吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 3 A healthy life language points》课件1 新人教版选修6

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吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 3 A healthy life language points》课件1 新人教版选修6_第1页
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吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 3 A healthy life language points》课件1 新人教版选修6_第2页
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吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 3 A healthy life language points》课件1 新人教版选修6_第3页
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Language points Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.Learning aims: 1. To master the usage of 3 words, 5 phrases and 1 sentence.2. To use the language points freely.3. To attend the class with passion and enthusiasm. Crazy reciting. 1.It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.2.Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.3.First, you can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.4.Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.1.感到不可思议吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑感到不可思议吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20公里。公里。 2.你妈妈告诉我,你已经开始吸烟了,而且还很难把它戒掉。你妈妈告诉我,你已经开始吸烟了,而且还很难把它戒掉。 3.首先,你会在身体上对尼古丁有瘾,尼古丁是香烟里几百种化学物质之一首先,你会在身体上对尼古丁有瘾,尼古丁是香烟里几百种化学物质之一 4.我更不知道,我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟人的健康。我更不知道,我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟人的健康。 5.However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.6.I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.7.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.5.然而,我的的确确知道,然而,我的的确确知道, 我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。 6.我的确希望你把它戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。我的确希望你把它戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。 7.每次当你想要抽烟的时候每次当你想要抽烟的时候 ,你就提醒你自己,你已经是不抽烟的人了,你就提醒你自己,你已经是不抽烟的人了 学案反馈做得好的小组:做得好的小组:group 1. Group 2 , Group 3 1.由于由于 2. 对对上瘾上瘾3. 习惯于习惯于 4. 对对作出决定作出决定5. 想要干想要干 6. 放弃放弃7. 顺便说一下顺便说一下 8. 对对造成损害造成损害9. 列出列出 10. 伸手去拿,够伸手去拿,够11. 成功地干成某事成功地干成某事 12. 陷入;染上陷入;染上1. due to4. decide on5. feel like (doing)6. 7. by the way9. 10. 11. 12. get into要求:要求:快速通读例句,观察思考,总结用法快速通读例句,观察思考,总结用法 小组讨论:组长带领组员讨论解决疑小组讨论:组长带领组员讨论解决疑难问题,控制进度,合作学习难问题,控制进度,合作学习(9分钟)分钟)讨论重点:讨论重点:1.effect 与与affect的区别的区别2.归纳表达沉溺于,专心于的短语归纳表达沉溺于,专心于的短语3.due to. 的含义及其词性的含义及其词性4.归纳含有介词归纳含有介词to的短语的短语5.In spite of/despite 与与although,though的区别的区别6.risk 短语及其含义短语及其含义7.take off 短语含义短语含义8.as,too,how 的句序的句序DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS?背诵语言点和例句,同桌互相提问检背诵语言点和例句,同桌互相提问检查查(8分钟):分钟):1.对对有效;对有效;对产生影响产生影响 2. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 3. 使自己沉溺于使自己沉溺于4.4.使自己使自己/某人对某事习惯某人对某事习惯 5. in spite of的含义的含义 6. 