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Lesson FiveIn Icy Water 在有冰的水域Dialog A:Ice-breaker Assistance对话 1:破冰援助M/V Utopia:Skedholm Radio. This is M/V Utopia. My position55 30 North 048 40 West. My destinationSkedholm. Do I require ice-breaker assistanceto enter? Over.“乌托邦”船:斯科德海姆台,我是“乌托邦”船。我船位置是55 30 N,048 40 W。我船目的地是斯科德海姆。我船需要破冰援助方能进入吗?请讲。Skedholm Radio:Yes, you require ice-breaker assistance. Receiving point is 225 , 10miles from Freya Head. Do not pass receiving point until 1100 hours local time. Out.斯科德海姆台:对,你船需要破冰援助。会合点是方位 225,距佛里亚海德10海里处,在当地时间1100时以前不要穿过会合点。完毕。Dialog B:Ice-breaker in Operation.对话 2:破冰船在工作M/V Princess Silva:M/V Nutcracker, This is M/V Princess Silva. Ok. Iam following you. I will keep a distance of threecables between vessels. Over.“丝维亚公主”:“纳特可利克”船,我是“丝维亚公主”船。我 正跟随你。我船保持船舶间距 3 链,请讲。M/V Nutcracker:M/V Princess Silva. This is M/V Nutcracker. Your place in the convoy is astern of M/V Golden Dove. You will be followed by M/V Fuji Maru. Over.“纳特可利克”:“丝维亚公主”船,这是“纳特可利克”船,你 船在编队中位置是在“金鸽”船之后, “富士丸” 船之前,请讲。M/V Nutcracker:Attention all vessels. Slow down. Shorten the distance to one cable. Proceed along the ice channel. Over.“纳特可利克”:各船注意,减速,船间距保持 1 链,沿着已开的 冰上航道航行,请讲。Dialog C:M/V Nutcracker Finished Work对话 3:“纳特可利克”船结束工作M/V Nutcracker:M/V Dainty River. This is M/V Nutcracker. Stop your engine immediately. Be ready to cast off towing line. Over.“纳特可利克”:“雅河”船。这是“纳特可利克”船,你船要立即停车,准备解拖缆。请讲。M/V Dainty River: M/V Nutcracker. I am stopping my engineimmediately. I am ready to cast off my towing line.Over.雅河”船:纳特可利克”船,我船立即停车,我船准备解拖缆。请讲。M/V Nutcracker:Attention all vessels. Proceed along the ice channel.Follow me. Keep a distance of 120metres betweenvessels. Over.纳特可利克”所有船注意,沿着已开的航道航行。 跟随着我船,船间距离保持 120 米。请讲。(One hour later 一小时后 )M/V Nutcracker;Attention all vessels. Ice-breaker assistance isfinished. You may proceed now. Out.纳特可利克”所有船注意,破冰援助结束了。你们可以继续航行了。完毕。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式1. I am fast on ice in position 55 34 N,001 39 E.我船在55 34 N,001 39 E处封于冰上。2. I require Ice-breaker assistance to North Harbour.我船到北港需要破冰援助。Ice-breaker assistance will arrive at 1100 hours local time. 破冰援助将于当地时间 1100 时到达。Ice-breaker assistance will arrive within 1 hour. 破冰援助 1 小时内到达。Ice-breaker assistanee available only up to latitude 55 51 N Iongitude 007 31 E.仅仅在 55 51 N,007 31 E 处才有破冰援助。st3. Ice-breaker assistance suspended until February 1200 local time. 在当地时间 2 月 1 日 1200 时前破冰援助暂停。4. Ice-breaker assistance suspended after sunset. 破冰援助日落后暂停。5. Ice-breaker assistance suspended until favourable weather conditions.在比较适意气候条件来到前破冰援助暂停。6. Ice-breaker assistance resumed at 0800 local time. 破冰援助在当地时间 0800 时恢复。7. Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now. 破冰援助编队护航现在开始。8. Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start at 0915 local time. 破冰援助编队护航将于当地时间 09 1 5时开始。9. Stand by on VHF CH16.守候甚高频 16 频道。10. Keep lookout for sound and visual signals.瞭望视觉和声觉信号Your place in convoy is number 16. 你船在编队中是第 16 号。M/V Atlantia will follow you.你船后面是“亚特兰大”船11. Atlantia will follow me.我船后面是“亚特兰大”船You will follow M/V Atlantia.你船将跟随“亚特兰大”船Go ahead and follow me.向前行跟随我船。Going ahead and following you.正跟随你船并跟随你船。Do not follow me.不要跟随我船。I will not follow you.我将不跟随你船。Proceed along ice channel.沿已开航道航行。Increase your speed.Reduce your speed.减速Reverse your engine (s).Keep a distance of 120metres between vessels. 船舶间保持 120 米距离。Keep a distance of 100 cables between vessels. 船舶间保持 100 链距离。Increase distance between vessels to 200metres. 船舶间距离增大到 200 米。Increase distance between vessels to 150 cables. 船舶间距离增大到 150 链。Reduce distance between vessels to 100metres.船舶间距离减至 100 米Adjust intervals between vessels 10 cables. 船舶间距离调整到 10 链。Stand by for receiving towing line.准备带拖缆。