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Unit 1写作复习写作主题:旅行、日记(过去时)写作思路:1. When, Where, Who, How 2. How was the weather? 3. What did you see, eat and buy?(时间顺序或地点顺序) 4.What do you think of it?写作模板: (时间), it was .(天气) , I went to .(地点)with . (人物)for a trip. We went there by . (交通工具).In the morning, we .(在哪儿做什么,过去时). At noon, we ate .(食物). I liked it/them very much. In the afternoon, we .(在哪儿做什么,过去时). We took quite a few photos and bought some special gifts for(某人).All in all, it was a/an(对假期的评价)day/vacation/trip. We all had a great time.写作范文: Today, it was sunny and warm. I went to Chengdu with my parents for a trip. We went there by train. In the morning, we went to the Happy Valley for fun. At noon, we ate steak in a western restaurant. I liked it very much. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo and saw many interesting animals. They were very cute. We took quite a few photos and bought some special gifts for my friends.All in all, it was an amazing trip. We all had a great time.(91words)备注:该作文也可以通过改变过去时为将来时,用到be going to, will, plan to, want to, expect to等关键词将其变成描述假期计划的作文。 写作练习:昨天是星期天,你和你的朋友去了格林公园。请根据一下提示写一篇70字左右的作文。1. 天气晴朗但是有风2. 上午爬山、钓鱼、划船3. 中午吃的自己带的食物4. 下午做游戏,放风筝和打排球5. 觉得有点累但是十分开心_Unit 2写作复习写作主题:日常活动、身体健康的保持(一般现在时)写作思路:1. What do you do every day? (exercise, eating habits, sleep time) 2. How many times do you do it in a period of time? 3. Are they good or bad for you? 4.How to keep healthy?写作模板(以三单为例):(介绍人物及身份), let me tell you something about his habits/lifestyle. He has many good habits. For example, he always.(健康的生活方式). Its good for his health. As for his eating habits, he likes eating .(健康的食物), they help to make him strong. And he has enough sleeping time every day.However, he also has some unhealthy habits. He usually.(不健康的生活方式)for a long time. And he eats junk food.(一个较高的频率). These habits are bad for him.To stay in good health, he must have more healthy habits before its too late.写作范文: Jenny is a 16-year-old student, she is my best friend. Let me tell you something about her lifestyle. She has many good habits. For example, she does morning exercises every day . Its good for her health. As for her eating habits, he likes eating eggs for breakfast and vegetables for dinner, they help to make her strong. And she has enough sleeping time, about 8 or 9 hours every night.However, she also has some unhealthy habits. She usually.plays computer games for a long time. And she eats junk food three times a week. These habits are bad for her.To stay in good health, she must have more healthy habits before its too late.(81 words)备注:写作的时候应将好习惯、坏习惯分开论述,好习惯及好的生活方式经常发生,或不好的生活方式很少发生,反之为不好的习惯。故应正确运用频率词 写作练习:根据以下提示,介绍一下你的哥哥Greg的日常生活情况,70字左右。1. 每天早上跑步一小时。2.每周吃三到四次垃圾食品,不爱吃蔬菜。3.几乎从不上网。4.每天晚上看电视,只有6小时的睡眠时间 _ Unit 3写作复习写作主题:对比(比较级)写作思路:1. What are the same ones? 2. What are the different ones?(appearance, character) 3. What do you think of the changes?写作模板: A and B are .(人物关系),now let me tell you something about A and B. In some ways, they are quite similar to each other, or even the same.They are both.(外貌或者性格的形容词), they both like.(动词ing), and A is as.(形容词原级)as B. / A (动词)as.(副词原级)as B. However, there are still some differences between A and B.A is .(形容词比较级) than B. A doesnt .(动词)as.(副词原级)as B. Though they dont have much in common, they get along well and share a lot with each other.写作范文: Sam and Tim are twin brothers, now let me tell you something about them. In some ways, they are quite similar to each other, or even the same.They are both tall and of medium build, they both like singing, and Sam is as popular as Tim. However, there are still some differences between Sam and Tim. Sam is more hard-working than Tim, but Sam doesnt exercise as often as Tim. Though they dont have much in common, they get along well and share a lot with each other.(92 words)备注:本单元作文也可用于单纯描述某个人,只需替换开头为该人物与自己的关系,即可适当运用该文中的对比。写作练习:请从外貌,性格,喜好三方面比较你的父母中的一人与你最喜欢的老师。70字左右。_ Unit 4 写作复习写作主题:最佳场所(最高级)写作思路:1、What are these comparing things(对比对象) 2、which one is the best in each item(项目)? 