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地球与宇宙奥秘探索I. 阅读理解AVenice is built on 118 smal1 islands in the middle of the Venetian Lagoon ofthe Adriatic Sea in Northern Italy. The beautiful city experiences water surges (汹涌)from the rising tides at least four times a year, usually during winter.However, the 1. 87-meter tide that swept through the city on November 12,2019,was one of the highest ever experienced, second only to the 1. 94-meter wave thatflooded Venice in 1966. To make matters worse, it was followed by two water surges,both topping 1. 5 meters on November 15 and 17. The rapid series of high tides coveredover 80 percent of the city of canals, causing widespread destruction to museums,homes and businesses.Though difficult, it is always important to find a hope in such events. In Venice,it has come in the form of the Angels of the Salt hundreds of young volunteerswho came to the city. The young people from all over Italy were alerted (提醒注意)to the situation by Venice Calls, an organization consisting of 35 young students.Its spokesperson, Piero Risica, told CNN, When we saw the historic flooding onTuesday night, November 12, we immediately started to gather volunteers to help thecity. The first day we were 200, yesterday 550, and today more than 1,700.Besides helping remove the flood waters from neighbourhoods, the volunteers werealso removing the garbage on the street. Some volunteers came to Venice* s MusicConservatory, which suffered water damage. Because of the work of volunteers likeMaria, who had been carefully using paper towel (纸巾)to absorb water from historicmanuscripts (手稿)that were wet with salt water, many historic manuscripts in theMusic Conservatory were rescued.Whats upsetting Venetians is that the disaster could have been avoided if theMoveable Barrier System had been in place. This project to place moveable floodgatesthat would prevent the high tides has been under construction since 2003, and hasalready cost D|S5 billion. However, due to the cost overruns, and opposition fromsome people concerned about the project* s impact on the weak canal ecosystem, i tis nowhere close to completion.语篇解读:本文是-篇记叙文。威尼斯遭遇了潮水入侵,对该城市造成了很大破坏。1. What makes Venice struggle according to the text?A. The location of the city.B. The lack of enough city canals.C. The unpredictable weather in winter.D. The destruction of seasonal water surges.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段中的wThe beautiful city . during winter. w和第二段中的 causing widespread destruction to museums, homes and businesses”可知答案。2. What can be inferred from Piero Risicas words?A. Venice Calls can predict the flooding.B. Venice Calls is active in fighting disasters.C. Volunteers in Venice arc brave and respectful.D. Volunteers in Venice are shocked by the disaster.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Venice Calls . we immediately stcirtedto gather volunteers to help the city可知,在应对灾难面前,Venice Calls I作很积极。3. What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 4?A. What volunteers did to help the city.B. How volunteers saved the historic manuscripts.C. Why water surges were highly destructive in Venice.D. What damage water surges caused to Venice,s Music Conservatory.解析:选A段落大意题。第四段主要讲述了水灾发生后志愿者所做的工作。4. What is the authors attitude towards the Moveable Barrier System?A. Critical.B. Regretful.C. Confused.D. Doubtful.解析:选B观点态度题。根据最后一段中的the disaster could have been avoidedif the Moveable Barrier System had been in placew 可知,作者对 Moveable BarrierSystem没有投入使用感到惋惜。BWith outbreaks of infectious (感染性的)diseases making headlines around theworld, scientists are under pressure to understand the drivers that influence thetransmission of pathogens (病菌的传播)in order to better predict and controldisease outbreaks.In the wilds of Botswana, a pathogen called M. mungi has a different way ofinfecting the banded mongoose (a small furry animal that kills snakes and rats).The pathogen spreads from animal to animal through scent (气味)marks. Scent marksare deposited into the environment and contain smel 1 signals that convey informationfrom one mongoose to another, explained Kathleen Alexander, a wildlife biologist,who led the new study.To conduct their experiment, Alexander and Caro 1e Anne Nichols monitored themovements and communication of about 500 banded mongooses in protected parklandscapes, urban environments, and other places with varying characteristics inBotswana. In this way, researchers were able to gain insight into the manner in whichland type and animal behavior interact to influence the spread of the pathogen. Theresult was a comprehensive data set of mongoose behavioral interactions across arange of landscape types.In high-traffic, predator-rich (食肉动物多的)environments, such as urbancenters or national parks, the mongooses stciyed constantly alerted (警觉的),devoting their energy to scanning the surrounding environment and preparingthemselves for escaping. This super awareness likely kept