Stand by for letting go towing line.准备解拖缆。Switch on bow search light.打开前探照灯。Switch on stern search light.打开后探照灯。Stay where you are.无论你船在何处均停下等待。I will stay where I am.无论我船在何处均停下等待。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy finished. 破冰援助编队护航已完成。Open water ahead.前方是开阔水域。Light ice condition ahead.前方冰况较轻。Proceed by yourself.你船自己航行。Proceed by yourself to North Port.你船自己航行至北港。Proceed by myself to New Finland.我船自己航行至纽芬兰。Ice-breaker Nutcracker will escort you. 破冰船“纳特可利克”号将给你护航。Stand by for close coupled towing.等待近距离双拖带。Veer out your anchors under hawse-pipes. 松出锚链孔下双锚。Pass heaving lines through hawse-pipes. 双锚链孔处穿过撇缆。Receive towing line on deck.拖缆回收到甲板上。36. Lash together eyes of towing lines with manila lashing.把撇缆的琵琶头用白棕绳绑紧。37. Fasten towing line on towing bitts. 把拖带系缆桩上拖缆绑牢。38. I start to draw my bow into stern notch of ice-breaker. 把我船头拉入破冰船船尾凹部。39. Stand by for cutting manila lashing if required. 若需要准备切断马尼拉绳结。40. Keep yourself in centre-plan of ice-breaker. 让你船在破冰船所开航道中心部位。41. What is latest information? 最新消息是什么? Ice warning. Iceberg located in position 61 16 N, 003 07 E. 冰况警告,冰山在 61 16 N, 003 07 E处。 Ice reported in area around North of English Channel. 据报在英吉利海峡北部有冰。 No ice located in position 57 16 N, 004 17 W.在 57 16 N, 004 17 W 处无冰况。 No ice located in area around the English Channel. 在英吉利海峡附近无冰况。42. What kind of ice was located in position 65 50 N, 006 16 E? 在 65 50 N,006 16 E 处有什么样的冰?What kind of ice reported in area around Tianjin harbour?据报在天津港附近有什么样的冰I, MN Joy Sea, sight iceberg in position 65 50 N, 006 16 E. 我,“兴海”号船,在65 50 N,006 16 E处看到冰山。I, M/V Hua Tong Hai, reported ice in area around Bering Strait. 我,“华铜海”船,报告白令海峡附近冰况。43. What ice situation is expected in my position? 我船附近冰况将如何变化?What ice situation is expected around the Greenland? 靠近格林兰岛附近冰况如何变化?44. Ice situation expected to change in your position. 冰况在你船处将会改变。Ice situation expected to change in Lake Superior. 冰况在苏必利尔湖将会改变。Ice situation not expected to change in your position. 冰况在你船处将不会改变。Ice situation not expected to change in area around Normandy. 冰况在靠近诺曼底处将不会改变。Ice situation expected to improve in your position. 冰况在你船处将改善。Ice situation expected to deteriorate in your position. 冰况在你船处将恶化。Ice situation expected to improve in area around Frisian Islands.冰况在弗里西亚群岛附近将改善Ice situation expected to deteriorate in area around Bering Strait. 冰况在白令海峡附近将恶化。Ice expected to open in your position. 冰在你船处融化开。Ice expected to open around Grimsby. 冰在格林姆斯比附近融化开。Ice expected to break up in your position. 冰在你船位置处将破碎。Ice expected to break up in area around the fairway. 在航路附近冰将破碎。Ice expected to drift away in your position. 你船处的冰预计将会漂走。Ice expected to drift away in the area around Snakes Island. 靠近蛇岛附近的冰将会漂走。Ice expected to freeze together in your position. 你船处冰将冻聚一起。Ice expected to freeze together in Great Bear Lake. 在大熊湖内冰将冻聚在一起。Thickness of ice expected to increase in your position. 你船处冰层将充厚。Thickness of ice expected to decrease in your position.你船处的冰层将变薄。Navigation dangerous in area around Japanese strait due to floating ice.在日本海峡附近航行危险,因为有浮冰。45. Navigation dangerous in your position. 你船处航行是危险的。46. Navigation dangerous on area around the North Pole due to pack ice. 由于多积冰,在北极附近水域航行是危险的。47. Navigation dangerous in your navigation area due to iceberg (s). 因为有冰山,在你船航行的水域是十分危险的。48. Navigation in area around the Greenland without ice-breaker assistance only possible for high-powered vessels of strong construction. 在格林兰岛附近航行的船不用破冰援助只有是这些马力大, 船体 强度高的船。49. Navigation in area around Snake Island only possible with ice-breaker assistance.在蛇岛附近必须有破冰援助方可航行。50. Area around the Dot Island temporarily closed for navigation. 在点岛附近水域航行暂时关闭。51. Danger of icing in area around the North Pole. 北极附近冰况危险。


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