冀教版(三起)五上lesson 32 Again, pleaseppt课件1

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GRAMMARalive living lovely livealive 活着的,在世的。活着的,在世的。Is he alive or dead?living 活着的活着的There is no living things on the moon as we know.lovely 可爱的。可爱的。My sister is a lovely girl.live 做形容词意为活着的,现场直播做形容词意为活着的,现场直播 做动词意思是生活,做动词意思是生活,生存。生存。He lives happily himself.GRAMMARthe first to dothe last to doHe is the first boy to get to school everyday.Jim is always the last student to finish the homework.GRAMMARYou are never too young to start doing things.too to =not enough to do = sothatHe is too young to go to school.He is not old enough to go to school.He is so young that he cant go to school.He is too poor to buy a computer.He is not rich enough to buy a computer.He is so poor that he cant buy a computer.GRAMMARat the age ofHe started to play football when he was four.He started to play football at the age of four.I went to DY Middle School at the age of twelve.I went to DY Middle School when I was twelve.EXERCISE1 Ronaldo is a famous _ (Brazil) soccer player.2 She went to Jims _ (one) movie last year.3 He made a great _(achieve) in his life.4 Class 1 _ (win) the gold metal just now.5 I started _ (learn) English two years ago.6 Tiger Woods is a great _ (golf).7 She _ (become) a movie star at the age of six.8 I come form a place _ (call) ”Spring City”.9 My sisters _(born) in 1988.Brazilianfirstachievementwonlearninggolferbecamecalledwere bornEXERCISE1 Kate has a kind and l_ grandmother.2 Li Yundi is t_ in music, he is a p_.3 Bing Xin is a o_ writer in China.4 Liu Xuan became a p_ gynast .5 The boy was still a_ after the car accident(事故事故).6 She has an u_ life when she was young.7 In winter , we often s_ on the river.8 When did your father t _ the USA?9 Jay Zhou is now a w_ singer.10 Han Qiang is a c_ boy , he always has strange ideas.ovingalentedianistutstandingrofessionallivenusualkateourell-knownreativeEXERCISE1 由于大雨,我们没开运动会。由于大雨,我们没开运动会。 We didnt have the sports meeting _ _ the heavy rain.2 他大学时主修管理专业。他大学时主修管理专业。He _ _ _ when he was in the university.3 她四十岁时停止踢足球的。她四十岁时停止踢足球的。She _ _ football _ _ _ _ forty.4 她在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。她在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。She won first prize _ _ _ _.because ofmajored in mangementstopped playingat the age ofin the speech contestEXERCISE1 My father stayed here for two months._ _ did your father _ here?2 He went to school at the age of seven. He went to scool _ he_ seven years _.3 We played basketball yesterday afternoon. _ _ you _ yesterday afternoon?4 He is too short. He cant reach the bananas.(合并合并) He _ _ _ _ _ the bananas.5 Turn on the blender.(否定否定) _ _ on the blender.How longstaywhenwasoldWhat did dois too short to reachDont turnEXERCISE1 TOM每天花很多时间弹钢琴。每天花很多时间弹钢琴。Tom _ _ _ time _ the piano.2 她三岁的时候就开始骑自行车了。她三岁的时候就开始骑自行车了。She _ _ _ a bike _ the age of 3.3 她主修英语和管理。她主修英语和管理。She _ _ English and _.4 我长大以后想当个演员。我长大以后想当个演员。I _ _ _ an actor when I grow up.5 我六年前就开始学习英语了。我六年前就开始学习英语了。I _ _ _ English six years ago.spens lots of playingstarted to rideatmajores in managementwant to bestarted to studyEXERCISE1 Ted cant go out for dinner, he has to s_ for a test.2 We played the piano the w_ morning.3 We know more because we get more i_.4 Rose is more o_ than Lily.5 Many v_ come to China every year.6 Take an u_with you because of the heavy rain.7 I had nothing to do and h_ out with my friends.8 D_ Tom meet a famous person? Yes, he did.9 Your mom is too tired. P_ a banana for here.10 October 1st is our N_ Day.tudyholenformationutstanding/ outgoingisitorsmbrellaungideelationalEXERCISE1在阅览室里要保持安静。在阅览室里要保持安静。 Please _ _ in the _ room.2 你怎样做水果沙拉?你怎样做水果沙拉? _ do you _ _ salad?3 只要学习,永远不晚。只要学习,永远不晚。 Its never _ late _ _ .4 他在四岁的时候开始写音乐。他在四岁的时候开始写音乐。 He started _ _ when he was four.5 我出去时看到他们在踢足球。我出去时看到他们在踢足球。 I _ _ _ football when I went out.keep quiet readingHow make fruittoo to studywriting musicsaw they playEXERCISE1 上周六我父亲带我去兜风了。上周六我父亲带我去兜风了。My father _ me to _ last Sunday.2 这位老人是个不寻常的人。这位老人是个不寻常的人。The old man _.3 在我的下个休息日,我将给你买很多礼物。在我的下个休息日,我将给你买很多礼物。_, I will _.4 努力工作会使你变得富有。努力工作会使你变得富有。 _ hard can _ you _.5 他太累了,不能再走了。他太累了,不能再走了。He was _any further.took go for a driveis an unusual man/ is unusualOn my next day offgive you a lot of giftsWorkingmakerichtoo tired to walkEXERCISE1 The doctor gave us some a_ on how to keep fit.2 In my o_ , action movies are exciting.3 He worked hard and f_ he succeeded.4 A p_ is good at playing the piano.5 I think Chinese is more difficult than English. I think English is _ _ than Chinese.6 Liu Yings sister is taller than her. Liu Ying _ _ _ her sister.7 这个房间太小我们这个房间太小我们4个住不开。个住不开。 The room is _ _ for us four _ _.dvicepinioninallyianistless difficultis shorter thantoo smallto live


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