3、Which one do you like best?写作模板: There are (对比对象) around/near (地点),A 、B and C. Of the three , A has the best. and its is. But I dont like A because A Comparing with A, Bs . is. than A. At the same time, B also has/is However, I like C best. Because it has/is the 最高级 around/near. But the. there is . 写作范文: There are three restaurants near our school. They are Ham, Billy and Pizza. The food in Ham is the cheapest of the three and it has better quality food. I dont like Ham because the service there is not friendly at all. Comparing with Ham, Billys food is cheap the quality of the food is good. Billys service is friendlier than Ham. So I like going there for lunch. However, I like Pizza best. Because it has the best quality food and the service is friendlier than Billys. but the food there is the most expensive.写作练习:CityWeatherFoodPeopleBeijingWorst Delicious friendlyShanghaiWorse more deliciousLess friendlyChengduGood Most deliciousMost friendly请从天气、食物、居民的三方面比较这三个城市_Unit 5 写作练习写作主题:个人喜好(表达自己的观点)写作思路:1.Who are you? Who is he/she? 2.What do you think of.? What does he/she think of.? 3.Why do people like different things?写作模板: is my best friend.Her/His family like different kinds of TV shows. They have their own ideas about TV shows. He/she loves. His/Her( father/mother/friends.) doesnt mind . But his/her( father/mother/friends.) doesnt like because he/she thinks. His/Her( father/mother/friends.) cant even stand and his/her( father/mother/friends.) cant, either. Because his/her( father/mother/friends.) thinks that. Different people have different ideas about TV shows. However, they all like watching TV shows. This is . ( my family/ my friend/his/her family.). How about yours?写作范文: Dianas family like different kinds of TV shows. They have their own ideas about TV shows. Diana doesnt mind sitcoms. Her father doesnt like them. Diana cant stand action movies, and her mother cant, either. But her father likes them. Diana likes sports shows. Her father doesnt mind them, and her mother doesnt like them. Diana loves soap operas so much, but her father cant stand them. Her mother doesnt mind them. Diana also loves talk shows. Her father doesnt mid them, and her mother likes them.Different people have different ideas about TV shows. However, they all like watching TV shows. This is Dianas family. How about yours?备注:如果是描写多人的喜好区别,则想说相同再说不同,如为一个人的喜好,直接从喜好程度从高到低分别论述。 写作练习:下面是关于吉姆一家人对于一些电视节目的看法,根据下面表格信息写一篇作文Jim Jims fatherJims motherAnimal worldloveloveDoesnt likenewsDoesnt mindDoesnt likeCant standSoap operaCant standCant standlove_Unit 6 写作练习写作主题:计划安排(将来时)写作思路:1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Why are you going to do that? 3. How are you going to do that? 4. Do you think you dream can come true?写作模板: I have a dream. Im going to be/ I want to be a/an.(职业)when I grow up, because.(想从事这份职业的原因)First, Im going to. when/after I. Second, I want to. Third, I plan to. Im sure my dream will come true one day.写作范文: I have a dream. Im going to be a writer when I grow up, because I heard Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature Prize. Im excited about it. How am I going to do that? First, Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.Second, I want to read more famous books and learn from the writers. Third, I plan to go to Peking University after I finish high school. Im sure my dream will come true one day.(90 words) 备注:尽可能将be going to, want to, expect to, plan to灵活使用,避免全文一个句型。构思一下如果讲该模板仿写成New Years resolutions 写作练习:某报社以“My dream, the Chinese dream”为题开展征文比赛,请按要求写一篇英文短文投稿,70字左右1. 谈谈你的梦想,并说说如何才能实现2. 只要每个人都尽全力去实现自己的梦想,中国梦就能实现_Unit 7写作复习写作主题:未来的生活(将来时)写作思路:1. Who makes these predictions? 2. What are the predictions?(job, place,appearance,activities, clothes and relationship) 3. Can he make it and how can he do?写作模板(以三单为例): I have a good friend, his name is. Here are his predictions about his life in.(一段时间)He will be a .(职业) because.(喜欢这份职业的原因) He will work and live in.