江苏省扬中市同德中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 5 let's celebrate课件1 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省扬中市同德中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 5 let's celebrate课件1 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省扬中市同德中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 5 let's celebrate课件1 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省扬中市同德中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 5 let's celebrate课件1 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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Unit5 lets celebrateWelcome学习目标:学习目标:1. Learn about some festivals学习中外著名的节日学习中外著名的节日2. Know how to celebrate these festivals初步了解这些节日的庆祝方式初步了解这些节日的庆祝方式3.Learn to talk about your favourtie festival学会谈论最喜欢的节日学会谈论最喜欢的节日festivl selibreitcalender klind hli:n ghosts a ghost dress up as . the Monkey Kingdress up as . a pumpkin lantern pumpkin lanterns makeHobo, today is Halloween.Great ,Lets celebrate.1.Why is Eddie so happy?Because it is Halloween .2.What does Hobo dress up as at first?A ghost.3.What dose Hobo dress up as at last最后最后?The Monkey King.Mid-Autumn Festival family get together have a big dinnereat mooncakes enjoy the full moonHow do people celebrateDo you know the other festivals?New Years DayMothers DayNational DayApril Fools DayTeachers DayFathers DayChildrens DayThanksgiving DayMay DayArmy Day以以Day命名的主要节日命名的主要节日: : The date and the festival New Years Day National Day Teachers Day Childrens Day May Day ChristmasDecember 25th September 10thMay 1st January 1st October 1st June 1st is onFestival CelebrationsHalloween Mid-Autumn FestivalChinese New YearThanksgiving DayChristmasDragon Boat FestivalMy favourtie festival is I like it because. dress up make pumpkin lanterns wear masks family get together have a big dinner eat mooncakes enjoy the full moon wear new clothes get red packets eat nice food let off fireworks eat Turkey have a Christmas tree get lots of presents have a dragon boat race eat rice dumplings重点词汇讲解重点词汇讲解1. celebrate v.庆祝庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝庆祝 我们通常吃一顿大餐来庆祝中国新年。我们通常吃一顿大餐来庆祝中国新年。We usually have a big dinner to ceberate Chinese New Year. 2. interesting adj. “有趣的有趣的” 这个故事很有趣。这个故事很有趣。The story is very interesting.图书馆有许多有趣的书。图书馆有许多有趣的书。There are many interesting books in the library. interested adj.(对对 )感兴趣的)感兴趣的 be interested in. 我对这个有趣的节日很感兴趣。我对这个有趣的节日很感兴趣。I am interested in the interesting festival.3. as prep.介词介词“作为,当作;像作为,当作;像”她在一所中学当老师。她在一所中学当老师。She works_ a teacher at a middle school.他给我一张卡片作为礼物。他给我一张卡片作为礼物。 He gives me a card _a present.asas4. I want to dress up as a ghost. dress v. “给给穿衣服穿衣服” (es) dress sb 意为意为“给某人穿衣服给某人穿衣服”她每天给她的孩子穿衣服。她每天给她的孩子穿衣服。She_ every day. dresses her childdress up “装扮,打扮装扮,打扮”后常接介词后常接介词 as 表示表示“装扮成装扮成,打扮成,打扮成”Eg.在万圣节晚会上他装扮成美猴王。在万圣节晚会上他装扮成美猴王。He _as _at Halloween party.dresses upMonkey King5. get lots of nice presents get v. 得到得到 get to sp. 到达某地到达某地 get up 起床起床 get together 聚会;聚在一起聚会;聚在一起 present n. 礼物礼物 gift 6. because conj. 因为因为 because +句子句子 不能与不能与 so 连用连用我总是到校早,因为我住得离学校不远。我总是到校早,因为我住得离学校不远。I always _ _ _ _, _ I _live _ _ _ the school. because of + n./代词宾格代词宾格/ ving. I make my teacher unhappy because of _ (be) late. get to school early because dont far away from being7. together adv. 在一起;共同、在一起;共同、 get together 聚会;联欢聚会;联欢一起上学一起上学 go to school _一起做作业一起做作业 _ together do homework together8. full adj. 圆的;满的;饱的圆的;满的;饱的 the full moon 满月满月 这个杯子满了。这个杯子满了。The cup is full.我饱了。我饱了。I am full. (我饿了。我饿了。I am hungry.) be full of . 充满了充满了. 这个杯子充满了水。这个杯子充满了水。The cup is full of water.together do homework together


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