Unit10SectionB基础知识及课后作业 鲁教版六年级上册英语

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Unit10SectionB基础知识及课后作业 鲁教版六年级上册英语_第1页
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Unit10SectionB基础知识及课后作业 鲁教版六年级上册英语_第3页
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Unit 10 How much are these socks?I .Section B课文精讲LCome and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣月艮吧!(1)buy为及物动词,意为“购买,买”,其反义词是sell出售,销售,卖。buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb.意为给某人买某物。(2)sale是动词sell的名词形式,意为“特价销售,出售”。for sale意为待售,供出售”;on sale意为“出售,降价出售”。例题:My mother buys me a bike.(改为同义句)My mother buysfor .We have many things at a great (sell).2. We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们卖的所有月艮装价格都彳艮优惠。(1)sell为及物动词,意为“出售,销售,卖。sell常构成固定搭配:sell sb. sth = sell sth. to sb.,意为把某物卖给某人”。(2)price的用法:/ at. price意为“以(处于)价格,例:at half/full/a good/a low/a high price 意为“以半/全/优惠/低/高价。/价格的高低用high (高的)和low(低的)来表示。彳列题:d)The clothes store nice skirts the girls.A.sell; from B.buy; from C. sells; toD.buys; toHow much are these black shoes?(改为同义句)these black shoes?3. Look, he has a pair of new shoes.看,他有一双新鞋。 That pair of shoes looks very nice.丹B双鞋看起来彳艮漂亮。 Those pairs of trousers are my sisters.另K些裤子是我姐姐的。(Da pair of意为“一双”,一般用来修饰由两部分构成的单件事物,如trousers,shoes, glasses, jeans 等。(2) a pair of作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(3) two/three/four. pairs of.作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例题:我想买一双黑色的袜子。I want to buy那些裤子多少钱?How much(be) those pairs of trousers?II .Section B课后作业i .单项选择l.The storeall kinds of shoes.A.sellsB.likeC.wantsD.sale2.1 want to buy a shirtmy mother.A.onB.inC.forD.to3.一Whats theof the shorts? 30 dollars.A.numberB.priceC.colorD.year4.Look at thestore. There are skirts, sweaters, jackets and so on.A.fruitB. vegetablesC.clothesD.book5. They have clothesA.at good price B.at a good price C.in good price D.in a good price6. -We dont have apples, Mom.Oh, lets go to the fruit store to some.A.finishB.helpC.sellD.buy7.1 have eleven apples. My sister gives me nineteen apples. Now, I have apples.A.twentyB. thirtyC.twenty-nineD. forty8. The man white is our English teacher.A.onB.inC.withD.of9. The black shorts 28 yuan.A.is on saleB.are on sale C.are on sale for D.are on the sale for10. We have great clothes a great price. Do you like ?Let me see first.A.at; itB.at; themC.of; themD.at; they11. The blue sweater is on$8.A.sell forB.sale forC.buy fromD.sell to12.The store has clothesthe old.A.inB.atC.forD.on13.boys, we have shoeswhiteonly 50 yuan.A.For; in; forB.in; for; forC.For; /; forD.In; /; for14.A.WhatsB. What areC.How much isD. How much arethe price of the trousers?15.My sister likes clothesyellow.A.inB.atC.onD.for16.This pair of shoestwenty yuan.A.isB.areC.beD.do17.What do they sellthe great sale today?A.inB.onC.forD.at18.We have shoesall colors$5.A.at; inB.in; atC.at; atD.in; for19 .Can I help you?.I need a sweater.A.Yes, I doB .Thank youC.Yes, pleaseD.Happy birthdayii .根据句意、首字母及汉语提示写出单词1 .There are 35 b and girls in our class.2. The c store has beautiful T-shirts for men.3. -Whats the p of the skirt?$20.4. This bag is on s. Its only ten yuan.5. Ten and twenty is t.6. (所有的)my books are here.7. The green jacket is (二十)dollars.8. Mr. Green (卖)lots of school things in his store.9. We (买)some eggs and fruit from the (商店).10. Do you like these red (短裤)?11. How much is your (毛衣)?12. How much are those blue (包)?13. The (价格)of this black hat is $4.14. They are eight (美元).iii. 用所给词的适当形式填空1 .The white shorts are on (sell).2. Come and (buy) your shoes at our, great sale!3. They (sale) shoes in the store.4. For (boy), we have blue trousers and shorts.5. These blue shirts (be) nice. Til take (they).6. The blue sweater (be) seven dollars.7. you (like) this T-shirt?8. How much (be) the red socks?9. T11 (take) the bag.10. Those (not be) my keys.11. We buy these socks and shoes at very high (price).12. The skirts for (woman) are only 15 dollars.13. Come and (play) soccer with us.iv. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 这件黄色的毛衣仅卖20美元。The yellowtwenty dollars.2. 我需要一条黑色的裤子。I needtrousers.3. 我们有紫色的裙子,只卖30美元。We have skirtsonly 30 dollars.4. 你想要什么颜色的?do you ?5 .你们的夹克衫多少钱?your jackets?6. 这些绿色短裤大减价,每条25美元。The green shorts arefor 25 .7. 他们低价出售他们所有的衣服。Theytheir clothes very good .8. 短袜仅售两美元三双。Socks only twothree .9. 这家服装店怎么样?What about the?10. 这件毛衣多少钱?is the sweater?11 .这件毛衣太大了。你能再给我拿一件小的吗?This sweater is too . Could you please give me a one?12. 这双鞋子很便宜,我买了。The shoes very cheap, and Til.13. 这条黑色的裤子太长了。Thisblack trousers too .14. 你们的白色短裤降价销售吗?Are your?V .根据汉语意思完成句子1. These shoes are $ 28.(对画线部分提问)these shoes?2. My trousers are black.(对画线部分提问)your trousers?3. My sister likes this picture.(改为否定句)My sisterthis picture.4. Mr. Brown sells a skirt to Linda.(改为同义句)Lindaa skirtMr. Brown.5.1s there anything I can do for you?(改为同义句)for you?6. How about these red and blue T-shirts?(改为同义句)these red and blue T-shirts?7. How much is the sweater?(改为同义句)theof the sweater?Unit 10单元语法专练1.-are these bananas?-$3.99.A.How muchB.How longC.How heavyD.How big2.The black T-shirt is very good on you. And its only 30 yuan. Great.A.It looks badB.Its too expensive C.I don9t like itD.ril take it3.How many hours do you sleep every night?-About,hours. From 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.A.nineB.nineteenC.ninthD.ninety4.Please turn to pageand take alook at the picture on it.A.the eightiethB.eightiethC.eightiesD.eighty5.Look! Is that your friend Lucy?No, it isnt. Lucy hashair.A.bigC. shortD.small6. people travel every year?Perhaps when we are talking about it, more than 100 planes have taken off aroundthe world.A.How manyB.How much C.How longD.How often7. Annies family is going to have a yard /sei 1/ today.A.seatB.saleC.silkD.save8. Good morning, sir! ?-Id like to buy a sweater fbr my daughter.A.What can I do for youB.What are you doingC.How about the sweaterD.Can you help me9. Can I have a look at your photos, please? .A.Sure, here you areB.Dont mention itC.I cant agree with youD.Im sorry to hear that10. Mr. Smith lives in .A.206 roomB.Room 206 C.room 206D.206 Room11. There are /ten/ students in our group.12. The English dictionary is 25 dollars.(对画线部分提问)is the English dictionary?the English dictionary?


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