冒险做某事冒险做某事1. effect n结果;效力结果;效力(1)have an effect/influence on/upon 对对有效;对有效;对产生影响产生影响(2) come/go into effect 法律等生效,起作用法律等生效,起作用 bring/carry/put . into effect实行;实施;使生效实行;实施;使生效/ 起作用起作用区别区别:affect v. 影响影响 词性动词词性动词 effect n. 影响影响 词性名词词性名词 2.ban vt. banned, banned 禁止禁止;取缔取缔nC 禁令;谴责。禁令;谴责。 1)vt. ban sb./sth. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事2) n. (put )a ban on sth./doing sth.关于关于 的禁令的禁令, 禁止做禁止做3. addict vt. 使沉溺,使、上瘾使沉溺,使、上瘾 addiction n. 癖好癖好 addict n. 吸毒者,沉溺者吸毒者,沉溺者(1)be/become/get addicted to sth./doing sth. 某人沉溺于某人沉溺于;专心做;专心做,表示状态表示状态(2)addict vt. 使沉溺;使上瘾使沉溺;使上瘾 addict oneself to sth. 使自己沉溺于使自己沉溺于归纳归纳沉溺于,专心于沉溺于,专心于的短语:的短语: be lost in.; be crazy about be buried in; be addicted to.be devoted to., focus on., concentrate on, put ones heart into be absorbed in.;PHRASES: due to 1) 因为因为. , to 为介词为介词 2) due to do sth 按期按期,按理该做某事按理该做某事, 预预 定于某时做某事定于某时做某事 ,to 为动词不定式为动词不定式 3)某物应该给某人,)某物应该给某人, 某物属于某人,某物属于某人, to 为介词为介词 拓展:拓展: due to,because of,owing to, thanks to, as a result of , on account of due to 主要做表语,而主要做表语,而 because of, owing to 等等主要做状语。主要做状语。 BE/BECOME/GET/ACCUSTOMED TO . 1) accustom oneself/sb to sth /doing 使自己使自己/某人对某事习惯某人对某事习惯 2)sb be/become/get/accustomed to sth /doing 某人对对某事习惯,表示状态某人对对某事习惯,表示状态to的词性是_, 有相似词性的短语有有相似词性的短语有:介词介词be/get used to; refer to; pay attention to;look forward to; stick to; object to;adapt to; adjust to; get down to;in spite of. in spite of的含义:_, of后接_ in spite of/despite 与与 although, though 的区别的区别:尽管尽管,表示让步表示让步= despitesth./ doing sth.in spite of/ despite 为介词或介词短语为介词或介词短语,后接名词或后接名词或doingalthough/ though 为连词,后接句子,引导为连词,后接句子,引导让步状语从句让步状语从句take risks 1) take risks (a risk) to do 冒险做冒险做 2)risk doing sth. 不能说不能说risk to do 冒险做某事冒险做某事 3)risk ones life to do sth. 冒着生命危险做某事冒着生命危险做某事 4) at the risk of . 冒着冒着风险风险take off 的含义的含义1)(飞机)起飞(飞机)起飞2)事业工作等成功;某物流行事业工作等成功;某物流行3)脱下脱下4)请假,休假请假,休假 5)(体育运动,娱乐等)(体育运动,娱乐等) 换下,中止;取消换下,中止;取消6)突然离开;走掉突然离开;走掉 When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.他看见我走过来便赶快转身走了。他看见我走过来便赶快转身走了。SENTENCE PATTERN归纳总结句型句型结构:句型结构:注意此结构的顺序注意此结构的顺序as + adj. + (a/ an) + n. + as ,不能说不能说as. + (a/ an) + adj + n. + as 相似结构的有:相似结构的有:1) so + adj. + (a/ an) + n. + that 2) too + adj. + (a/ an) + n. + to do sth.3) how + adj. + (a/ an) + n. 小组展示点评小组展示点评 展示小组:展示小组: 1-3 题题 于晴于晴 前黑板前黑板 46 题题 王明静王明静 前黑板前黑板 7-9 题题 邓秋茹邓秋茹 后黑板后黑板 点评小组:点评小组: 1-3 题题 于玉于玉 46 题题 李慧玲李慧玲 7-9 题题 于晓宁于晓宁 1.Charlies been banned from driving for a year.2. Our happy childhood is due to our fathers hard work.3.Their plane is due to arrive in 15 minutes.4. Many students addict themselves to computer games.5.Im not accustomed to getting up so early after the vacation.6.The TV programme has a positive effect on the children as well as the old.7.I feel like taking a walk.Would you like to go to with me?8.Im not so good a player as any of you.9. Doctors suggest that he will be able to live six months if he doesnt quit drinking.


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