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会计学1定语从句在高考英语写作中定语从句在高考英语写作中What is the Attributive clause?在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句复习定语从句复习第1页/共39页She is the girl_lives next door.Attributive clause关系词关系词先行词先行词定语从句定语从句who注意事项注意事项:1.从句的位置从句的位置:2.翻译方法翻译方法:先行词先行词 之后之后“.的的”第2页/共39页关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词who whom that which whose aswhen where why关系词关系词非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词,又可修饰整个主句又可修饰整个主句,不可用不可用that引导且引导且关系代词不可以省略。关系代词不可以省略。注意事项:注意事项:关系词的主要作用:替代先行词和关系词的主要作用:替代先行词和在从句中充当成分在从句中充当成分第3页/共39页Practice of the Attributive clause 1.A plane is a machine _can fly . 2.The car _my uncle bought last week was stolen. 3.The man_is walking on the playground is my old friend. 4.The woman _ you saw in the park is our English teacher . which/that(which/that)who/that(who/that)第4页/共39页5. I saw a woman _bag was stolen.6. The reason _he was late was that he got up late. 7. I still remember the day _I first came to Beijing.8. It is an important day _ I will never forget.9. The park _ they paid a visit to is beautiful.whosewhywhenwhichwhich第5页/共39页whowhichwhomwhichAs第6页/共39页总结:关系代词和关系副词的判定最终取决总结:关系代词和关系副词的判定最终取决于于它们在从句中的成分。它们在从句中的成分。切记切记!归纳归纳:关系副词关系副词when指时间指时间,关系副词关系副词where指地点指地点,关系副词关系副词why指原因,在定语从句指原因,在定语从句中作中作状语状语。即使先行词是时间地点。即使先行词是时间地点,若作从若作从句中的主语或宾语,只能用关系代词句中的主语或宾语,只能用关系代词that, which.第7页/共39页1.Ill never forget the days_ we worked together. 2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together. 3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago. 4.I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago. 5.This is the reason _ he was late. 6.This is the reason _ he gave. when /in whichwhichwhere/ in whichwhichwhy/ for whichthat/which几种易混的情况几种易混的情况及物动词及物动词及物动及物动词词及物动及物动词词第8页/共39页第9页/共39页Jointhefollowingsentences:Aplaneisamachine.Themachinecanfly.先行词和关系词的关系先行词和关系词的关系第10页/共39页Jointhefollowingsentences:Aplaneisamachine.Themachinecanfly.Aplaneiscanfly.关系代词的实质关系代词的实质themachineamachine第11页/共39页Jointhefollowingsentences:Aplaneisamachine.Themachinecanfly.Aplaneiscanfly.关系代词的实质关系代词的实质amachine that/which第12页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.第13页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第14页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第15页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第16页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第17页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第18页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.wesawyesterdayisMary.herThegirl第19页/共39页关系代词的实质关系代词的实质Jointhefollowingsentences:ThegirlisMary.Wesawheryesterday.Thegirlthat/whowesawyesterdayisMary.第20页/共39页改写句子改写句子“I see many running creatures. They are made of metal and glass. Their feet are round. They have four eyes. Two of the four eyes are red. Inside I see soft shapes. They can move.”I see many running creatures which / that are made of metal and glass. Their feet are round and they have four eyes, two of which are red. Inside I see soft shapes that can move.第21页/共39页 Our class is a big family ; It consists of 43 girls and boys. Most of them are mainly from the countryside. Bao Yucheng is a kind-hearted boy. He is always ready to help others. He is such a good boy that we all like him. Our class is a big family which consists of 43 girls and boys, most of whom are mainly from the countryside. Bao Yucheng is a kind-hearted boy, who is always ready to help others. He is a good boy whom we all like.