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大学英语(2)复习指导Part I. 阅读以下对话,选择最佳答案填空(每空2分,共20分)。(1)RICK: Jackson, how are you feeling? JACKSON: Not bad. My arm still hurts, but I can use it. See? RICK: Are you working? JACKSON: Yes. I went back this week. MARTIN: What happened to your arm? JACKSON: I _1_ on it while I was playing softball. A) failedB) feltC) fellD) hitMARTIN: Can you still play? JACKSON: Yes, its not the arm I throw with. RICK: It hurts when you bat, doesnt it? JACKSON: Yes, a little.SALLY: Hi, everybody. RICK: Sally! Sit over here beside Martin. SALLY: Thanks. Im Sally Moulton. MARTIN: Im Martin Learner. RICK: _2_ are you doing?A) WhatB) HowC) WhyD) WhenSALLY: OK. I love this warm weather. JACKSON: Its better than last week. SALLY: Im not happy when it rains so much. TONY: I dont like it when it rains either. SALLY: Its not good for business, is it? TONY: Not for my business. JACKSON: How is business? TONY: Its been slow this summer. Weve had too much rain and cold weather. People dont go to the lake in such weather. Hows your business? JACKSON: Not very good. MARTIN: What do you do? JACKSON: Im a roofing contractor. MARTIN: What does that mean? JACKSON: I put roofs on new buildings. Or I put new roofs on old buildings. MARTIN: What kind of weather do you like _3_ your work? A) inB) onC) atD) forJACKSON: Hot. Hot and dry weather is best for me. SALLY: What do you do, Martin? MARTIN: Im a reporter. SALLY: What kind of weather is best for a reporter? MARTIN: Good weather is best for traveling. I travel a lot. RICK: But bad weather is on the news all the time. MARTIN: I dont report on the weather. TONY: What do you report on? MARTIN: I write stories about people. I write about their work. I write about their free time. TONY: You mean sports and things like that? MARTIN: Sports, music, traveling, theater. Thats why Im here. Im going to write a story about the summer theater at Long Lake. SALLY: Excuse me. I must go home. RICK: How is your dad, Sally? SALLY: Not very well. RICK: Im sorry to hear that. JACKSON: Me too. Tell him we said Hello. SALLY: Thanks. See you soon. Goodbye, Martin. MARTIN: Goodbye. RICK: Good night. TONY: See you soon, Sally. RICK: _4_ are you doing on the weekend, Jackson? A) WhatB) HowC) WhyD) WhenJACKSON: Im going to work on Saturday. Im going to play a little softball on Sunday. What are you going to do? RICK: Bill and I are going to go fishing. MARTIN: Where do you go fishing? RICK: Sometimes we go to the lake.JACKSON: Its crowded on the weekend, isnt it? RICK: Yes, it is. On the weekend, we go to the Blue River. What are you going to do, Tony? TONY: Work, of course. Im busy on the weekend. RICK: If the weather is good. TONY: Right. JACKSON: Where will you be on the weekend, Martin?MARTIN: At home. Ill be _5_ the theater tomorrow. Then Ill drive to the airport tomorrow night. A) inB) byC) atD) intoThen Ill fly home. Now, I must go to bed. It was nice to talk with you. RICK: WITH JACKSON AND TONY Good night. Bye. See you. MARTIN: Goodbye. Thanks for the drink.MARTIN: Good morning. KELLY: Hi. What can I do for you? MARTIN: I want to write a story about garages. _1_ I talk to you about your work? Do you have time? A) ShallB) CanC) MayD) WillKELLY: Sure. I have a few minutes. What do you want to know? MARTIN: May I record? KELLY: OK. MARTIN: Tell me the name of the garage. KELLY: Kellys Cars. MARTIN: And your name is Kelly? KELLY: Yes, Im Kelly. Kelly Morgan. MARTIN: What do you do, Kelly? KELLY: Im a mechanic. I fix cars. MARTIN: Are you the owner?KELLY: Yes, I own the garage. MARTIN: When did you _2_ the garage? A) ownB) getC) haveD) openKELLY: This garage is new. Its about two years old. I had an old garage. MARTIN: Where? KELLY: The old garage was near the harbor. I moved. The building was too expensive. It was big. This building is smaller. MARTIN: What did you _3_ there? A) workB) doC) findD) openKELLY: I restored old cars. MARTIN: What do you mean - restored? KELLY: I bought old carsMARTIN: How old? KELLY: Twenty, thirty, forty years old. Sometimes older. MARTIN: Then what did you do? KELLY: I made that old car look like a new car. OK? I bought an old car. Im going to tell you about one car. It was a Packard. They dont make Packards now. It was black. And it was terrible. MARTIN: What do you mean - terrible? KELLY: It was rusted. It was damaged. The paint was chipped. One window was _4_. The tires were not good. A) crackedB) destroyedC) brokenD) damagedMARTIN: It sounds like my car. KELLY: Is your car fifty years old? MARTIN: No, its five years old. What did you do? KELLY: It had four doors. One door