them safe from danger,but it also greatly curtailed their contact with others, reducing the possibilitythat M. mungi would spread. If you* re running from a predator, you re not stoppingto leave a message for other animals, Nichols says, Youre running for yourlife. ”But the opposite was true at tourism cabins, where predators are scarce and food,which is often left by human hands, is easy to find. Here, the mongooses spent agood amount of time marking scent, creating a lot of opportunities for the pathogento spread.Previous studies by Alexander have pulled back the mask on how animal behaviorshapes the spread of disease. These new findings, however, add another layer ofdifference to the spread of disease, stressing the role of environments.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项关于编獴(banded mongoose)的研究揭示了环境会影响传染病的传播。5. Whats the purpose of marking scent by banded mongooses?A. To track clown snakes and rats.B. To better adapt to the environment.C. To share information with each other.D. To protect themselves from pathogens.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的aScent marks . convey information fromone mongoose to another. ”可知,编獴之间利用气味相互交流。6. What did Alexander and Nichols do during the experiment?A. Analyzed the spreading way of the peithogen.B. Marked the characteristics of different land types.C. Collected previous data about banded mongooses behavior.D. Observed banded mongoose across a range of environments.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的monitored themovements . and other places with varying characteristics in Botswana. 可知I,Alexander和Nichols在不同环境下观察编獴的行为。7. What does the underlined word curtailed in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Decreased.B. Explained.C. Replaced.D. Repeated.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据第四段画线单词后的. you* re not stopping to leavea message for other animalsw可知,这种状况会“减少”编獴之间的接触。8. Whats the finding of Alexander and Nicholss new research?A. Predators can speed up the spread of diseases.B. Environments can influence the spread of diseases.C. Animals can sense potential danger around them.D. The spread of diseases can shape animals behavior.解析:选B推理判断题。根据文章内容及最后一段的内容可知,缩獴在捕食者少的地方感染病菌的概率会大很多,因此,Alexander和Nichols新的研究表明生存环境会影响疾病的传播。阅读七选五Most of the earths freshwater sits underground. Tapping the groundwater hasenabled farming in drier places. One example is the Cal ifornia Central Vai ley. Groundwater is what made this region* s crop production so bountiful._2_ Natural waterways will begin to empty, which can hurt freshwaterecosystems, including surface water rivers and streams, which wi 1 begin to flowinto the groundwater aquifer (含水层).It will harm what is living in rivers andstreams. Scientists consider this a tipping point. That* s when small actions canbegin having an unusually big impact.A new study has found that 15 to 21 percent of tapped watersheds have reachedthe tipping point. 3 Farmers in these areas mainly use groundwater to water theircrops. At current pumping rates, it is predicted that 42 to 79 percent of watershedswi11 reach tipping points by 2050. “Its really quite alarming, says Inge deGraaf, a hydrologist (水文学者)who studies the distribution and circulation of theearths water. Groundwater and surface water are closely linked. 4 nA healthy groundwater aquifer protects ecosystems against seasonal ups and downsin the availabi 1 ity of water. 5 Moreover, it wi 11 maintain the biodiversity inthe area. In the long term, it will benefit the human beings.A. Pumping much groundwater can be harmful.B. That provides stability for area plants and animals.C. The earths water is all connected to one big circle.D. Thats where about one-fourth of the US food comes.E. Most of those tapped rivers and streams are in dry regions.F. However, much pumping at this rate creates a ticking time bomb.G. It means there will be a shortage of freshwater for human beings.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了过度使用地下水的危害。1. 选I)设空位于段中,与上文存在指代关系。I)选项中的That指代上文中的theCalifornia Central Valley。2. 选A设空位于段首,是本段主题句。下文围绕主题句展开叙述的。3. 选E设空位于段中,对上文做进一步的解释说明。4. 选F设空位于段尾,与上文存在转折关系,强调过度使用地下水造成的隐患。5. 选B设空位于段中,与上文存在因果关系。良好的地下水含水层对地区动植物的稳定提供了保障。III.短文改错Dear Sir,I am a student from the near school. Here I want to report the environmentalsituation for you. There used to many green trees and all kind of flowers in ourschool all the year round. The school looks like a beautiful garden and we had aclean studying environment. And everything has changed since your chemical factorywas bui11 a year before. Every day i t produces lots of waste water and harm gases.The terrible pollution has been done great harm to our health. We all expect youfactory can take measures to stop the pollution soon.Yours,Li Hua答案:第句:near-*nearby第二句:for-*to第三句:used to 后加 be; kindkinds第四句:lookslooked第五句:AndBut; before-*ago第六句:harm-*harmful第七句:去掉been第八句:you-*your


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