boys Bgirls Cmen Dwomen( )23.A.learn Bteach Cwrite Dread( )24.A.And BBut COr DIf( )25.A.have Bmake Chold DgetBDBACBCABD第48页/共58页第四十九页,共58页。三、阅读理解。(2015,山西(shn x)We spend hours,days and years of our lives in education.But how perfect do you think your school is?Imagine you could design(设计) your ideal(理想的) school.What would it be like?We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought.Here is some designing from four children of different countries.Ma,ChinaMy dream school would have an Olympicsize swimming pool,two football pitches and a golf course.It would also have a cinema,a gym,a restaurant and a shopping centre.My school has none of these and I think there should be more enjoyable things for pupils to do while they are studying.第49页/共58页第五十页,共58页。Sonia,ItalyId like a room where we can go and relax and play computer games and chat with friends.Some older pupils in the school have this but I think there should be a place for everyone to go when they want to switch off(转换转换(zhunhun)注意力注意力) from the lessons.Richard,USAI think it would be great to have a day off every week,as well as the weekend.If that day was a Friday or a Monday,we would have a long weekend every week.What fun! I also think school should start later,at about 10 oclock,and finish earlier.We spend a lot of time at school doing nothing at all.Im sure we could learn just as much in fewer hours.第50页/共58页第五十一页,共58页。Rebecca,AustraliaMy dream school would be big and roomy with a computer for every person in the school.Id also like to have a music room where we can just go and play instruments when we want.We need a recording studio,too.I hope that teachers can respect(尊重尊重(znzhng) our opinions.26Ma thinks his dream school should provide _ _ for students.Amore enjoyable thingsBa comfortable computer roomCa place to switch off from the lessons27Sonia thinks students should share a room where they can _ _Aplay sports Bplay instrumentsCplay computer gamesAC第51页/共58页第五十二页,共58页。28Richard wants to have _ _ off every week.Atwo days Bthree days Cfour days29Rebecca may like _ _ according to the passage.Aplaying music Bchatting with friendsCdoing some shopping30We can infer(推断推断(tudun) that in the four childrens opinion,the ideal school sbould be a place where _ _Astudents can learn more knowledgeBstudents can get on well with their teachersCstudents wishes and interests can be respectedBAC第52页/共58页第五十三页,共58页。四、词汇(chu)运用。A)根据汉语提示填写单词。31Are there any _(图书馆) in your town?Yes,there are two.32DIY is becoming more and more _(流行的) in our daily life.33Can I help you?Yes,please.I want a _(红色的) dress for my sister.34The apples on this tree is much bigger than _(那些) on that tree.35Youve found your schoolbags,but where are _(我们的)?librariespopularredthoseours第53页/共58页第五十四页,共58页。B)选用方框中单词并用其适当形式(xngsh)填空。36Jill,are these your family_?37Well,this map of China is _38Zhao Jings _are teachers.39She loves sports,but she doesnt play them she only _ them on TV.40Jim and I_ good friends.photoshersparentswatchesare第54页/共58页第五十五页,共58页。五、任务(rn wu)型阅读。(2015,鄂州)“The Chinese Dreams” is a hot topic these years. (41) Many_Chinese_people_are_inspired_by_the_Chinese_Dreams.They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties.People could realize the importance of dreams and know that dreams give meaning to life.Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.Teenagers and young people should be encouraged to dream.(42)Older_people_should_also_believe_that_it_is_never_too_late_to_dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality.Here are some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.第55页/共58页第五十六页,共58页。Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true.We may fail from time to time,but we can learn from failure,correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals.Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses.(43)It sometimes has wind and rain.We believe rainbows will appear after storms.Cooperation is also necessary.Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others.Besides,in our society most problems cant be solved by one person alone.(44)合作正成为人们(rn men)解决问题的最重要的方法之一,especially for people living in the developing society.At the same time,we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves.Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.Follow the suggestions above,and our dreams are sure to come true.第56页/共58页第五十七页,共58页。任务一:将41处英文翻译成汉语。许多中国人受中国梦的鼓舞。任务二:将42处英文翻译成汉语。老年人也应该相信梦想永不太晚。任务三:写出43处It所指代的内容(nirng)。Our_life.任务四:将44处汉语翻译成英文。Cooperation_is_becoming_one_of_the_most_important_ways_for_people_to_solve_them_(problems)任务五:(45)给该文段拟写一个标题。How_to_realize_our_(beautiful)_dreams.第57页/共58页第五十八页,共58页。


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