(地点)because. In his free time, he will.(活动)He hopes his predictions/dream can come true. Now he works hard and tries his best to make his predictions/dream come true.写作范文:I have a good friend, his name is Jack.Here are his predictions about his life in 20 years. He will be a policeman, because he thinks its an exciting job.He will work and live in Beijing because its a very beautiful city and he likes it very much. He will be taller and stronger.In his free time, he will play a lot of sports and keep healthy. He will play tennis every day and he will go swimming on weekends. He will wear smart clothes. Jack will have a happy family. He hopes his predictions/dream can come true. Now he works hard and tries his best to make his predictions/dream come true.(116 words)备注:如果描写人类,而非某个具体人的未来生活,应尽可能运用there will be句型来替换写作练习:请根据提示描述50年之后的生活,70字左右:1.越来越多的人,且大部分人都生活在城市公寓中,朋友变少2.机器人帮助人类工作,人类因此工作时间缩短,大把旅游放松时间_Unit 8写作复习写作主题:操作过程描述(表顺序的词)写作思路:1. What are you going to do/make? 2. How to make it? 3. What do you think of the changes?写作模板:Do you like.(食物的复数)/ Do you know how to make.(食物的复数)? Here is one way to make it. /Let me tell you how to do it. First,. Second(Then),. Third(Next),. Fourth(After that),. Fifth(Finally).Now you can enjoy it.写作范文:Do you like scrambled eggs with tomatoes? Here is one way to make it. First, cut up two tomatoes and one green pepper.Next, break three eggs and put them into a bowl and mix them.Then, add some salt to the bowl and mix again. Then, heat the pan and pour some oil into the pan.After that, put the eggs, tomato and green pepper into the pan. Finally, cook for 2 minutes.Now you can enjoy it.(76 words)备注:如果是描述某件事的操作步骤,最后可改成Now you make it.写作练习:请根据体术描述怎么从图书馆借书。70字左右。1.把你的学生卡交给老师2.在老师的帮助下,在图书馆找到你要的书并写下它的编号3.告诉老师它的编号以及你即将借几天,何时归还4.从图书馆拿走这本书_ Unit 9 写作练习写作主题:邀请函(书信)写作思路:(邀请函)1. What kind of party is it? (拒绝邀请)1.Give thanks. 2. When and where is it? 2. Id love to, but I cant come. 3. Who will go to the party ? 3.The reason I cant come. 4.What should you do? 4. Another time for fun写作模板:(邀请函)Dear .,I would like to/ I want to invite you to come to .(派对名称) on the.(早中晚) of.(星期或日期).at.(地址) I invited.(宾客) If you come here, I will be very happy.You (dont) need to bring.(需要带的东西) I think we will have a great time together. If you can come, please let me know in. (回复的方式)by.(截止日期)I look forward to hearing from you. Yours,(拒绝邀请)Dear .,Thanks very much for inviting me to your party./ Thanks for your invitation.I really would like to come, but Im quite busy. First, . Second,. Whats more,.(不能前往的原因). I feel so sorry that I cant come. I really hope that you can have a great time. We can have fun together another/ next time. Maybe .(提议下次见面的时间) Yours, . 写作练习:汤姆邀请杰克下周六去他家,但是杰克那天没空。请你以杰克的口吻写一封委婉拒绝汤姆的回信,并说明你不能赴约的原因。70字左右。提示:study for a test; have a piano lesson; go to the movies_Unit 10写作复习写作主题:求助与建议(条件状语从句)写作思路:1. Thanks and Dont worry. 2. What are the good and bad factors of your problems? 2. How to solve it? 3. Wishes写作模板:Dear ., Im sorry to hear that you are in trouble/you have this problem now. Dont worry. Let me help you. First,. I hope what I said can help you. Yours, .写作范文:Dear Mike, Im sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Dont worry. Let me help you. First,playing computer games is very interesting, but if you play too much, youll waste lots of time, and youll have little time to do your homework. I think if you give up playing computer games, you may be interested in other things, like study or sports. Then youll be interested in many other subjects. So you should give up the computer games and work harder. I think if you keep working hard, youll have a great time at school with your good friends. I hope what I said can help you. Yours, .备注:建议环节中,先肯定对方所作所为有一定的可理解性,再指出其弊端,并针对解决。写作练习:假如你是Joe,你的好朋友Betty因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑,请给她写一封信,分析她的问题,提出建议,并谈谈自己的想法。80字左右。提示: care about, too much, exam results, worry, however, if _


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