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下期中质量检测八年级英 语 试 卷 一、听力技能 (20分)第一节1. A. Take a train B. Ride a bike C. Take a bus2. A.Bananas B. Grapes C. Apples3. A. Hot dogs B. Beijing duck C. Hamburger4. A. Walking B. Running C. Dancing5. A. Wash hands B. Do homework C. Play basket 第二节6. What does the boy want to be in the future?A. Bus driver B. Teacher C. Singer 7. How is the weather in Beijing? A. Sunny B. Snowy C. Rainy8. How old was the man when he met Judy? A. Seven years old B. Thirteen years old C. Fourteen years old9. Who did Henry go to the countryside with? A. His friends B. His parents C. His brother10. Whats Lucy looking for? A. Her bag B. Her hat C. Her egg第三节11. What is Peter going to do this weekend?A. Go to the movies B. Play football C. Watch TV at home12. What does Peter liking doing now?A. Playing football B. Playing tennis C. Playing table tennis13. Who did Mary go shopping with? A. Jack B. Laura C. Lucy14. What did Mary buy A. A pair of shoes and some fruit. B. Some fruits and some clothes C. A pair of shoes and some clothes.15. What is Marys favorite color? A. Red. B. Green C. Blue 第四节About LisaFromCanadaTime to come to ChinaOn 16._, 2006Lives with17. _Likes doing18._ and paintingFavorite subject19. _About Chinese peopleThinks they are 20. _二、知识使用第一节 单项选择题 (10分) ( ) 21. - Did you buy _ last month. No, I bought nothing. A. special anything B. anything special C something special ( ) 22. -_I went to the beach. . A. How did you go there? B. How was your vacation? C. Where did you go on vacation? ( ) 23. do you go to school by bike? Twice a week. A. How soon B. How often C. How long ( ). 24. - What does she do on weekends? - She sometimes _. She likes walking around in the supermarkets. A. uses the Internet B. watches TV C. goes shopping( ). 25.- Do your parents often play soccer? -No, _. They are too busy. A. hardly ever B. sometimes C. usually ( )26. - Are you as _as your sister? A. friendly B. friendlier C. less friendly( ) 27. Our country is becoming _. A. stronger and stronger B. more and more strong C. strong and strong( ) 28. Lisa is than her sister. A. more smarter B. much smarter C. more smart ( )29. He is different his brother, but he is similar his father. A. from, from B. to, to C. from, to ( ).30. -_ do you think _ soap operas? -I dont mind them. . A. What; like B. How, like C. What, of( ) 31. -Why do you often go to Movie Palace? -Because it has _ seats of all the cinemas. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. more comfortable ( ) 32. - Which is the _ clothes store in town? - Dream Clothes. Its worse than Blue Moon. A. worst B. worse C. best ( )33. I hope to _whats going _ around the world. A. look for , on B. find out, on C. find out , in ( ) 34. Thanks me! A. for telling B. to tell C. for tell ( ) 35. Bill is a(n) _ boy, so he has lots of friends. A. tall B. outgoing C. serious第二节 完形填空 (10分)Do you have a healthy lifestyle(生活方式)? I think I _36_. First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk food, _37_ I hardly ever eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. Maybe they are not very delicious, but they are _38_ for health. Second, I take _39_ every day. It says if people run every day, they will have _40_ hearts than others. So I run _41_ thirty minutes every morning. Third, I have good living habits. I try to _42_ eight hours every day. That _43_ me to be energetic(精力充沛的) the next day. And I can study better and get better grades. What do you _44_ my lifestyle? Can you learn something _45_ it?.( )36. A. am B. like C. do( )37 A. but B. and C. so( )38. A. good B. bad C. late( )39. A. cleaning B. exerciseC. homework( )40. A. healthy B. healthier C. healthiest( )41. A. for B. at C. on( )42. A. spend B. sleep C. practice( )43. A. stops B. helps C. makes( )44. A. look at B. think of C. look after( )45. A. of B. from C. for三、阅读理解 (35分)第一节 阅读选择(共10小题, 计20分)A A lady who never gave up(永不放弃的女人)She was a poor girl . She became the famous woman scientist of her time. Thats the story of Marie Curies(居里夫人) life. Her life was very great. She worked hard and she didnt care about the honors(荣誉).Marie was born in 1867 in Poland. Her name was Marie Sklosovska then. Her father was a teacher. Everyone soon saw that Marie had a quick mind.Maries mother died(去世) when Marie was only ten. From then on, Marie knew that she would have to work hard at her lessons if she wanted to be successful(成功的) in her life. She studied very hard and was one of the best students at her school.Marie and her older sister, Bronya, wanted to study in France at the Sorbonne. But their father didnt have enough money to send them there. Marie had an idea: she would teach at home and send her money to Bronya. After her sister finished studying in Paris, she would get work and send Marie the money to study there herself. So Marie worked very hard for six years to pay for her sisters studies. But when she got to France, her sister was married( 结婚) and could not give her much help. She only had bread and tea most of the time.Again Marie worked. She studied in a small room without heat (暖气)or light. But she only thought of her maths and science. After four years hard work, Marie and her husband found radium(镭). They were given the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) for their great discovery(发现). ( )46. Marie Sklodovska was born in _.A. France B. Poland C. Stockholm( )47. Marie did not go to Paris with her sister because _.A. she did not want to B. she always thought of her maths and science first.C. She had to earn money to pay for her sisters study.