定语从句的运用定语从句的运用第22页/共39页用定语从句翻译短语用定语从句翻译短语1.一个叫做梁兆臣的男孩一个叫做梁兆臣的男孩a boy who is called Liang Zhaocheng 2.教我们英语的老师教我们英语的老师the teacher who teaches us English 第23页/共39页 3.昨天我妈妈给我的钱昨天我妈妈给我的钱The money that my mother gave me yesterday 4.矗立在河边的楼房矗立在河边的楼房The building which stands by the river第24页/共39页 5.一位皮包被偷了的女士一位皮包被偷了的女士 a woman whose bag was stolen6. 我们在农场工作的开心日子我们在农场工作的开心日子the happy time when we worked on the farm 第25页/共39页7.她工作的地方她工作的地方the place where she works8. 她没有交作业的原因她没有交作业的原因the reason why she didnt hand in the homework第26页/共39页 1.The girl who studies hard is very beautiful .2.I know the girl who studies hard .3.This is the girl who studies hard .总结:定语从句可以修饰主句的总结:定语从句可以修饰主句的 不同成分不同成分主语,宾语,表语主语,宾语,表语第27页/共39页翻译下列句子翻译下列句子1.不努力学习的学生不会通过考试的不努力学习的学生不会通过考试的。The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam.2.她上周买的房子非常好看。她上周买的房子非常好看。The house ,which she bought last week ,is very nice .第28页/共39页3.这就是他爸爸工作的地方。这就是他爸爸工作的地方。This is the place where his father works.4.你们已经取得了很大的进你们已经取得了很大的进 步,这使老师非常高兴步,这使老师非常高兴.You have made great progress, which makes your teacher very happy.第29页/共39页5.众所周知,他是一个好学生。众所周知,他是一个好学生。As is known to us all, he is a good student.6.北京是中国的首都,它是一座北京是中国的首都,它是一座 美丽的城市。美丽的城市。Beijing,which is the capital city of China ,is a very beautiful .第30页/共39页7.鲁迅的原名鲁迅的原名(real name)是周树是周树人。在他的一生中他写了很多小人。在他的一生中他写了很多小说和散文(说和散文(prose)Luxun,whose real name is ZhouShuren,wrote many novels and proses in his whole life .第31页/共39页8.电影曼德拉:电影曼德拉:Long Walk to Freedom以曼德拉的自传以曼德拉的自传(autobiography)为基础为基础,从,从2013年年11月月28日开始,在南非和美日开始,在南非和美国上映,大受欢迎。国上映,大受欢迎。Thepopularfilm,Mandela:LongWalktoFreedom,whichisbasedonMandelasautobiography,hasbeenshowninSouthAfricaandtheUnitedStatessinceNovember28,2013.第32页/共39页9.杰克来自加拿大,他在我们学校已经学习了杰克来自加拿大,他在我们学校已经学习了3年年,他经常帮助我们学英语,他中文也讲的很不错。他经常帮助我们学英语,他中文也讲的很不错。Jack is from Canada.He has studied in our school for three years .He often helps us learn English .He speaks Chinese very well.Jack is a student of our school ,who comes from Canada.He has studied in our school for three years .He often helps us learn English ,and he speaks Chinese very well.Jack comes from Canada. He is a student of our school where he has studied for 3 years .Not only does he often help us learn English but he speaks Chinese fluently as well.第33页/共39页第34页/共39页 My friend is a girl of 16, _.(她的名字是) She is fond of _ _in her spare time. She is an _(易相处的) girl, who _(与同学处得很好). Besides, she is also an_ (聪明的)girl, whose _ _ (数学在月考中班级第一). Whats more important, she is a _ _(热心的) girl, who _(总放学后帮着打扫教室). She lends to me the books_(他刚买的书). In a word, She is a girl _ (我们应该向她学习). I am proud of owning a friend who are willing to help _(那些有困难的人). whose name iscan get along well with all the classmateseasy-goingintelligentMaths ranked the first in the month exam in our classwhich he bought just nowwhom we should learn fromthose who are in trouble第35页/共39页 利用模版完成下面的作文。1.你朋友的姓名,年龄,性别2.爱好: 绘画,打篮球3.性格开朗,能够同学友好相处。 有责任心,能按时收发作业。 成绩优异,乐于助人。4. 需要向他/她学习。第36页/共39页最低要求最低要求较高要求较高要求中等要求作业分层要求作业分层要求完成基本的简单句完成基本的简单句和适当的连接,使文章通顺完成基本的简单句, 适当的连接并尝试复合句结构,使文章流畅通顺第37页/共39页第38页/共39页


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