广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册《Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use》课件 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册《Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use》课件 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册《Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use》课件 外研版_第2页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册《Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit 3 Language in use》课件 外研版_第3页
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MODULE 5 UNIT 3 Language in use 学习目标学习目标: 1. 熟练使用熟练使用M5 单词,词组单词,词组 2. 复习情态动词的用法复习情态动词的用法 Task 1: read the words rule n. 规则;规章规则;规章 suggestion n 建议建议 keep to 沿着沿着.走走 rope n. 绳子绳子 stream n.小河小河 clear adj. 明白清楚的明白清楚的 starving adj.饥饿难忍的饥饿难忍的 lead the way 领路领路 fall asleep 入睡入睡 valley n. 山谷山谷 peaceful adj. 平静地平静地 site n. 场所场所gesture n. 手势手势stick n. 枝条,枯枝枝条,枯枝reach out 伸手去摸伸手去摸still adj.静止的静止的 woods n. 树林树林hillside n.小山坡小山坡sudden adj.突然的突然的blood n. 血血 Important phrases 1. 沿着沿着.走走 keep to 2. 带路带路 lead the way 3. 入睡入睡 fall asleep 4. 去攀岩去攀岩 go rock climbing 5. 为了为了 in order to do 6. 担心,担忧担心,担忧 be worried about /worry about7. 去爬山去爬山go rock climbing8. 玩得开心玩得开心have a good time9. 靠在一起靠在一起keep together10. 单独,独自单独,独自on ones own11. 迷路迷路get lost12. 听好听好Listen up! 13. 这就是所有的这就是所有的 Thats all! 14. 在远处在远处 in the distance 15. 伸手去摸伸手去摸 reach out 16. 发出很大的噪音发出很大的噪音 make a lot of noise 17. 最重要的是最重要的是 above all 18. 跑过跑过 run past 19. 转过去转过去 turn around20. 至少至少at least21. 呆在外面呆在外面stay outside22. 拯救生命拯救生命save ones life23. 继续传递继续传递pass on24. 同时同时at the same time25. 在半夜在半夜in the middle of night/ at midnight 26. 在糟糕的天气在糟糕的天气 in bad weather 27. 去爬山去爬山 go mountain climbing 28. 禁止吸烟!禁止吸烟! No smoking! 29. 小心小心 be careful of 30. 呆在户外呆在户外 Stay out 31. 尽力做尽力做 make an effort to do 32. 卷入卷入 get involved Exercise 1: 1. The storm did a lot of d_ to the crops. 2. The heavy rain was the c_ of the flood. 3. We make an e_ to arrive promptly. make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事努力做某事 4. He got up early in o_ to catch the early bus. in order to do sth. 为了做某事为了做某事 5. He is one of the d_ of the company.amageauseffortrderirectors Exercise 2: 一请根据句子所给的首字母写出正确的单词。一请根据句子所给的首字母写出正确的单词。 1. We should obey the r_ of the library. It is not allowed to smoke here. obey the rule 遵守规则遵守规则 be against the rule 违反规则违反规则 2. He used some r_ to help him climb a tall mountain. 3. He gave me some s_ on how to study English. give sb. suggestions/advice 给某人建议给某人建议 4. Jack likes to swim in a s_ in summer. 5. No shouting. The baby has f_ asleep. fall asleep 入睡,睡着入睡,睡着ulesopesuggestionstreamallen 6. Keep s_ and dont move if you see a bear. keep still 静止不动静止不动 7. He worked hard in o_ to make more money. in order to do .为了为了 8. What is the c_ of the accident? cause 原因原因 9. He makes an e_ to finish the work. make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事努力做某事 10. S_, he heard a big noise behind him. It was a bear! suddenly 突然地突然地tillrderauseffortuddenly Exercise 3:单项选择单项选择 ( )1My father was very tired after work. he fell _ soon. A sleep B asleep C sleepy sleep v. 睡睡 asleep adj. 睡着的;睡着的; sleepy adj. 困的,想睡的困的,想睡的 ( )2._the next 10 days, I had a great time. A In B On C For For the next ten days 在接下来的在接下来的10天天 ( )3.our classroom is very dirty, lets _. A tidy it up B take it up C pick it up tidy up 打扫干净;打扫干净; pick up 建起来建起来 ( )4. Youd better_late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. dont be had better do sth. 最好做某事最好做某事 had better not do sth. 最好不做某事最好不做某事 ( )5. -Must we do our homework first? -No, you_. You may have a rest first.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant mustnt 禁止;禁止; neednt 没必要没必要 ;cant 不能不能 ( )6. -_ I take the newspaper away? -No, you mustnt. You _read it only here.A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must ( )7.Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so it_be very difficult.A. may B. must C. can must 肯定,表推测肯定,表推测 ( )8. _ you like to have another try?A. Could B. Will C. Would 邀请句型邀请句型: Would you like to do sth.? What/How about doing sth.? Why not do sth.? Shall we do sth.? Lets do sth. 回答时候:回答时候: Yes, please. /No, thank you. ( )9. My friend Tom _ me to ring up to see if Mary was at home. A. hoped B. suggested C. advised hope to do sth. 希望做某事希望做某事 suggest doing sth. 建议做某事建议做某事 advise ab. to sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 ( )10.I like the singer because her _ is sweet. A. voice B. noise C. sound voice 嗓音嗓音 ; noise 噪音;噪音; sound 泛指声音泛指声音 ( )11. He didnt remember _ his homework, so he was punished by the teacher. A. take B. to take C. taking remember to do sth. 记得做某事(没做)记得做某事(没做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事记得做过某事 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(没做)忘记做某事(没做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事忘记做过某事 ( )12.When you visit the Great Wall, you must _ the path. A walk through B climb up C keep to walk through 穿过穿过 climb up 爬上去爬上去 keep to 沿着沿着.走走 Exercise: 1. 他小时候很穷,所以他小时候很穷,所以不得不辍学不得不辍学。 He was poor when he was young, so he _ school. 2. 他上个星期就他上个星期就独自独自完成了工作。完成了工作。 He finished his work _. 3. 保护环境保护环境是我们的责任是我们的责任。_ protect the environment. 4. 为了过上为了过上更好的生活,他努力工作。更好的生活,他努力工作。 He works hard _ a better life. 5. 禁止禁止在图书馆大声说话。在图书馆大声说话。_ loudly in the library.had to leaveon his own/by himselfIts our duty toin order to live/lead/haveIt is not allowed to speakThats all. Thank you!


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