小学英语总复习 情景交际

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小学英语总复习 情景交际_第1页
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小学英语总复习 情景交际_第2页
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小学英语总复习 情景交际_第3页
第3页 / 共39页
会计学1小学英语总复习小学英语总复习 情景交际情景交际知识梳理知识梳理 语言学习的最终目的在于运用,也就是交际。情景交际就是考查学生对一定情景的理解和在相应情景之下,表达相关话题的能力。 小学生应当熟悉以下情景: 问候、人物介绍、告别、感谢、致歉、请求、打电话、购物、问路和指路、就餐以及谈论天气、时间、日期、星期等。 下面是各种常见情景的典型用语或句型,请同学们熟练掌握。第1页/共39页一、问候 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!(Hello用于多种场合;Hi用于非正式场合) 2. How do you do? 你好! How do you do? 你好!(十分正式的场合下的问候语) 3. How are you? 你好吗? Im fine. Thank you! 我很好。谢谢! 4. Nice / Glad to meet you! 见到你很高兴! Nice / Glad to meet you, too! 见到你很高兴! 5. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早上好 / 下午好/晚上好! 6. Please say hello to for me! 请代我向问好! 第2页/共39页二、人物介绍1. Im / My name is 我是 / 我名叫 2. I am / come from 我来自 3. I live in 我住在 4. I like / My hobby is 我喜欢 / 我的爱好是(在介绍爱好的时候,涉及的动词用ing 形式) 5. This is 这位是 (用于介绍别人)第3页/共39页三、告别1. Goodbye! / Bye-bye! / Bye! / See you! / So long! 再见! 2. See you later / next time / tomorrow 回头见 / 下次再见 / 明天见 3. Good night! 晚安!(用于晚上活动之后,或者临睡之前的告别) 4. Keep in touch! 保持联络! 5. Write soon! 尽快回信!第4页/共39页四、感谢1. Thank you! / Thank you very much!/ Thanks a lot! 谢谢! / 非常感谢! / 万分感谢! 2. Its very kind of you! 你真好!(太感谢你了!) 3. 表达不用谢的方式:Youre welcome. / Not at all. / Dont mention it. / Its my pleasure. 不用谢。 五、致歉1. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 2. Sorry! / Im sorry! / Im so sorry! / Im sorry for 对不起!/ 抱歉!/ 非常抱歉!/ 我很抱歉 3. Pardon? / I beg your pardon?请原谅。 / 请再说一遍。第5页/共39页六、请求与应答(一)请求 1. May I / Can I (, please)? 请问我可以吗? 2. Would you like some 想要点(东西)吗? 3. Would you like to 你愿意干(事情)吗? (二)应答 1.Certainly! / Sure! / Of course! / No problem! 当然可以!/ 好的! / 当然! /没问题! 2.OK! / All right! / Yes, please! 好! / 可以! / 请! 3.That would be very nice! 那真是太好了! 4.Id love to, but Im 我很乐意,但是 5.Im sorry I cant 很抱歉,我不能第6页/共39页七、打电话1. Hello! This is (speaking). 你好!我是 2. Is that (speaking)? 你是吗? 3. May I have your name, please? 请问你是哪位? 4. May I speak to ? 我可以和讲话吗? 5. Hold on, please! 请稍等! 6. There is a call for you. 有一个你的电话。 7. Can I take a message for you? 要我帮你留个口信吗? 8. Can I leave a message? 我可以留一个口信吗? 9. Sorry! Its a wrong number. / Im afraid you have the wrong number. 不好意思,你打错了。第7页/共39页八、购物(一)销售员说的话 1. Can I help you? / Anything I can do for you? 能为您做点什么呢? (要买点什么吗?) 2. What can I do for you? 我可以为您做什么呢? 3. What would you like? 您需要什么呢? 4. What else do you want? / Anything else? 还要别的什么吗? 5. What size / colour ? 什么尺码 / 颜色?第8页/共39页(二)顾客说的话 1.I want 我想要 2.Im looking for 我在找 3.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱? 4.I wear Size 我穿码。 5.Im afraid its too 我觉得太 6.OK! Ill take it / them. 好吧!我买了。第9页/共39页九、问路与指路(一)问路 1. Excuse me! Where is the ,please? 打扰一下,请问在哪里? 2. Is there a / an near here? 这附近有吗? 3. Is this the way to ? 这是去的路吗? 4. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? 5. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远? 6. Can I take a bus? 我可以乘公共汽车去吗? 7. Which bus can I take? 我该乘哪趟公共汽车呢?第10页/共39页(二)指路 1.Its near / next to / on the left / right of the 在的附近 / 紧挨着 / 在的左侧 / 右侧。 2.Turn left / right (at the ).在处左 / 右转。 3.Go straight ahead / on. 向前直走。 4.This way, please. 请这边走。 5.Its over there. 在那边。 6.Its about away from here. 离这儿大概 7.Go down / along the 沿着走。 8.Sorry! Im new here. 抱歉!我刚到这里(我也不知道)。第11页/共39页十、就餐1. What would you like to eat / drink? 