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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小升初知识点(一)1. on+具体的某一天:星期几 on Monday morning几月几日 on the evening of the twenty-first of May风和日丽的(有修饰) on a sunny noon in + 长时间in 2014; in June in 和表示上午下午的词连用in the morning/aftertoon/evening * 注:at noon/night 表示在.时候,以下情况不需要加on, in, at等介词。last,next,every+(Sunday),tomorrow,today,yesterday,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow(morning.)at + 某一时刻at 5:00日期的表达:the twenty-first of May/May the twenty-first(五月二十一日)2. take(带去),bring(拿来),carry(搬,强调有重量),get(去拿来)(1) Take the umbrella with you.(2) Bring your homework tomorrow.(3) Would you please help me carry this heavy bag?(4) Go and get your coat. 3. be different from/to 与.不同 differences n.C不同之处 be the same as 与相同; be similar to与相似 我的书包和你的不同。_ 这个教室和我们的教室相似。_4. put on(强调穿上的动作),wear(强调穿着的状态)Its cold outside.Youd better put on your coat.Its cold in winter.We need to wear warm clothes. dress n.连衣裙+es v.给乔装打扮 dress sb. up 给某人乔装打扮 get dressed 穿好衣服5.need(情态动词):+V原形 无时态,无单三(不加ed或s)本身就是助动词 (普通动词):+to do 有时态,有单三 需要助动词来完成否定或疑问句无论作情态动词或普通动词,其对应的,需同时满足。He needs to go.Does he need to go?6.What day is it today(询问星期几) Whats the date today=What date is it today(询问几月几日) Whats the weather like?=How is the weather(询问天气)7. sunsunny_ cloudcloudy_ rainrainy_ snowsnowy_ fogfoggy_ windwindy_ 8. Thats right=Right对的 All right=OK 行 Thats all right 没关系/不客气How about going to Beijing next week? _Thank you very much. _Teacher Wang is very kind. _9.some,any,every的用法区别some可用于肯定句,译为“一些”,用于疑问句时,询问吃喝(自己要吃喝/给别人提供吃喝)Would you like some apples?而且必须用some.any 可用于否定句,疑问句,译为“一些”,用于肯定句和if或unless引导的条件句时,译为“任何”.例:any,there,the,trees,were,fruit,on(连词成句)_every可用于肯定句,译为“每一个”,用于疑问句时多为点名时用,例Is everyone here?Yes,everyone is here/Yes,they are/No,they arent/No,MingMing is not here.,此句若把every换成any则变成Is anyone here?(这有人吗?)10.表达有的三种方式:have/has/had(多用于某人有某物,句中没有be动词)with(多用于句中原本含有动词,be动词)there be(符合就近原则的句型),就“近“原则指离“动词近”._ a book and two apples on the desk.I _ some books in my room.The book _ beautiful cover is mine.11.wait for sb./sth._wait at the bus stop_我在等公共汽车_我在公共汽车站等_12.你觉得怎么样?How do you like?What do you think of?13. 逻辑顺序:first-next-then-afterwards-finally14. the other day几天前(用于一般过去时)I _(go) to school the other day.15.in 2 days在2天后(用于一般将来时) within 2 days 在2天内(用于一般将来时) after 2 days/2 days later 在2天后(用于过去将来时)I will finish my homework in 2 days. _I will finish my homework within 2 days._She was sixty-six. After three years,she would be sixty-nine._16.in the tree(鸟站在树上,强调方位,本身没有长在树上) on the tree(花,果,叶,强调本身长在树上)There is a bird _ the tree.There is an apple _ the tree.17. information 信息 n.U advice 建议 n.U suggestion 建议 n.CShe gave me a piece of _ yesterday.Your _ are very good.18.lose/misslose v.输/丢失 lost(lose的过去式)lost adj.丢失的 miss v.错过/想念missing (v.ing) adj.丢失的I was late, so I _the train.We _ the game yesterday.19.动词 +代词 +介词pick it up 动词+ 名词+ 介词 = 动词+介词+名词pick the apple up = pick up the apple* 特例:look at 看 look for 寻找 look after=take care of 照顾 要用 动词+介词+代词 的形式 Im looking at him. * look it up 查阅(单词,字)I look it up in the dictionary.(字典) n.C20. leaf复数_ n.树叶C leaveleaves v.(_)21. 合成代词some,no,any,every+(body人,one人,thing物)的特点:+V三单adj.修饰合成代词时放在其后 I have something good to eat.22.no longer/notany longer (时间或次数) no more/notany more (数量或程度)I am no longer late for school.=Im not late for school any longer.I no longer go to school late.=I dont go to school late any longer.23.the+最高级/序数词 最高级前不加the的特例:副词最高级前不加the 用形容词性物主代词/名词所有格替换the one of the+最高级/序数词 +n.(复数)+V三单 .之一他是班里长得最高的同学之一。_24.有关节日的所有格:Teachers Day/Mothers Day/Womens Day/Childrens Day节日有day用on,无day用at,特例:on Christmas Eve(在圣诞前夜,即平安夜)特例:on Christmas Day(在圣诞节那一天)/at Christmas(在圣诞期间)_ Mothers Day, Lucy gave her mother a gift._ Mid- autumn Festival, people usually eat moon cakes.25. family:看做整体是单数指代成员是复数 My family _ large. My family _ watching TV.26.enjoy(喜爱)/practise(练习)/mind(介意)/finish(完成)/keep(保持) /give up(放弃)/miss(错过)/imagine(想象)/suggest(建议)/be busy(忙于) /feel like(想要)后面要加动词的ing形式27.like/love/hate doing(习惯性) like to do(一次性) 我喜欢游泳_ 我星期六要去游泳_28. would like to do愿意做 want to do 想要做I would like to clear the classroom._I want to do my homework after dinner. _ 29. stop/go on doing(停止/继续做同一件事)stop/go on to do(停止/继续做另一件事) forget/remember doing(忘记/记得做过) forget/remember to do(忘记/记得未做)请继续看书。_请停下,然后看书。_别忘了带上你的作业。_我忘了写作业。_30. start n.开始 beginning n.开始 at first=in the beginning 在开始 at the beginning of. 在.开始At the beginning of our English class, Mr Li teaches us how to read the new words.In the beginning, I didnt know him.专心-专注-专业


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