七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Progress Check 3课件2 上海新世纪版

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UNIT3 LESSON 2A FAMOUS PERSONCheck 3VOCABULARY 1. Please dont cross the road when the red light is on. Its _ traffic rules.2. Sorry, I didnt follow you. Would you please say it _?againstagainagain against 1. Columbus(哥伦布)(哥伦布) _ America in 1492.2. Would you please wait _? Ill come at once.3. Although Mr. Hawking cant walk, we should learn_ from him.4. If you invent something new, you can_.discoveredfor a little whilespirit of sciencetake out a patentfor a little while take out a patent discover spirit of scienceA: Which T-shirt will you _, the blue one or the red one? B: I like the red one. So the red one is my_.2. Tom has got a _to go on a study trip to England.chancechoicechoosechoose choice chance 1.c 2.a 3. b 4 a 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a1.educate / education / educator2.Invent / invention / inventor3.act / action / active / actor / actress4.discover / discovery / discoverer 5.choose chose chosen / choice词形转换词形转换Teach the rest of words by exercises.1. My father is an _. When he was young ,he made money by selling newspapers to pay for his _. (educate)2. Edison is a famous _. He _ the light bulb. It is one of his _.(invent)3. Tim is an _ and Sue is an _. They are _ in charity (慈善慈善)_.(act)4. Stephen Hawking has made many _ in Black Hole Physics. Columbus_ America.(discover)5. There are so many toys, I dont know which one to _. (choice)educatoreducationinventorinventedinventionsactoractressactiveactivitiesdiscoveriesdiscoveredchooseFILL IN THE BLANKS WITH PROPER VERBS Bill Gates _ a computer scientist. He _ born on October 28, 1955 in the U.S.A. Young Bill _ programming computers at the age of thirteen. He _ to the famous Harvard University, but _ _ his studies there because he _ to _ his own business. In 1975, he _ _ a company called Microsoft with his friend. When Bill _ 31 years old, he _ the richest man in the United States.iswasbeganwentdidnt finishwanted startset upwasbecame Although Bill _ a billionaire, he _ himself to work in an ordinary car. Bill _ also very kind. He _ _ a lot of money to public libraries and the poor. Bills dream _ “ A computer on every desk, and Microsoft software in every computer.” So he and his friends _ _ to _ computers easier for people to _ and cheaper to _. Now Bills dream _ _ true.isdrivesishas donatedwashave triedusebuyhas comemakeTRUE OR FALSE 1. The Curies discovered radium.( ) 2. The Americans wrote to Pierre because they wanted to buy some radium. ( ) 3. The Curies decided to take out a patent. ( ) 4. Although the Curies needed to build a lab, they didnt take this chance for money. ( ) 5. The Curies did not give the Americans any information about radium. ( ) 6. Marie Curie was the first woman to win theNobel Prize.( )TFFFTFTthe adverbial clause of reason 1. We should eat less junk food because it is high in fat and sugar and low in nutrition.the main clausethe adverbial clause of reasonconjunctionQuestions:How many parts does the sentence have?Which clause tells us the reason? The clause with because or the main clause?Fill in the blanks with proper conjunctions.1._ you are interested in the book, you can buy one.2.Tom was still late for work in the morning _ he took a taxi to his company.3._ you work hard, your dream will come true.4.Mrs White cant eat any desserts _ shes on a diet.5.Youd better see a doctor _ you dont feel well.IfalthoughIfbecauseif1. Have you read any books written by Lu Xun? What are they? What do you think of them?2. What do you think of Lu Xun?3. What contribution has he made?HOMEWORK Writing


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