你想要吃 / 喝点什么? Id like some 我想要点 2. Would you like some ? 你要吃点吗? Yes, please. / No, thanks. 好的,谢谢。/ 不用了,谢谢。 3. Help yourself (to some )! 随便吃(点)! 4. Its so delicious. 味道好极了。 5. Im full. Thank you! 我吃饱了。谢谢!第12页/共39页十一、看病1. Whats the matter with you? / Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了? 2. I dont feel well. / I feel bad. 我觉得不太舒服。 / 我觉得很难受。 3. I hurt my 我的受伤了。 4. Do you have a fever? / Have you got a headache? 你发烧了吗? / 你头疼吗? 5. How long have you been like this? 你像这样有多久时间了? 6. There is nothing serious. 没什么大问题。 7. Stay in bed for some days. And take some medicine. 在床上躺几天。吃些药。第13页/共39页十二、假期活动 1. Where are you going on your holiday? 假期要去哪里啊? 2. What are you going to do on your holiday? 假期准备去做什么? 3. How are you going there? 你怎样去那里呢? 4. Have a good time! 玩得开心! 5. Where did you go on your holiday? 假期去了哪里啊? 6. What did you do on your holiday? 假期干了些什么? 7. How did you go there? 你怎样去那里的? 8. Did you have a good time? 你玩得开心吗? 9. It was wonderful / interesting! 好极了 / 有趣极了!第14页/共39页考点精析考点精析考点考点1 考查情景选择考查情景选择【例1】听录音,根据情景选择正确的答句。听力材料: A:Good afternoon. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. How much is this shirt? A: Its 200 yuan. Question:Where are they? A. They are at school. B. They are in a store. 第15页/共39页 解析:此类题经常在听力考试中出现。根据你所听到的一段对话,判断说话人所在的地点。本题中的How much is the shirt? 是关键,说明正在购物,所以地点是在商店。 答案:第16页/共39页 【例2】单项填空。( )Please help yourself to some more meat! _ A. Im full, thank you. B. No, Im full. C. Can I have? 解析:当别人邀请你再吃点什么的时候,无论接受或不接受,都必须有礼貌。在此题中B选项是很不礼貌的表达方式,在英语中不可以有;C选项是中文式的表达方式,也不合适。 答案:A第17页/共39页 【例3】单项填空。( )当你不认识去车站的路的时候,你可以这样问: A. Sorry, where is the bus station? B. Excuse me. How can I get to the bus station, please? C. Do you know the way to the bus station? 解析:在问路的时候,要求正确地使用问路的表达方式,同时,还要注意礼貌用语。 答案: B第18页/共39页举一反三 1. 情景选择。( )(1)假期后回到学校见到同学,你应该说:_ A. See you later. B. Nice to see you again. ( )(2) 你做错了事情,你应该对别人说:_ A. Excuse me. B. Im sorry.( )(3) 晚上, 你要和朋友在电话中告别,你应该说:_ A. Good evening! B. Good night!( )(4) 打电话时,请别人稍等,你应该说:_ A. Wait a minute. B. Please hold on. BBBB第19页/共39页( )(5) 如果你问路,而对方也不知道,你应该对他 说:_ A. Thank you all the same. B. Youre welcome. ( )(6) 假设你是服务员,你想问客人是否需要喝杯 果汁,你应该说:_ A. Do you want a glass of water? B. Would you like a glass of juice?( )(7) 假设你抱了很多的书,不小心掉了一地,有 一同学恰好经过,你会对他说:_ A. Can you give me a hand? B. Dont look.ABA第20页/共39页 2. 单项填空。 ( )(1) ? Its sunny and hot today. A. What day is it today B. Whats the weather like today( )(2) ? I went to Xinjiang. A. Where did you go on your holiday B. Where are you going on your holiday( )(3) , isnt it? Yes, but a bit cold. A. A bad day B. A nice dayABB第21页/共39页( )(4) I feel sick, doctor. ? I am not sure, but I have a bad headache. A. How are you feeling now B. Do you have a fever( )(5) How will you go to the zoo? I will go there . A. take a bus B. by bus( )(6) What about having a drink? . A. Good idea B. Me, tooBBA第22页/共39页( )(7) What are you now? . A. I am a student B. Im tall( )(8) ? He is fine. A. How is your father B. Whats your fatherAA第23页/共39页考点考点2 考查情景对话考查情景对话 【例4】 根据上下文提示,补全下列对话。 Mike:Mum,1._ Mum:Im in the kitchen.2._ Mike:Yes.Im very hungry.3._ Mum:Sure. Here is a hamburger for you .4. _ 第24页/共39页 Mike:Yes, I do. I like beef very much. Mum:Have some beef.Mike:Thank you, Mum.5._ Mum:You father is in the study. Mike:6._ Mum:He is reading a newspaper.第25页/共39页 解析:本题是一段涉及两个人的情景对话,要求直接补充,难度比较大,需要同学们能对此话题有充分的掌握。