广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版_第2页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版_第3页
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MODULE 6 Unit 3 Language in use 学习目标:学习目标: 1. 复习复习M6 单词,词组单词,词组 2. 写一篇关于健康的作文写一篇关于健康的作文 Task 1: read the words fever n. 发烧发烧 flu n. 流行性感冒流行性感冒 knee n. 膝盖膝盖 wound n. 伤口伤口 miss v. 不在不在 trip v. 绊倒绊倒 improvement 改善改进改善改进oncoming 迎面而来的迎面而来的couch 长沙发长沙发 expect 专家专家require 需要需要fit 健康的健康的amount 数量数量 weight 重量重量 1.需要某人做需要某人做 require sb. to do sth. 2.在在19世纪世纪 in the 19th century 3.在未来在未来 in the future 4.在过去在过去 in the past 5.期望做期望做. expect to do. 6.考虑它考虑它 think about it 7.注意饮食注意饮食 watch your diet 8.首要的首要的 above all9.同样多的锻炼同样多的锻炼the same amount of exercise 10.不时地不时地 now and then11.增加体重增加体重 put on weight12.在周末在周末 at weekend13.损害健康损害健康damage the health 14.实际上实际上 in fact15.查字典查字典look up in the dictionary 16.两者都两者都.both of. Task 2: Fill in the words according to the pictures: 1.Traffic a_ often happen today. 2. Look after yourself, dont walk too c_ to cars. ccidents lose 3. They are c_potatoes. ouch 4. It is cold. She has a f_, so she should take some medicine.ever5. He has got a w_ in the knee. He t_ over this morning.6. Two e_ were discussing the weather in the future.oundrippedxperts 7. If you want to keep f_, you should eat more vegetables. 8. What is the w_ of the dog? About 20 kilos.iteight 9. They are having a meeting to make i_ in serving(服务). 10. They r_ some food, so they go hunting.mprovementequireTask 3: 完成句子完成句子我不喜欢我们衣服上和房间里的烟味我不喜欢我们衣服上和房间里的烟味1.I dont like in the house and on our clothes.每年都有许多人死于吸烟。每年都有许多人死于吸烟。 2.Every year, a lot of people .如果你不知道这些生词,请查字典。如果你不知道这些生词,请查字典。3.If you dont know these words, please the smell of smokedie from smokinglook them up in the dictionary我不能够让我的父亲戒烟。我不能够让我的父亲戒烟。 4.I cant get my father 他的胃痛,也许他吃坏了什么东西。他的胃痛,也许他吃坏了什么东西。5.His stomach hurts. Perhaps hes to stopgive up smokingeaten smothing badTask 4: free talk: (2 minutes) How to keep healthy? 作文作文(2006 吉林)吉林) 现在随着人们过得越来越好,健康问题也越来越现在随着人们过得越来越好,健康问题也越来越重要了。请根据下面内容提示,以重要了。请根据下面内容提示,以“The Way to Keep Healthy”为题目,用英语写一篇短文。为题目,用英语写一篇短文。 三要五不要:多吃水果和蔬菜,不要吃含脂肪太三要五不要:多吃水果和蔬菜,不要吃含脂肪太多的食品;晚上睡眠不少于多的食品;晚上睡眠不少于8小时,不要喝太多小时,不要喝太多的咖啡;多运动,不要工作太劳累;不要吸烟,的咖啡;多运动,不要工作太劳累;不要吸烟,不要吃太多的糖。不要吃太多的糖。 注意:短文须包括上面所给的所有信息,可以适注意:短文须包括上面所给的所有信息,可以适当发挥。字数不少于当发挥。字数不少于90字。字。 写作小写作小 tips: 这一篇文章是建议类,可以选择用这一篇文章是建议类,可以选择用you should/must/had better do等句型。等句型。 The way to keep heathy 短语:plenty of above all fast food Smothing special damage ones health Sleep about eight hours at weekends 常用句型: It s+ adj to do sth for sb You shoud +v原 Had better do sth You must do sth 范文参考:范文参考: The Way to Keep healthy As peoples life is better and better, its important to keep healthy. Here are some advice. We should have more fruits and vegetables, and we shouldnt eat the food which is rich in fat. We must sleep more than 8 hours at night. We had better not drink too much coffee. We need do more sports rather than work too hard. Above all, we cant smoke or eat too much candy, because it is bad for health. If you can follow my advice, I am sure you will be strong and healthy.


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