Module 6 Unit 2That is a cat

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Module 6 Unit 2 That is a cat.1. Contents: Module 6 Unit 2 Part 1IL Teaching aims:1 Aims on the knowledgea. To enable Ss to understand and speak these new words, phrases and sentences,such as, cat, that is, that is a cat. Make sure that Ss can use these words in realsituations.b. To help Ss to make differences between this and that.2. Aims on the abilities.a. To develop Ss ability of talking about the things around them.b. To train the Ss ability of working in groups.c. To foster Ss abilities of communication and act.3. Aims on the emotion.a. To foster Ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.b. To lead Ss to pay attention to the things around them in the daily life.c. To tell Ss the differences of near” and far.III. Key-points of this lessonTo know how to use this and that, for example , “ this is a cat and that isa cat.IV. Difficult pointsMake differences between this and that.V Teaching methodsTSA method (Total Situational Action) and TBLT method (Task-based LanguageTeaching).VI. Teaching tools.Cards, toys, CAI.VII. Teaching procedures.Step 1. Warm-up and preview.a. With the help of the CAI, let them sing two songs. 1,2,3,4,5, clap hands, and“Whats that? Let the students do actions while listening. Help them enter thenew class quickly.b. Let them introduce the things around them, such as, desk, seat, window, door,classroom. this is a desk/ a seat/ a window/ a door/ a classroom.Step 2. Presentationa. Use CAI to show them some cats. Let them read after me. Make sure each onecan say cat.b. Show them a toy cat, ask them “Whats this? Help them to answer Its acat. Then say “This is a cat., Let them follow me.c. Let them review some words, (by loud-low voice, I say it in low voice, theyshould say in loud voice, or change.)Use CAI to show them some pictures. Findsome students to speak out the words with the help of pictures. If they are right,they can be given one point.d. Use cat to show them, this is a cat”,that is a cat. Use the hand to tell themthe differences between this and that.e. Use dog, panda to learn “this is and that is. Each animal will be put near andfar away. Tell them where this” and that” will be used.Step 3. Practicea. I say this is a cat, they should say “that is a cat., I say this is a panda, theyshould say that is a cat”. Ask one student to come to the blackboard, choose oneof his/ her favorite animal, and introduce “this is a panda, others should say “thatis a panda.b. Give them four pictures (which are near of far away). Let them practice. Findsome students to make sentences for us. Such as, “this is a panda. That is acat.”c. Do a guessing game by CAI. Let them guess, “Whats that?d. Let them open their book. . Play the tape, Ss imitate to read and say.Step 4. AssessmentAsk them to do exercise book part 1, find some students to do on the screen.Check the answers.Step 5. Add-activityUse the toys to practice this” and that. When they put the toys near them, theyshould say this is a cat. When they put them far away from them, they shouldsay that is a cat.”Divide them into two groups, let them close their eyes, I put two toys on twostudents desk. Let them open their eyes, one say “this is a dog”,that is a panda”;one say this is a panda, that is a dog.Blackboard writing:Module 6 Unit 2 That is a is adog.That is apanda.Homework:Listen to the tape for 15 minutes.


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