第1空的问句可通过下一句的回答来推测。根据第1空答句“Im in the kitchen.”可知,第1空是询问对方在哪里。根据第2空的答句“Yes,Im very hungry.”可知,询问的是对方是否饿了。第3空答句是“Sure.Here is a hamburger for you.(当然可以,给你一个汉堡包)”。由此可以得知问句是“Can I have a hamburger?”father?第26页/共39页第4空答句“Yes ,I do.I like beef very much.” 意思是“是的,我非常喜欢牛肉。”由此可以知道询问的是对方喜不喜欢牛肉。因此答案是“Do you like beef?”第5空根据答句“You father is in the study.”可以得知询问的是爸爸在哪里。第6空根据答句“He is reading a newspaper.”由此可知询问的是他在干什么。 答案:1.where are you? 2.Are you hungry? 3.Can I have a hamburger? 4.Do you like beef? 5.Where is 第27页/共39页举一反三 1. 就画线部分提问。 (1)A:_ B:I have a headache. (2)A:_ B:The park is next to the bank. (3)A:_ B:They are singing.Whats wrong with you?Where is the park?What are they doing?第28页/共39页(4)A:_ B:Im going to the science museum.(5)A:_ _ B:I like playing football.(6)A:_ B:My uncle works in a school.Where are you going?What is your hobby? / What do you like doing?Where does your uncle work?第29页/共39页 2. 根据问句选择答句。 ( )(1)Whats the date today?( )(2)Do you have any glue?( )(3)How much is the guitar?( )(4)Whats your favourite season?( )(5)Whats the weather like in spring?( )(6)When is your birthday?FBAEDC第30页/共39页过关检测过关检测一、情景选择。 ( )1. 你到了一个陌生的城市,你想要找到厕所在哪里,你可以问:_ A. Excuse me, where is the WC nearby? B. I cant find WC. C. Excuse me, Im looking for WC. ( )2. 你想知道那个穿红色毛衣的女孩是谁,你可以问:_ A. Who is the girl wear red sweater? Whos the red sweater girl? Whos the girl in the red sweater?AC第31页/共39页 ( )3. 你想知道对方是否想喝茶,你可以问:_ A. Do you like drinking? B. Do you have a cup of tea? . Would you like a cup of tea?( )4. 你想知道北京的天气怎么样,你应该说:_ A. Whats the weather in Beijing? B. Whats the weather like in Beijing? C. Whats the weather like of Beijing? ( )5. 当别人向你说“Happy New Year!”时, 你应回答:_ A. Thank you. B. The same to you! C. Im happy today.CBB第32页/共39页二、 选择正确的选项完成对话。 Bill: 1 3307561. Mike: Hello, 2 ? Bill: Yes. Is that Sam speaking? Mike: No, this 3 not Sam. This is Mike speaking. Bill: Hi, Mike. How are you? Mike: 4 , thanks. Bill: Whats 5 and eighty-nine, please? Mike: One hundred. Bill: Whats thirty-six and sixty-four, please? Mike: One 6 , too. Bill: 7 very much. Mike: 8 . 第33页/共39页( )1. A. How are you? B. Hello! C. Good morning. ( )2. A. Is that Bill B. Is that Jim C. Is that Kate( )3. A. am B. is C. are ( )4. A. Nice to meet you B.Im fine C. How do you do( )5. A. twelve B. eleven C. ten ( )6. A. ninety-nine B. hundred C. ninety ( )7. A. Thanks B. Thank C.Thank your( )8. A. Thats OK B. All right C. Thats right BABBBBAA第34页/共39页三、问答句配对。 ( )1. What do you want, a dress or a skirt?( )2. What colour would you like?( )3. What size do you want?( )4. How much is it?( )5. How about this red one?( )6. Here you are.( )7. Would you like to watch cartoons?( )8. May I speak to Lily? CDEABHFG第35页/共39页1.A:Hi,Gogo._ B:Im going to the park.2.A:_ B:Im going to play football with my friends.3.A:_ B:Yes,I did.4.A:_ B:I took photos.5.A:_ B:Its hot and sunny.6.A:_ B:I have a bad cold.CEDABF第36页/共39页四、根据答句写问句。 1. _ Its Monday today. 2. _ Its July 22nd. 3. _ She is ten years old.What day is it today?Whats the date today?How old is she?第37页/共39页4. _ Its half past seven. 5. _ _ My favourite season is spring. 6. _ She is 1.58 metres 7. _ Its yellow.What time is it now?Whats your favourite season? / Which season do you like best? How tall is she?What colour is it?第38页/共39页


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