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会计学1language pointspracticenew wordsRevision第1页/共47页1. What does Jane have with her coffee?2. What advice does Charlotte give to Jane at last?第2页/共47页第3页/共47页1.idea n. 主意主意2.a little 少许少许3.teaspoonful n. 一满茶匙的一满茶匙的4.less adj. 较少的,更少的较少的,更少的5.a few 几个几个6.pity n. 遗憾遗憾7.instead adv. 代替代替8.advice n. 建议,忠告建议,忠告第4页/共47页that is a good idea-Shall I make some coffee, Jane?-Thats a good idea.no ideaThe idea sounds great.第5页/共47页肯肯定定否否定定第6页/共47页第7页/共47页第8页/共47页第9页/共47页第10页/共47页She will come back in a few days.第11页/共47页第12页/共47页第13页/共47页第14页/共47页idealessinsteada littleadvicespeakspoketeaspoonfulpitya fewhandadvicecigarette第15页/共47页1.Let me give you a piece of a_2.I dont like coffee ,give me tea_3.There are a f_eggs in the refrigerator.4.I ts a p_ that you failed the exam.5.An i_came to me.6.I can speak a l_Japanese.7.Tom ate l_than before because he was ill.8.Alice put a t_of sugar into each of the five cups.第16页/共47页第17页/共47页第18页/共47页第19页/共47页第20页/共47页 CHARLOTTE: Shall I make some coffee, Jane?JANE: Thats a good idea, Charlotte.CHARLOTTE: Its ready. Do you want any milk?JANE: Just a little, please.CHARLOTTE: What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?第21页/共47页 JANE: No, less than that. One and a half teaspoonfuls, please. Thats enough for me.JANE: That was very nice.CHARLOTTE: Would you like some more?JANE: Yes, please. 第22页/共47页 JANE: Id like a cigarette, too. May I have one?CHARLOTTE: Of course. I think there are a few in that box. JANE: Im afraid its empty.CHARLOTTE: What a pity! JANE: It doesnt matter.CHARLOTTE: Have a biscuit instead. Eat more and smoke less!JANE: Thats very good advice! 第23页/共47页第24页/共47页He has only a few hours to do it. 第25页/共47页I ate one and a half apples as breakfast.第26页/共47页She is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. 她太矮了,拿不到架子上的书。She is too short to reach the book on the shelf. 第27页/共47页= Do you want to go with us?May I ? 我可以 吗?表示请求或请求充许。第28页/共47页She would like a computer instead of a piano.第29页/共47页Can you give me some advice on losing weight?第30页/共47页第31页/共47页Language points:1 Shall I .? 表征求别人意见,希望得到对方的肯定回表征求别人意见,希望得到对方的肯定回答。答。 回答:回答:OK./Sure./Thats a good idea. Shall I make _ (some/any) coffee?2 What about? 怎么样,好不好?怎么样,好不好? What about _ (they)? What about _ (any) bananas? What about _ (play) basketball?3.Less than 少于少于 more than 多于多于4.one and a half teaspoonfuls= one teaspoonful and a half5.would like 想要想要 =want would like sth 想要某物 would like to do sth 想要做某事第32页/共47页 Do you like _ (swim)? 6 What a pity! 真遗憾。真遗憾。 What 可以引导感叹句。例句:多漂亮的花儿啊!可以引导感叹句。例句:多漂亮的花儿啊!7 instead of sb 代替某人代替某人8 Eat more and smoke less! 多吃点儿,少抽点儿!多吃点儿,少抽点儿!9 good advice advice 是一个不可数名词。是一个不可数名词。 一个建议一个建议 a piece of advice give advice/ take ones advice/follow ones advice advice 的动词是的动词是advise advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 advise sb against doing sth 建议某人不要干某事建议某人不要干某事 advise doing sth 建议做某事建议做某事10 a few/a little a few+可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 a little+不可数名词不可数名词比较:比较: There is little water in the bottle. 第33页/共47页这两句话有什么特点呢?第34页/共47页她她 比比 我我 高高。She is taller than I am.平平 行行She runs faster than I do.第35页/共47页 Lily is very tall. Lucy is taller than Lily. Dan is taller than Lucy. Dan is the tallest in our class.第36页/共47页4.以e结尾的,直接加r. (larger)第37页/共47页第38页/共47页Can you tell me how many books/money you have got?第39页/共47页第40页/共47页第41页/共47页原级级比较级较级 最高级级good /wellbetterbestbad/illworseworstmany/much moremostlittlelessleastfarfarther/further farthest/furthest第42页/共47页less/fewer+n.+than Ive got more coffee than you have. Ive got less coffee than you have.第43页/共47页重点难点:重点难点:单词:单词:idea, a little, teaspoonful, less, a few, pity instead, advice, a little, little, a few, few, less, the least, more, the most句型:句型:Shall I make some coffee, Jane? Eat more and smoke less. Thats very good advice.语法:语法: 继续学习比较级,最高级用法。继续学习比较级,最高级用法。第44页/共47页Enjoy every day ! 享受每一天,快乐每一天!享受每一天,快乐每一天!第45页/共47页Bby bella 新一第46页/共47页


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