新概念英语第一册第89-90课 PPT学习教案

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新概念英语第一册第89-90课 PPT学习教案_第1页
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会计学1第1页/共25页第2页/共25页第3页/共25页第4页/共25页第5页/共25页第6页/共25页第7页/共25页第8页/共25页 NIGEL: Good afternoon. I believe that this is house is for sale.IAN: Thats right. be for sale 有待出售 This house is for sale. be on sale 打折 The dresses are on sale. 动词:sell (sold, sold) 联想:salesman, sales manager believe + that 从句 I believe that this news is wrong.2. believe + sb. Dont believe him, Jimmy will help us.联想:believe in = trust 信任第9页/共25页 NIGEL: May I have a look at it, please?IAN: Yes, of course. Come in. May I ? 比较正式的提出请求。 May I come in? (first time)较熟悉后就可说:Can I come in?第10页/共25页 NIGEL:How long have you lived here?IAN: Ive live here for twenty years.NIGEL:Twenty year! Thats a long time. 用完成时来表示持续的动作或状态,常和for, since连用。 How long have you studied in New Idea School? Ive studied there for four years. 可延续性动词有:live, be, study, teach, wait第11页/共25页 IAN: Yes, Ive been here since 1976.NIGEL: Then why do you want to sell it?IAN: Because Ive just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.第12页/共25页NIGEL:How much does this house cost?IAN: $68,500.NIGEL:Thats a lot of money!IAN: Its worth every penny of it.=“How much is this house?” cost:物作主语 The coat doesnt cost 50 Yuan.2. spend:人作主语 I spent 50 Yuan on this coat.一分钱一分货。第一个“it”指“house”,第二个“it”指“money”。第13页/共25页NIGEL: Well, I like the house. but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first.IAN: Women always have the last word. decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth. make up ones mind 下定决心第14页/共25页第15页/共25页第16页/共25页第17页/共25页第18页/共25页第19页/共25页第20页/共25页sincesincefor第21页/共25页forsinceforsinceforforsinceforsince第22页/共25页第23页/共25页第24页/共25页


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