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七年级下第一次月考(Unit1-5)重要短语集锦Unit11. playplay + 球类/棋类play soccer/play chess /play cards(打牌)play+ the +乐器play the guitar/play the violin/play the pianio/play the drums2. storystoriestell stories讲故事 write stories写故事3.show 节目,演出,展示TV show /radio show /talk showshow sb. sth.=show sth. to sb向某人展示某物Please show me your ID card=Please show your ID card to me4.be friendly to sb 对某人友好make friends with sb和某人交朋友5.be good with 和.相处融洽 I am good with old people and kids.be good at =do well in 擅长于 I am good at playing the guitarbe good for 对.来说有好处。 Reading books is good for our study.6. on the weekend =on weekends 在周末on weekdays 在工作日 on school days 在学校上课日 on school nights 在学校晚间 at night 在晚上7.teach 教 learn学习=studyteach sb (how) to do 教某人做某事My father teaches me to play basketball.My father teaches me how to play basketball.learn (how) to do学习做某事I want to learn how to swim= I want to learn to swimUnit21. get up 起床I like to get up early 我喜欢早起My younger brother likes to get up late 我弟弟喜欢起得晚get dressed 穿衣dress sb给某人穿衣My mother ask me to dress my brother Mike every day.我妈妈叫我每天给弟弟Mike穿衣服。3. shower ,淋浴器,洗澡How many showers are there in your family?你家有几个淋浴器I take a shower every day in summer.4.做事频率always (总是) usually often sometimes hardly(几乎不)never(从不)5. 工作work 不可数名词,前不能加a ,an ;job可数名词I want to find a good job.I have much work to do this weekend.6.fun 不可数名词,前不能加a /anIts great fun./What fun!真有趣啊!funny ,滑稽的7.exercise 动词He exercises every morning after getting up.exercise 不可数名词 运动 do exercise =take exerciseexercises 可数名词,功课 do exercisesI do exercise every morning. 我每天做运动I do exercises on school nights.我在学校晚间做作业8.a group of 一群I see a group of boys playing soccer on the playground.我看见一群男生在操场上踢足球。9.eitheror.要么要么,二者选其一 neither .or既不.也不两者都不遵循就近原则Either you or Jack goes to school by bike.要么你要么杰克骑车去上学Neither Jerry nor her parents like koalas.Jerry和她爸妈都不喜欢考拉。10.感官动词后+形容词It tastes good尝起来好smell good 闻起来好,sound good听起来好 feel good 感觉好或者摸起来好11.be 动词后+形容词She is friendly.Its easy to learn English.12.live 动词v,居住He lives in Hangzhou. Pandas live in China.life 名词,n.,生命,生活I have a very healthy life .13. walk= take a walk=have a walk=go for a walk 散步14.时间的读法之逆读法a.30分钟,用到下一点钟差的分钟数+to + 下一点钟6:40 twenty to seven (还有20分钟到七点) 7:50 ten to eight(还有十分钟到八点)d. quarter 一刻钟,15分钟2:15 a quarter past two 3:45 a quarter to four还有一刻钟到四点Unit31. take the train/take the bus/take the subway/take the plane/take the ship(坐船) take a car 乘小汽车/drive a car 开小汽车 ride a bike 骑自行车车2. by bike ,by bus ,by subway 常用于句尾,句中必须还有其他动词,如go.getShe goes to school by bus.He gets to school by subway2. on a bus/train/plane=by bus/by train /by plane Lily goes to school on a bus=Lily goes to school by buson a bike=by bikeShe goes to school on her bike=She goes to school by bikein a car = by car 3. 问距离,问路程 How far is it?问所花费时间 How long does it take?How far is it from home to school?从家到学校多远?4. cross the river 过河 cross the street/cross the road过马路5. between .and 在两者之间 There is a river between the school and the village.学校和村庄之间有条河6.be afraid of害怕Im afraid of tigers.Im afraid of being late .我害怕迟到8.be like =look like 看起来像,like 不加sHe is like his father=he looks like his father.Miss Li is like a friend to us.e true实现,只能放在结尾。