期末综合复习—汉译英专练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册(word版 含答案)

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期末综合复习—汉译英专练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册(word版 含答案)_第1页
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期末综合复习—汉译英专练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册(word版 含答案)_第2页
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期末综合复习—汉译英专练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册(word版 含答案)_第3页
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2021-2022年人教版八年级(上)期末综合复习汉译英专练NameGrade第一节完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)1. 昨天我为自己买了一只宠物猫。Yesterday I bought a pet cat .2. 格林先生已经住在北京超过三年了。Mr. Green has lived in Beijing forthree years.3. 我的爸爸昨天晚上熬夜到很晚,他睡觉少于5个小时。My father stayed up late last night and he slept forfive hours.4. 昨天他大部分时间待在家里。He stayed at homeyesterday.5. 我喜欢去图书馆,因为那里有相当多的书。I like to go to the library, because there arebooks there.6. 上周末我去了一个朋友的农场并且在那里喂了几只母鸡。Last weekend, Ito a friends farm andsome hens there.7. 我喜欢去图书馆,因为那里有相当多的书。I like to go to the library, because there arebooks there.8. 放学后我们经常尝试滑翔伞运动。We oftenafter school.9. 因为晚上无事可做,每个人似乎都很无聊。Because there was, everyone seemed10. 因为坏天气,我们不能步行走上山顶。the bad weather, we couldn*tto the top of the hill.11 .她冒雨等了一个多小时的火车,因为她忘记了带雨伞。She waitedan hour for the train in the rain, because she an umbrella.12. 我们在山顶拍了相当多的照片。Weat the top of the hill.13. 杰克每周使用因特网四到六次。Jack uses the Internettimes a week.14. 许多年轻人喜欢摇摆舞,但是一些老年人不喜欢。Many young people like, but some old people dislike it.15. 克莱尔通常在周六上钢琴课。Claire usuallyon Saturday.16. 我们不得不遵守这些规则吗?Do wefollow these rules?17. 我喜欢运动,例如游泳、跑步和篮球。I like playing sports,swimming, running and basketball.18. 老师告诉了我这个问题的答案。The teacher told methe question.19. 放松的最好方法是看书。is reading.20. 我确信只要你尽最大努力就一定能成功。Im sure you will be successfulyou do your best.21. 我的主意和你的不一样。My idea is.22. 事实上,他训练很刻苦,以至于脚都受伤了。, he trained so hard that he hurt his foot.23. 他们的房子和我们的十分相像,但我们的要大些。Their house is veryours, but ours is bigger.24. 我知道我的父母关心我。I know my parentsme.25. 你应该尽力展现出最好的一面。You should try tothe best in you.26. 事实上,我弟弟打篮球打得比我好。, my brother plays basketball better.27. 对每个人来说,学会交朋友很重要。important for everybody to learn to.28. 我最好的朋友与我很相似。我们都很外向。My best friendsimilarme.Weoutgoing.29. 她了解孩子们,所以与他们相处得很好。She understands children, so shethem.30. 我堂弟的成绩比我好。My cousin 5s grades are.31. 她裙子的颜色和我衣服的很相似。Her dressmine in color.32. 你认为这是一个好计划吗?Do you thinka good ?33. 在这家超市你能够买到最新鲜的蔬菜和水果。You can buyvegetables and fruit in this supermarket.4. 3哪家电台播放最无聊的歌曲?Which radio stationsongs?35. 它有最大的座位,坐着最舒服。It has theand you canthe most.36. 我觉得汤姆和保罗没有任何相同之处。I dont think Tom and Paulanything.37. 你认为谁是最具有创造性的表演者?Who do you think is the?38. 上周我们班许多男孩子,例如马克和戴尔,经常看足球比赛。Last week lots of boys in our class, Mark and Dale often watched soccergames.39. 我最好的朋友跟我相似,因为我们都勤奋。My best friend isme because we are both hard-working.40. 只要我们共同努力,中国梦就一定会实现。Asas we work hard, China Dream is sure to come.41. 事实上,遂宁真的是一个让你休闲放松的好地方。, Suining is really a good place to relax and enjoy yourself.42. 所有的学生都在为即将到来的考试做准备。All the studentsthe coming test.43. 刘先生总是竭尽全力帮助那个学校的穷学生。Mr.Liu is alwaysto help the poor students in that school.44. 他的父亲在20世纪60年代从加拿大回到了中国。His father came back to China from Canada.45. 你能想起那部电影的名字吗?Can youthe name of the movie?46. 昨天,我替他完成了这项工作。Yesterday Ito finish the work.47 .这个故事显示了她对国家的爱。This storyher loveher country.48. 汤姆是一个善良的孩子,他总是很乐于帮助别人。Tom is a kind boy.He is alwayshelp others.49. 我认为那名女演员把木兰这个角色演绎得非常到位。I think the actressMulansvery well.50. 米老鼠是美国文化的一个标志。Mickey Mouse is aAmerican culture.2021-2022年人教版八年级(上)期末综合复习汉译英专练参考答案第一节完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)1. for;myself2.more; than3.1ess;than4.anything; interesting8. try;paragliding2. 5.Huangguoshu Waterfall6.went; fed 7.quite a few10. Because;of;walk;up9. nothing;much;to;do;to;be;bored13.four; to; six11. more;than;forgot;to;bring12. took;quite;a;few;photos14.swing; dance15.has; piano; lessons 16.have; to17.such as18.the answer to19.lts the most relaxing way 20. as long as21. different from yours22. In fact23. similar to24. care about25. bring out26. In fact; than me 27. Its; make friends28. is; to; are both29. is good with30. better than mine31. is very similar to 32. it is plan33.the freshest34. plays the most boring 35.biggest seats; sit; comfortably36.have; in common 37.most creative performer 38.for example 39.similar to40.1ong true41.1n fact 42.are ready for43.trying his best44.in the 1960s45.think of 46.took his place47.shows; for48.ready to49. played, role 50. symbol of


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