was bad. I found a good door in Michigan. I found a new window in Mississippi. I found excellent tires in Ohio. MARTIN: What happened to the rust? KELLY: I repaired the rusted parts. MARTIN: How? KELLY: I cut the damaged metal _5_. Then I put new, clean metal _5_. I had to paint the car, of course. A) off/onB) out/onC) away/togetherD) up/inMARTIN: What color? KELLY: I wanted a brown car. I painted it brown. It looked expensive. MARTIN: What happened to the inside? KELLY: The inside was very beautiful. It had nice seats. It had lovely wood panels. It was brown. I put new brown carpeting on the floor. (2)CYNTHIA: Good morning, Martin. MARTIN: Good morning. How are you? CYNTHIA: Fine thanks. MARTIN: Im happy you could come today. CYNTHIA: Im happy to help out. Did you finish the petition? MARTIN: Yes, last week. Its ready. Do you want to read it? CYNTHIA: Of course. I want to sign it too. MARTIN: Here. The petition asks the city to put trash containers at each corner of the park. CYNTHIA: Good. Its not very clean or very neat. It has too much paper, glass bottles, and trash. Do we need a petition? MARTIN: I think so. Dr. Sanders has asked the city to _6_ trash containers in the park many times. Some of the trash is dangerous for children. A) getB) bringC) takeD) putCYNTHIA: The petition looks good. Ill sign mine now. MARTIN: Answer the other questions too. CYNTHIA: What do I need to do now? MARTIN: Ask everyone to sign.CYNTHIA: OK. Im going to the other side of the park. You stay here. MARTIN: Thanks. Im going to start with those ladies over there. Good morning, ladies. OLIVE: Do I know you? MARTIN: Maybe. I live in that building over there. ROBERTA: Good morning. MARTIN: I have a petition. Will you read it? OLIVE: I dont sign petitions. ROBERTA: What is it about? MARTIN: Its about this park. We want to clean it up. OLIVE: You dont need a petition _7_ that. A) forB) aboutC) onD) withMARTIN: We want the city to put trash containers at each corner. OLIVE: Well, they should. ROBERTA: Then you should sign the petition, Olive. OLIVE: Ill read it. ROBERTA: Ill sign it. MARTIN: May I ask some questions? ROBERTA: All right. MARTIN: Do you live in the neighborhood? ROBERTA: Yes. I live at 128 36th Street. MARTIN: _8_ were you born? A) HowB) WhereC) WhenD) WhyROBERTA: I was born in 1922. MARTIN: How long have you lived in this neighborhood? ROBERTA: Oh, about 50 years. I came here when I married. MARTIN: Thats wonderful. Please sign your name here. Whats your name? OLIVE: Olive Maglocci. MARTIN: How old are you? OLIVE: Its none of your business.ROBERTA: Oh, Olive. Shes 75 years old. MARTIN: Where do you live?OLIVE: I live at 1783 Parkway. MARTIN: Where is that? Is it near here? OLIVE: No. I dont live in this neighborhood. ROBERTA: Shes visiting me. MARTIN: Oh, I see. Im sorry. Only people in the neighborhood can sign the petition.OLIVE: Why? The park needs to be cleaned _9_. A) forB) upC) downD) overMARTIN: Thank you very much. ROBERTA: Youre welcome. Goodbye. MARTIN: Bye, Bye. ROBERTA: Olive, you dont live at 1783 Parkway. OLIVE: I know that. I know where I live. ROBERTA: You told him you live at 1783 Parkway. OLIVE: I dont tell strangers where I live. ROBERTA: I should tell him. OLIVE: No, you shouldnt. I cant sign the petition anyway. You told him my age. I dont tell anyone my age. ROBERTA: Why not? OLIVE: Its none of their business. ROBERTA: Youre 75 years old. You look very good _10_ 75.A) atB) inC) by D) forCLERK: May I help you look at telephones? The telephones and televisions are on sale. MARTIN: Can you help me look at televisions please? CLERK: What size would you like? MARTIN: I want a small television for my wife. CLERK: We have some very good ones for small rooms. MARTIN: _6_ are they? A) WhatB) HowC) WhyD) WhereCLERK: Follow me. MARTIN: This one looks nice. Its a good size. CLERK: What room is it for? MARTIN: Its for my wifes office. CLERK: Does she work at home? MARTIN: No, shes a lawyer. She doesnt have an office at home. Can I try this one?CLERK: Of course. CLERK: What does she watch? MARTIN: In the office? News. CLERK: What do you watch?MARTIN: I dont watch television. Im a radio reporter. I listen to the radio.CLERK: Thats interesting. Do you report the news? MARTIN: No. I write stories about interesting people. CLERK: Where do you work? MARTIN: I work at the Voice of America. I work in Washington. How much is this? CLERK: Its a hundred and fifty-six dollars. But look at this. This also has a radio. Does you wife _7_ a radio in her office? A) takeB) haveC) needD) ownMARTIN: I dont know. CLERK: Look at this one. All of these are on