My dream will come true.Can their dream come true.10 village村庄villager村民There are 100 villagers in that village.Unit 41. school rules学校规则follow the rules 遵守规则 break the rules违反规则2.Dont arrive late for class=Dont be late for classYou must arrive on time= You must be on time3.Dont run in the hallways=You cant run in the hallways4.Dont fight with your classmates=You cant fight with your classmates.5.到达:get to reach arrive in+大地点、arrive at +小地点 大地点: arrive in Hangzhou= get to Hangzhou =reach Hangzhou 小地点: arrive at school=get to school=reach school6. Its +adj +to doIts important to learn English.学习英语很重要Its funny to eat breakfast at 2:00 in the afternoon.下午2点吃早饭很搞笑7. practice doing练习做某事practice the guitar=practice playing the guitar练习弹吉他I practice speaking English every morning.我每天早上练习说英语8.make ones bed /make the bed铺床9.Be quiet= Keep quiet=Dont be noisy 保持安静,别吵10. 看书刊用read,看电视节目,看球赛 用watchread a book 读书,看书read newspaper读报,看报 watch a movie看电影 watch a basketball match看球赛11.I know how you feel我明白你的感受 His parents want to know how he feels他爸妈想知道他的感受12.be strict with sb对某人严厉,be strict in sth 对某事严格 Mrs Gao is strict with us.She is also strict in her work.13.keep 保持,留,也可指借某人的物品保管多久You can keep the book for 2 days.这本书你可以借2天。We must keep the classroom tidy 我们必须让教室保持干净14.luck运气 ,名词nlucky幸运的,形容词unlucky,不幸的,形容词 Good luck !好运气,Sometimes I have good luck ,sometimes I have bad luck. She is lucky to have a mother like Grace能有Grace 这样的母亲她很幸运。Unit51. like +名词复数 I like pandas.I like koalas,too I like pigs because they taste good.2.small 小big大 beautiful美ugly丑 strong壮weak弱 fat 胖thin瘦 lazy懒hard-working勤劳 kill杀害protect保护3.同义词cute=lovely可爱的 kind=friendly友好的、beautiful=pretty=good-looking好看的 smart=clever聪明的kind of = a little一点点+形容词4.kind of 一点点 Koalas are kind of lazy考拉有点懒 Tiger are kind of scarya kind of 一种 Dolphin is a kind of animal海豚是一种动物all kinds of 各种各样的 We can see all kinds of food in Wal-mart在沃尔玛可以看到各种各样的食品5.shy害羞的,sly 狡猾的6.danger危险 ,名词ndangerous危险的,形容词Its dangerous to swim in a big river. be in danger 在危险中We should save people in danger.我们应该拯救危险中的人8. go to sleep =fall asleep 睡觉 Wake up!Wake up!快醒醒,快起床!9. save救助,save people救人,save animals拯救动物 save water 节约用水 save money攒钱 safe 安全的unsafe 不安全的10. over=more than 多于 less than 少于 There are more than 1000students in our school11. People kill elephants for their ivory. kill.for.为了.而杀害People kill animals for their meat and fur.12. We cant buy things made of ivory.Unit61 read 看书刊Read a newspaper /read a magazine /read a book Watch 看球赛,看电视节目,看电影,注视Watch a basketball game /watch news on TV/watch moviesSee 看见,看望某人See sb doing I see many boys playing soccer in the playground.我看见 很多男孩在操场上踢足球See a doctor 看医生,see sb = visit sb 拜访某人Look 看,瞧Look at =have a look at = take a look at 看一看Look for 寻找 look after 照顾 My parents look after my old grandparents for 10years。 我爸妈照料我年迈的爷爷奶奶10年了Look out =be careful 小心2make Make soup 做汤/make breakfast做早餐/make a snowman堆雪人/make it 成功/make money 赚钱/make use of 利用=useWe make use of the wood to make 2 chairs.我们用这个木头做两把椅子3.go doing=go to do Go swimming 去游泳/go skating去溜冰/go shopping 去购物/go dancing去跳舞4.country国家 复数变y 为i 加es countrycountries foreign country外国 foreigner 外国人the USA =America the UK=BritainAmerica 美国 American 美国的,美国人 An American boy一个美国男孩Russia 俄罗斯 Russian俄国的,俄语,俄国人 Can you speak Russian?Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚人5. miss 想念;错过He misses his family a lot=He misses his family very much.他非常想念他的家人Hurry up,or you will miss the bus!快点,否则你会错过公交车的。You cant miss it !你不会走丢的。Unit 71 Hows the weather =Whats the weather like?2 出现look 等现在进行时标志时用raining/snowing不用rainy /snowyLook!Its raining hard outside. Raining hard=raining heavily 一般现在时 It often rains in summer .It often snows in winter.Does it often rain here? Does it often snow in the north of China?Rainy weather 下雨的天气,snowy weather 下雪的天气3.北京的天气the weather in Beijing 澳大利亚的天气the weather in Australia莫斯科下雨 Its raining in Moscow 不说 the weather is raining4. warm spring 温暖的春天 hot summer 炎热的夏季 cool autumn 清爽的秋日 cold winter寒冷的冬天5.take a message for sb 为某人捎口信 leave a message留言,留便条6.call sb back 回电话 Come back 回来,Welcome back欢迎回来!7.solve problem= work out the problem解决问题 Whats the matter=Whats up?怎么了?出什么事了?8.France is in Europe 法国在欧洲 In the mountains 在山区 go to the mountains/climb the mountain 去爬山9.take a photo of sb 给某人拍照10.on vacation在度假I am in Toronto with my family on vacation .我和家人在多伦多度假We will go to Canada for vacation 去度假for vacationUnit81. 问路 How can I get to the hospital?=How to get to the hospital?Which is the way to the hospital=Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Where is the nearest hospital? Is there a hospital around here=Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?2.宾语从句Can you tell me how I can get to the bank=Can you tell me where the bank is?2. road 公路 cross the road 过马路=walk a cross the road street 街道 On the street 在街上 Avenue 大道3. 指路用语First of all首先 then 然后 next 下面 in the end 最后Go along =go down= go straight down 沿着街道往前走Turn right at the first crossing=Take the first crossing on the rightTurn left at the second crossing在第2个十字路左转Go on until you see the park, 一直走直到你看见公园Go on until you reach the end 走到尽头You cant miss it!你不会走丢的4.enjoy oneself=have fun=have a good time玩得开心 enjoy doing= have fun doing=have a good time doing5.climb the tall tree/climb the mountain6.spend .on sth Spend in doing I spend 2 hours on my books= I spend 2 hours in reading my books=It takes me 2 hours to read my books7. study for the test/exam 准备考试8.I am calling to say Happy birthday 打电话祝贺你生日快乐下面的形近义近短语,你能区分吗?1 .be made of 看得出材料 be made from 看不出材料或者经过化学反应 The newspaper is made of paper .报纸由纸制成 The newspaper is made from wood.报纸由木头制成2.in front of 外部的前方 In the front of 在内部的前面 Our teacher is in front of us.老师在我们前面 Our teacher is in the front of the classroom老师在教室的前面。4. It takes sb sometime to do sth.花某人多少时间做某事Sb spend time in doing sthIt takes me 3hours to do my homework=I spend 3hours in doing my homework5. 区别like doing/like to do would like 只+ to do6. to do 短语 want to do =would like to do Wish to do= hope to do want sb to do=ask sb to do=tell sb to doIts time to do 该做某事了Its time to get up.该起床了7 .do 短语 help sb do sth=help sb to do Let sb do =make sb do had better do 最好做某事 动词都用原形Wed better wear warm clothes in winter.8Doing 短语finish doing 完成做某事 keep doing 一直做某事 practice doing练习做某事enjoy doing喜欢做某事 spend doing 花时间金钱做某事9.to do 与 doing Remember doing记得做过某事(过去) Remember to do 记得要做某事(将来)Remember to do =dont forget to do 常常用于祈使句Remember to take some money with you.记着身上带点钱Stop doing停止做某事 stop to do 停下来去做We should stop talking.We should stop to do our homework.


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