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会计学1外研九年级英语外研九年级英语Unit 2 You mustnt move.第1页/共40页ReviewWords and expressions第2页/共40页an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it valleyn. 山谷quiet; without violence; tranquil peacefuladj. 平(安) 静的to become asleep fall asleep入睡第3页/共40页a thin piece of wood stickn. 枝条; 枯枝to move your hand or arm in order to touch, hold, or pick up something reach out伸手去摸not moving; stationary stilladj. 静止的; 不动的a movement of the hands, arms or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling gesturen. 示意动作; 手势第4页/共40页(usu. pl.) a collection of trees growing close together in one area; forest; grove. woodsn. 树林happening or done quickly and without warning; occurring without notice or warning suddenadj. 突然的the red liquid which flows through the body bloodn. 血第5页/共40页1. What do you think the bear is doing? The bear is around the tent to look for something to eat that the people put there. 2. What do you think the people in the tent should do? The people must stay in the tent till the bear goes far. And dont make any noise.Look at the picture. Answer the questions.Warming up第6页/共40页How many days did the three men stay in Yellowstone park?SuggestionDont read word by word look through(浏览)the whole passage quickly.第7页/共40页On our first evening the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.we soon fell asleep. In the middle of the night there was a strange noise outside.but when I looked out of the tent there was nothing to see.Part 1(the first day)第8页/共40页 In the morning I got up to make breakfast. The bag lf food was open. “bears”said joe .”we should hang the food in a tree tonight.” Later that day we stopped in a beautiful valley by a stream. It was very peaceful and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water. During the night the bears came back.this time they took the food from the tree. “how did they do that?”I asked. “not high enough.bears can climb trees. they can smell food from a distance. we should pick up the rubbish too.” The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site.you cant leave anything which bears might think is food. “ok lets tidy the site up and move on.oh and we should make lots of noise too.if they know where we are they may not come any closer”said joe. “if you see a bear” said joe “you mustnt move or make any gesture. And above all you mustnt run. No one can run faster in the forest than a bear.” We went to sleep or we tried to. Part 2(the second day)第9页/共40页 The next day we stopped at midday for something to eat and while the others were resting to eat and while the others were resting I went for a walk in the forest. Suddenly I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones. He looked so friendly and I remember thinking “if I reach out I can just touch him.” There was a loud noise behind me. I stood very still. I didnt even turn my head.there was another loud noise and I still couldnt see what was happening.the baby bear looked up and ran past me into the woods. I stayed in the same position for five minutes maybe more. Then slowly I turned round and on the hillside about 300 metres away I waw the baby bear and his huge mother. I have never run so fast back to my friends. Part 3Part 4 For the next 10 days every time there was a sudden noise my blood went cold.(the third day)(the next ten days)第10页/共40页 Part one: The first dayQuestions:1.What did they do on the first evening ?2.What did they hear and see in the middle night? They soon fell asleep.They heard a strange noise and saw nothingWhen you are reading you should pay attention to the time and events (事件)Suggestion第11页/共40页Part two: the second dayThe bag of the food was openhang the food in the treeA beautiful and peaceful valleyfell asleepThe bears came back and took the foodtidy the site up and move onFill in the chartQuestionHow much did the three men know about bears?第12页/共40页The bears can climb treesThe bears can smell food from a distantThe bears can run fast第13页/共40页What shoud you do if there are bears about?(Use “can/cant/should/shouldnt/must/mustnt”)第14页/共40页 You should hang the food in a tree. 2.You must keep a clean camp site.3You should pick up your rubbish. 4.You can make a lot of noise.5. If you see a bear you mustnt run away.第15页/共40页Part three: the third day Choose T or F 1.The writer didnt like the baby bear at all.( )2.The writer ran away quickly after hearing a loud noise.( )3.The baby bear ran away because it was afraid of the noise.( )4.The mother bear loved the baby bear.( )FFFT第16页/共40页1. What were the three people doing in Yellowstone Park? Walking and camping.2. How much do they know about bears? One of them knows something.Read the passage and answer the questions.第17页/共40页3. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears? High off the ground.4. What was the noise behind the writer? A mother bear.5. Do you think their stay in the park was a success? I dont think their stay in the park was a success. Its very dangerous.第18页/共40页1. the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. the 用在数词前, 表示特指。the three of us 指的是“我们三个人” (一共就三个人); three of us指的是“我们中的三个人” (不止三个人) Language points 第19页/共40页e.g. There are eight people in the team. The eight of them will have dinner together tonight. 队里有八个人。他们八个今晚一起吃饭。 There are 10 people in the office and eight of them are women. 办公室有十个人,有八个是女的。第20页/共40页2. We soon fell asleep. fall asleep: 入睡,睡着。 同义词组辨析: go to bed; go to sleep; fall asleep; be asleep 与go to bed相对的是get up,强调从脱去衣服至到床上的这一动作,意为“去睡觉”。第21页/共40页第22页/共40页第23页/共40页第24页/共40页第25页/共40页第26页/共40页6. if I reach out, I can just touch him. reach out: 伸出(手或臂) 如:The monkey reached out a hand for the banana. 猴子伸出手去够香蕉。He reached his hand out for the phone and knocked over a glass. 他伸手去够电话,打翻了一个杯子。第27页/共40页第28页/共40页第29页/共40页1. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food _. a) in a tree b) on the ground c) in the tent d) by a steamRead the passage for the second time and choose the best answer.第30页/共40页2. They put the food in the tree to _. a) keep it away from the rubbish b) make it easier to open the bag c) stop the bears from smelling it d) stop the bears from seeing it第31页/共40页3. You should make lots of noise because bears _. a) can run faster than people b) may be afraid of people c) may not know where people are d) shouldnt come too close to humans第32页/共40页4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but _. a) was worried about the bears b) wasnt tried c) wanted to see the bears d) there was too much noise第33页/共40页5. The writers blood went cold because he _. a) thought the mother bear was coming back b) was afraid of noise c) liked bears d) felt ill after running so fast第34页/共40页hang the food in a treemove onby a streamtidy upmake a gestureabove allplay with sticks把食物挂在树上继续移动在小溪旁边收拾;整理摆手势首先玩枝条Useful phrases 第35页/共40页Write notes about the things you must do if there are bears near.1. Hang food in a tree.2. Make lots of noise.3. Dont move or make any gesture. 4. Dont run. 第36页/共40页The sample passage Lushan National Geological Park is in Jiangxi Province. Every year, many tourists come to visit it. Because people visit it to see the mountains, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls. As we enjoy the park, we must be careful of some dangers from wildlife. 第37页/共40页The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there are some snakes. Then how can we protect ourselves? We mustnt walk into the grass. At the same time, we should do something to look after the park. I think we should allow only 1000 people to visit it each week.第38页/共40页第39页/共40页


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