( )48 . he received her higher education (教育) at _.A. Poland B. Stockholm C. France( )49. In Paris Marie had to had bread and tea because_.A. she had no time B. she only liked bread and tea.C. her sister could not give her much help( )50. Maries life was great because_.A. she worked hard and didnt care about the honors(荣誉).B. she was the first woman to work at the SorbonneC. she helped her sister BThere are many kinds of movies in the world. For example: comedies, thrillers, documentaries, romances, action movies People love movies. Comedies make people laugh because they are funny. Thrillers make people frightened (受惊吓的) and cry because they are scary. Documentaries bring people knowledge because they are instructive (有教育性的). People like romances because they are romantic (浪漫的). People also like action movies a lot because they are exciting. Different people like different kinds of movies. Girls always like romances. Boys like action movies and thrillers. But all girls and boys like comedies.根据短文内容选择最佳选项.( ) 51. How many kinds of movies do you know from the passage? A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven. ( )52. What kind of movies make people cry and frightened? A. Action movies.B. Documentaries.C. Thrillers.( ) 53. What kind of movies are instructive? A. Action movies.B. Documentaries.C. Comedies. ( ) 54. Why do people like action movies? A. Because they are exciting.B. Because they are instructive. C. Because they are romantic. ( ) 55. What kind of movies do boys like according to the passage? A. Comedies, action movies and thrillers. B. Documentaries and action movies. C. Action movies and thrillers. 第二节 阅读填空(共5小题, 计5分)CParents, doctors and teachers want to know how to help children keep healthy. Here are five rules to keep healthy. Eat different foodIf you eat different food, you can get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. You have to eat two kinds of fruits and three kinds of vegetables a day.Drink water oftenWhen youre really thirsty(口渴的), water is the No.1 choice(选择). How much do kids need? If you are older than 12 years old, drink 3 cups a day.Listen to your bodyWhen youre eating, notice(注意) how your body feels. Sometimes, people eat too much because they dont notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable(不舒服).Limit(限制) screen timeWhats screen time? Its the time you spend watching TV or using the computer. Try to spend at most two hours a day on the screen.Be active(积极的)What activities do you like best? Find ways to be active every day. You can write down lots of things to do, and then you can do them when your parents say its time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!Rules to Keep HealthyEat different foodYou can get the 56. your body needs from different food.Drink water oftenIts best to drink 57 when you are really thirsty.Listen to you bodyEating too much can make you feel 58. .Dont eat too much.Limit screen timeYou should spend at 59. two hours a day on the screen.Be activeDont always watch TV or play computer games. Try to find ways to be 60. every day.第三节 阅读回答问题(共5小题, 计10分)One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦)met an old friend on a street in New York.“Mr Einstein,” said the friend, “ it seems that you need to put on a new overcoat(外套). Look, how worn-out it is.”“It doesnt matter,” answered Albert Einstein. “No one knows me here in New York.”Several years later they met in New York again. Einstein had been a world-famous physicist (物理学家)after then but he still wore the same old overcoat.Once more( 再一次) his friend persuaded (劝说) him to buy a new one.“There is no need now,” said Einstein, “Everybody here knows me.”根据短文内容,回答问题。61. Where did Albert Einstein met his old friend?_ 62. What did the friend want him to buy?_63. How was Einsteins overcoat?_64. Did Einstein still wear the same old overcoat when he became a world-famous physicist?_65. What did Einstein say when once more the friend persuade him to buy a new overcoat?_四写作技能第一节 英汉互译 (共5小题, 计5分)Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented. 66.才艺展正变得越来越流行. 67. Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents. Talent shows have one thing in common. 68. They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians and so on. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? 69这由你决定。. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. 70. Some think that the lives of performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. If you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. Talent shows give people a way to make their dreams come true.66 67686970第二节 补全对话。(共5小题, 计5分)A: So, Cheng Tao, May I ask you some questions?B: 71_.A: Do you like watching TV?B: Yes, I do. A:72_?B: Hmm, I watch TV twice a week.A: 73_?B: Animal World. A: 74 _?B: Because I want to watch something relaxing. Animals are very cute and relaxing.A: 75 _?B: I cant stand talk shows. They are very boring. 第三节 书面表达(共10分)以My Trip to为题写一篇旅游日记,描述你印象最深的一次旅行。要求:不少于60词。先补全标题,再按下列提示写。1. Where did you go? 2. Who did you go with? 3. How was the weather? 4. What did you do every day? 5. What food did you eat? 6. What did you like best? 7. Did you dislike anything? 8. How did you feel about the trip?My Trip to _ 2014年下期中质量检测八年级 英 语 答题卡 班级 姓名 得分: 一、听力技能:(20分)1234567891011121314151617181920二、知识运用第一节 单项选择题 (10分)212223242526272829303132333435第二节 完形填空 (10分)36373839404142434445三、阅读理解第一节 阅读选择 (20分)46474849505152535455第二节 阅读填空 ( 5分) 56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59 _ 60. _ 第三节 阅读回答问题 (10分)61. _ 62. _63. _64. _65. _四、写作技能第一节 英汉互译 (共5小题, 计5分)66. _ 67. _68. _69 _70 _第二节 补全对话。(共5小题, 计5分)71. _ 72. _73. _74. _75. _


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