sale. Excuse me for a minute. Im going to help that man. CLERK: Do you like the radio? MARTIN: No, I dont like the sound. CLERK: You need something bigger. MARTIN: Show me another television. CLERK: These are the small ones. Do you want to look at a bigger one? MARTIN: OK. Tell me about these. CLERK: Theyre more expensive. This one is two-hundred twenty dollars. This one is the most expensive. Its four-hundred sixteen dollars. It has excellent stereo sound. MARTIN: Thats too expensive _8_ the office. She doesnt need that for news. A) atB) inC) onD) forCLERK: Its good for music and movies. MARTIN: Im going to think about the television. May I look at the telephones? CLERK: Sure. We have several kinds. This one is expensive. This one is not. MARTIN: How much does this one cost? CLERK: Its only fourteen dollars and eighty-nine cents. MARTIN: I want this one. Now, can you help me _9_ the radios again? I dont know which one I want.A) getB) buyC) withD) forCLERK: Did you listen to all of them? MARTIN: Yes, I did. I dont want the smallest. And I dont want the expensive one. CLERK: Wait a minute. Did you see this? MARTIN: No, I didnt. CLERK: This is very nice for a girl. What color does she like? MARTIN: Blue. CLERK: I have this in black, blue, pink, red, and green. Buy the blue one. MARTIN: Is it a good radio? CLERK: Of course. See. Its the fifty-nine dollar radio. You liked that one. MARTIN: Can you _10_ me again? A) showB) showC) giveD) bringCLERK: Do you need a computer? They are on sale too. MARTIN: No, thanks. Just the radio and the telephone today. Part II. 语法句型填空(每空2分,共40分)。1. These victims suffer a kind of CJD _ the cattle sickness known Mad Cow Disease.A) link toB) linking toC) linkingD) linked to2. They identified organisms in the dust particles _ coral diseases.A) that causeB) that causedC) that causesD) cause3. The changes meant to strengthen buildings have not reduced the number of people _ in a major earthquake.A) diedB) killedC) dyingD) killing4. There is evidence that such pressure _ in the past only through great earthquakes.A) has easedB) has been easedC) was easedD) eased5. Yet the group says it would support a ban _ the use of these crops until tests show they are safe.A) forB) overC) onD) with6. About half of the bacteria and fungi _ the trip from Africa are known to cause disease in people, animals or plants.A) surviveB) survivesC) that surviveD) that survives7. More than half of the dust _ the United States settles in the state of Florida.A) reachB) reachingC) reachedD) arrived8. The society gave the land to Denmark _ that Americas Independence Day would be celebrated there every year.A) on conditionB) on conditionsC) on the conditionD) on the conditions9. The Toyota automobile company had dismissed Ella Williams _ her job at its factory in Kentucky.A) fromB) forC) withD) /10. The Supreme Court has the responsibility _ deciding all the important issues in American life.A) onB) forC) /D) over11. All of the trees released nearly all the mercury _ had stored.A) thatB) whichC) itD) they12. Mercury travels as a gas in the atmosphere for about a year before _ in water or on the ground.A) landedB) landingC) they landedD) they land13. India and nearby countries are _ danger of suffering a huge earthquake in the future.A) atB) onC) inD) with14. Representatives of the one-hundred-eighty-nine member countries will _ the yearly meeting at UN headquarters in New York City.A) attend B) attend forC) attend atD) attend to15. The Declaration of Independence _ the British government _ all the wrongs done to the colonies.A) blamed/forB) blamed/onC) blamed/overD) blamed/of16. For many years, it has caused the skies there _ red.A) turnB) turningC) to turnD) turned17. The Red Cross planned to use about half the money _ to the Liberty Fund for future programs.A) gaveB) that gaveC) givenD) that gives18. The UN refugee agency appealed _ security help for Macedonian and ethnic Albanian refugees.A) forB) on C) withD) to19. The last major Himalayan earthquake _ place in the Indian state of Assam in Nineteen-Fifty was measured eight point five on the Richter scale.A) tookB) takeC) takenD) taking20. The governments in those countries need to strengthen buildings to prepare _ the possibility of such an event.A) /B) forC) withD) on21. Meteors are pieces of rock from space _ up in our atmosphere.A) burnB) burningC) burnsD) burned22. The Declaration of Independence _ the British government _ all the wrongs done to the colonies.A) blamed/byB) blamed/onC) blamed/withD) blamed/for23. There is evidence that such pressure _ in the past only through great earthquakes.A) has