广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 2 You are sitting in my seat课件 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 2 You are sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 2 You are sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第2页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 2 You are sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第3页
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MODULE 1 TRAVELUnit 2 You are sitting in my seat. 学习目标: 1. 阅读课文并完成阅读任务,培养skimming和scanning的能力 2. 掌握U2 的词组 四会单词 set off 动身 ;出发 nod 点(头) tear 眼泪 towards 往;朝方向 cigarette 香烟 though 虽然;尽管 get off 下(火车、公共汽车等) Reading skill:We often have fun when we go for a trip, but sometimes something unhappy happens. Today we are going to learn a new lesson. Part 1: Predict (预测)(预测) “ Excuse me. You are sitting in my seat” From the title(标题)标题), can you guess what it is about? 你坐在我的位子上,故事是关于座位的。你坐在我的位子上,故事是关于座位的。LISTEN AND NUMBER THE PHRASES. his first long trip by train leaving his village and his home sitting in Lins seat . Slowly the young man stood up This young man has the right ticket With tears in his eyes124653 Step 2: reading task 1: Skimming:(略读):(略读)3 minutes This is a story. When we read a story, first we should pay attention to When: Where: Who: Why did Lin feel nervous? What happened? “5 W 1 H” On the trip to Beijing.On the train.Lin , a young man and some passengers A young man took Lins seatOther passengers asked the young man to move. Task 2: Scanning:(细读)(细读)5 minutes Read the passage again carefully and choose the best answers for the questions: 1. What was it like on the train? (细节题)细节题) A. It was full of people and bags. B.There were few people. C. There were a number of empty seats. D. The train was dirty. 细节题:细节题: 一般是用特殊疑问句一般是用特殊疑问句what, when, who, where等开始的,只要通读全文,了解文中所叙述的等开始的,只要通读全文,了解文中所叙述的重要事实或细节,就可以解答出来,有的甚至可以从重要事实或细节,就可以解答出来,有的甚至可以从文章的原句中直接找到答案;可以阅读时候找准关键文章的原句中直接找到答案;可以阅读时候找准关键词、词组或句子。词、词组或句子。 2. The man sitting in Lins seat _.(细节题)(细节题) A. was very brave B. was unhealthy C. likes to look out of the window. D. was unfriendly. 3. Which of the following is not true? (细节题)(细节题) A. The young man shouted at Lin. B. Other passengers told the young man to move. C. The young man disappeared down the train at last. D. The young man beat with Lin. 遇到要求判断遇到要求判断true 或者或者not true时候,可以使用排除时候,可以使用排除法。法。 4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that the man felt _. (推测题)推测题) A. nervous B. excited C. sad C. angry 推断题:在提问中常用的词有推断题:在提问中常用的词有suggest, mean, infer(推断推断),from the fact, indicate(暗示暗示) , probably,likely,reason,because,according to等。等。 吃透文章或者关键段落,句子的表层意思,只推吃透文章或者关键段落,句子的表层意思,只推一步。一步。 5. The passage is mainly about _. (主旨题)(主旨题) A. A trip to Beijing B. How Lin got back his seat. C. Passengers told the young man to move. D. Lin said no to the bad behavior. 主旨题:主旨题: 1. 概括全段思想。概括全段思想。 2. 中心句一般位于段首、段尾或位于段中,它通常是中心句一般位于段首、段尾或位于段中,它通常是用单词、短语表达的。但有些文章没有完整的主题句,用单词、短语表达的。但有些文章没有完整的主题句,其主题只好依据整篇文章及上下文的语境。其主题只好依据整篇文章及上下文的语境。 主旨题常见的命题形式:主旨题常见的命题形式: (1) The main idea of this text may be. (2) This passage is mainly about (3) Which is the best title for the passage? Important phrases: 1. 即使即使 even though/if 2. 抽烟抽烟 smoke a cigarette 3. 朝朝.外看外看 look out of 4. 饶有兴趣的饶有兴趣的 with interest 5. 推开推开 push away 6. 在在.开始开始 at the start/beginning of 7. 眼里含着泪水眼里含着泪水 with tears in ones eyes8. 梦想着梦想着dream about9. 给给.写信写信write to sb.10. 一一.就就.as soon as11. 跳上跳上jump onto12. 转过来转过来turn back13.坚定的语气坚定的语气in a strong voice14. 大声地大声地in a loud voiceIMPORTANT SENTENCES 1.Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. 火车现在就在面前,马上要开车了。 2.Lin nodded, unable to speak. 林点点头,说不出话来。 3.Ive got a long way to go. 我要坐很长时间的火车。 4.Even if its only 10 minutes, you should move. 即使有十分钟,你也应该起来。 1. He is able to finish the work. He is unable to finish the work. 知识归纳:知识归纳: 能够做某事能够做某事 be able to do sth. 能够做某事能够做某事 = can do sth. be unable to do sth. 不能够做某事不能够做某事 = cant do sth. 例题:例题: 1. 你能够唱首歌吗?你能够唱首歌吗? _ you _ a song? _ you _ a song? 2. 他现在不能打电脑游戏。他现在不能打电脑游戏。 He _ computer games at the moment.Are able to sing Can singis unable to play 2. He said in a loud voice. With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. He looked at me with interest. 知识归纳:介词用法知识归纳:介词用法 例题:例题: 1. He came in_ a book. A. in B. with C. use 2. He speaks _ a low voice. A. in B. with C. use 3. He watched TV _ a laugh. A. in B. of C. with 4. You cant leave _ an umbrella. It is raining. A. with B. without C. have Exercise 1: Important phrases: 1. 即使即使 even though/if 2. 抽烟抽烟 smoke a cigarette 3. 朝朝.外看外看 look out of 4. 饶有兴趣的饶有兴趣的 with interest 5. 推开推开 push away 6. 在在.开始开始 at the start/beginning of 7. 眼里含着泪水眼里含着泪水 with tears in ones eyes8. 梦想着梦想着dream about9. 给给.写信写信write to sb.10. 一一.就就.as soon as11. 跳上跳上jump onto12. 转过来转过来turn back13.坚定的语气坚定的语气in a strong voice14. 大声地大声地in a loud voice Exercise 2: 完成句子完成句子 1. 我哥哥常梦想着成为一个明星。我哥哥常梦想着成为一个明星。 My brother often _ being a star. 2. 他一放学就跑出了教室。他一放学就跑出了教室。 He ran out of the classroom _ the school finished. 3. 当你下车的时候,别忘了你的行李。当你下车的时候,别忘了你的行李。 When you _ the train, dont forget your package. 4. 他们昨天动身去广州了。他们昨天动身去广州了。 They _ for Guangzhou yesterday. 5. 他不能按时完成作业。他不能按时完成作业。 He _ finish homework on time.dreams about as soon as get off set off cant/ is unable to Homework: Exercise 4 Write about something that happened during a trip you have made.


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