八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat课件2 (新版)外研版

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八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat课件2 (新版)外研版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat课件2 (新版)外研版_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat课件2 (新版)外研版_第3页
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1. What did Alice find on a table?2. What did Alice do with the key?3. What did Alice find next?4. What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?Match the answers with the questions.a) She became very small.b) Alice found a small key on a table.c) She found a bottle with the words “DRINK ME” on it. d) She opened a small door with the key and saw a beautiful garden.Keys: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _b d c a1. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was reading a book. 2. she was going to get out again. 3. She found she was falling down into a very, very deep hole. 4. She was falling for a long time. 5. While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat, Dinah. Look for was / were doing sentences:You may find books like Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Harry Potter very interesting but too difficult. Try to read simplified versions of the books you like. Write what happened to Alice. Use the answers in Activity 5 to help you.After Alice found a small key on a table, she opened a small doorPossible answer:After Alice found a small key on a table, she opened a small door with it and saw a beautiful garden. Next, she found a bottle with the words “DRINK ME” on it. Then, she drank from the bottle and became very small.1. Once or twice she looked into her sisters book. 她偶尔看一眼姐姐的书。她偶尔看一眼姐姐的书。once or twice的意思是的意思是“偶尔,一两偶尔,一两次次”。e.g. I read some books in library once or twice a week. 我一周去一两次图书馆看书。我一周去一两次图书馆看书。2. “And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” “没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想。爱丽丝想。Whatfor? 表示表示“有什么用,为什么?有什么用,为什么?”e.g. What did Tony go with me for? 托尼为什么和我一起去?托尼为什么和我一起去?3. Suddenly she landed on some dry leaves 突然,她落到了一些干树叶上突然,她落到了一些干树叶上 land on “落到落到上上” e.g. The plane landed on the beach because of a thick fog. 由于大雾飞机降落在海滩上了。由于大雾飞机降落在海滩上了。 His kite landed on the playground at last. 他的风筝最后落到了操场上。他的风筝最后落到了操场上。A. 单词拼写单词拼写 1. How beautiful her _ (粉红色的粉红色的) dress is!2. In autumn, the rice _ (田地田地) look beautiful.3. _ (突然突然) he stood up and ran across the road.4. The old man was standing with his hands in his _ (口袋口袋).pinkfieldsSuddenlypockets 5. He goes to Hong Kong on business _ (两次两次) a month.6. That hole was very _ (深深).B. 完成句子。完成句子。1. 我刚才看见了露西和莉莉,她们正我刚才看见了露西和莉莉,她们正在阅览室看书。在阅览室看书。 I saw Lucy and Lily just now. They _ in the library.twicedeep were reading books2. 他无事可做,感到很无聊。他无事可做,感到很无聊。 He _ and felt so boring.3. 猎人看见那只狼正在追赶一只兔子。猎人看见那只狼正在追赶一只兔子。 The hunter saw that wolf _ a rabbit.4. 正当她往下掉的时候,她正在考虑她正当她往下掉的时候,她正在考虑她妈妈。妈妈。 _ she was falling, she _ her mother.had nothing to dorunning afterWhilewas thinking aboutNow imagine what will happen after Alice opened the small door.


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