easedB) has been easedC) easedD) was eased24. Countries in the area have agreed _ a plan to save six important kinds of turtles.A) forB) onC) toD) with25. Another period of meteor activity should happen _ about Eighteen Hours Universal Time.A) onB) forC) inD) at26. American scientists are studying the effect of the wildfires _ the environment.A) onB) withC) inD) for27. India and nearby countries are _ danger of suffering a huge earthquake in the future.A) atB) inC) byD) on28. This law describes a disability _ an injury or condition that severely limits a persons major life activities.A) asB) forC) byD) /29. American presidents can play an important part _ changing the Supreme Court.A) forB) byC) inD) on30. The statue _ from a throne that Midas is believed to have given as a gift to the Greek god Apollo.A) cameB) that comeC) comingD) comes31. He believes the statue _ once part of the special chair used by the king.A) may beB) may have beenC) wasD) is32. The statue had been buried _ other objects near the ruins of the Corinthian Treasury building.A) inB) byC) withD) among33. Other leaders said they would work to _ the treaty _ effect.A) put/forB) put/inC) put/intoD) put/to34. The changes meant to strengthen buildings have not reduced the number of people _ in a major earthquake.A) killedB) diedC) deadD) dying35. They also _ better education in poor countries.A) called forB) called atC) called onD) called out36. One of the planes _ the north building of the World Trade Center.A) crashed upB) crashed atC) crashed intoD) crashed on37. Officials from several developing countries included Nigeria, Mali, Bangladesh and El Salvador were invited to take part _ the conference for the first time.A) /B) atC) forD) in38. The UN refugee agency appealed _ security help for Macedonian and ethnic Albanian refugees.A) /B) forC) toD) by39. The Toyota automobile company had dismissed Ella Williams _ her job at its factory in Kentucky.A) atB) forC) fromD) with40. The last major Himalayan earthquake _ place in the Indian state of Assam in Nineteen-Fifty was measured eight point five on the Richter scale.A) tookB) that takesC) takingD) takingPart III. 短语翻译(每句2分,共20分)。1. to be effective in stopping the deadly activity2. to blow or wash the soil away3. to clear the infectious proteins from mouse brain cells4. to cross easily into the brain5. to go to the hospital for treatment with the drug to dismiss the possibility of allergic reactions6. to increase the amounts of farmers produce7. to keep the wind from destroying or damaging crops8. to measure the levels of the chemical element mercury9. to represent a threat to human health10. to travels as a gas in the atmosphere11. to be effective in stopping the deadly activity12. to clear the infectious proteins from mouse brain cells13. to expect their money to be used to help victims14. to gather family members and friends15. to join with Danes in the celebration16. to prepare for future emergencies17. to provide heavy security for the meeting18. to repay the fund for any money used for other projects19. to take an official vote on the issue20to try somebody for a crimea. 测量化学元素水银的水平(含量)b. 从老鼠脑细胞中清除染病的蛋白质c. 代表着对人类健康的某种威胁d. 防止风摧毁或伤害庄家e. 风吹或者水冲把土壤带走f. 容易进入大脑部位g. 入院用药治疗以免可能产生过敏反应h. 在大气中犹如气体般运行i. 在阻止这种致命活动方面有效果j. 增加农作物产量k. 把任何用于其他项目的钱偿还给基金会l. 从老鼠脑细胞中清除感染的蛋白质m. 让家人和朋友们聚集在一起n. 为将来的紧急情况做准备o. 为这次会议提供严密保安p. 因其所犯罪行而对其审判q. 在阻止致死活动方面有效果r. 加入丹麦人的庆祝活动s. 就此问题进行正式投票t. 期望他们的钱用于帮助受害者1-i;2-e; 3-b; 4-f; 5-g;6-j; 7-d; 8-a;9-c;10-h;11-q;12-l;13-t;14-m;15-r;16-n;17-o;18-k;19-s;20-p。Part IV. 阅读以下文章,选择最佳答案填空(每空2分,共20分)。(1) Endangered turtles in the Indian Ocean and waters of Southeast Asia are about to receive some help. Countries in the area have agreed to a plan to save six important kinds of turtles. These species are _1_ risk of disappearing because of the demand for their meat and their eggs. The nests where they _2_ their eggs are also being destroyed. And many sea turtles are caught accidentally in fishing operations. Delegates from twenty-one countries met recently in the Philippines _3_ part of the Convention on Migratory Species. They agreed to establish programs designed to increase the number of sea turtles across the wide ocean area. The agreement is to _4_ effect next month. The six species of turtles to be rescued in the project are the loggerhead, olive ridley, green, hawksbill, leatherback and flatback. Sea turtles have existed on Earth for millions of years. They are an important part of the oceans environmental system. The turtles help scientists _5_ the health of the environmen


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