广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 5 Grammar:情态动词课件 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 5 Grammar:情态动词课件 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 5 Grammar:情态动词课件 外研版_第2页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学九年级英语下册 Module 5 Grammar:情态动词课件 外研版_第3页
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MODULE 5 GRAMMAR: 情态动词情态动词 学习目标:学习目标:1掌握情态动词的用法掌握情态动词的用法2. 能比较自如的建议或禁止做某事。能比较自如的建议或禁止做某事。3写一篇建议写一篇建议/禁止的作文。禁止的作文。Task 1: Free talk ( 3 minutes) If you go to climb mountains, what must you do and what mustnt you do? E.g. You must keep to the path. You should think about your personal safety. You must keep together. You mustnt go off on your own. You must use ropes. Some library rules:You shouldnt _.You mustnt _.You mustnt _. eat or drinkspeaklisten to musicschool rules:1.You shouldnt _.2.You shouldnt _.3. You mustnt _.sleep in classfightread novels in class Task 2: read the language points: 1. You must keep to the path. 必须必须 2. You mustnt walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. 禁止禁止 3. We should start walking. 应该应该 4. You have to think about personal safety. 不得不不得不 5. We can take a look across the countryside. 可以可以 6. I may need a rest very soon. 也许也许情态动词:情态动词:can, could 能够,能够, should 应该,应该, have to 不得不,不得不,may, might可能,可能, must 必须必须, need 需要需要; will, would 决心,愿望决心,愿望 注意:注意:1.must 必须;一定(猜测);必须;一定(猜测);mustnt 禁止禁止2.can 能够,可能是;能够,可能是;cant 不能,不可能是不能,不可能是 3. need A. 做实义动词的时候:做实义动词的时候: 需要做某事需要做某事 sb. need to do sth. B. 做情态动词的时候,做情态动词的时候,“没必要做某事没必要做某事” sb. need do/ sb. neednt do sth. summary: summary: 情态动词的意思情态动词的意思 Attention: 1. Need I go home? 我需要回家了吗?我需要回家了吗? Yes, you must. / No, you neednt 是,你必须回家。是,你必须回家。/ 不,不, 没必要。没必要。 2. Must I go to the hospital? 我必须去医院吗?我必须去医院吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须去。是的,你必须去。 No, you neednt./ you dont have to. 不,没必要。不,没必要。 3. It must be Jim. 那肯定是那肯定是Jim. 4. It cant be Jim. Jim is at home. 那不可能是那不可能是 Jim. Jim 在家。在家。 exercise 1: can ,may ,have to , cant ,must ,mustnt ,should1.Dont you see the sign? Silence. You _ talk.2.It is noisy. I _hear you. 3.You _use the computer if you like.4.Lucys parents are proud of her. She _speak four languages.5.You _pay him for the newspaper.6.I _ go now. Thank you for your dinner.7.Its raining heavily outside. He _stay home watching TV. mustnt cant may can has to must should Exercise 2 书本书本p 112 1. At my school, we can wear whatever we want to. 2. Daming may need something to eat soon. 3. Can you sing well, or play a musical instrument? 4. He is very good at music. He might become famous one day. 5. We have to go on the geography trip. 6. Theyve walked a long way, so they may be tired. 7. I mustnt forget that my exam starts at 9 am on Monday. 8. Some people may not want to go camping. 9. I have to go to the dentist this afternoon so I will miss the maths lesson. 10. Dolly may be chosen to sing in the school concert. Exercise 3: 书本书本p 113 exercise 4can, cant, must, mustnt, should1.You _ join the club without a test.2.You _ wear the right clothes.3.You _ wear a belt, jewellery or a watch.4.You _ tie back long hair.5.You _ try new skills without the instructors advice.6.You _ take rests if you want to.7.Beginners _ start gymnastics without doing an Introduction course first.canmustmustntshouldmustnt can cant 中考链接:中考链接: 1. Is Susan going to her hometown by train? I guess she _. I know she likes driving her new car. A. mustnt B. cant C. may not (佛山中考题)佛山中考题) 2. These newspapers are free. You _ keep one if you like(2008 佛山)佛山) A. may B. should C. must 3. She _ go to the supermarket far from her home nowhere else is good enough for her. (2010 佛山)佛山) A. must B. has to C. canShe will be late for schoolThey dont know the wayTask 3: Can you give some suggestions?She can/may .take a taxiThey can take a taxi.They can ask the policeman.She is illHe is too fat.She must see a doctor.She have to take some medicine.She should have a rest. He must lose weight.He should do some sports.He can eat more vegetable and less meat.He has to do weight training. Task 4: Write a composition: 请写一篇短文,讨论在旅游中应该做什么,不应请写一篇短文,讨论在旅游中应该做什么,不应该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容。该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容。90字左右字左右 Does Dont1. 将垃圾随身带走;将垃圾随身带走;2. 在人行道上走;在人行道上走;3.给他人拍照时应给他人拍照时应先获得许可先获得许可1. 不要采花或破坏树木;不要采花或破坏树木;2不不要污染河流和小溪;要污染河流和小溪;3. 不要不要在森林里生活;在森林里生活;4.不要高声喧不要高声喧哗哗下次旅游时,应该及时制止身边这些不文明行为。下次旅游时,应该及时制止身边这些不文明行为。如果人人都做一个生态旅游者,我们的家园会更如果人人都做一个生态旅游者,我们的家园会更美好。美好。 写作小写作小tips: 在写一些关于建议或者禁止的作文时,可以选用情态动词,在写一些关于建议或者禁止的作文时,可以选用情态动词,must, can, may, should, mustnt, cant, shouldnt 等。中等。中考时,尽量选用自己最熟悉最擅长的句型,在没把握用长句考时,尽量选用自己最熟悉最擅长的句型,在没把握用长句时,尽量使用短句。时,尽量使用短句。 范文参考范文参考: Now many countries around the world has started eco-tourism holidays and trips. When we have trips, we should take rubbish away with us. We need walk on the road. It is important to get others permission before taking photos. We cant pick flowers or destroy trees. We shouldnt pollute rivers or streams. We mustnt make fire in the forest. We also shouldnt make noise, too. If you go to travel next time, you need to stop these bad behaviors on time. If everyone can be an eco-tourist, our hometown will be better and better.


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