她是美国盲聋哑女作家和残疾有障碍的教育家。她在19个月的时候猩红热夺去了她的视力和听力。不久,她又丧失了语言表达能力。 然而就在这黑暗而又寂寞的世界里,她并没有放弃,而是自强不息,并在她的导师安妮沙利文的努力下,她用顽强的毅力克服生理缺陷所造成的精神痛苦,成为一个学识渊博的人,掌握英、法、德、拉丁、希腊五种文字的著名作家和教育家。 她走遍美国和世界各地,为盲人学校募集资金,把自己的一生献给了盲人福利和教育事业。她赢得了世界各国人民的赞扬.她的主要作品有假如给我三天光明、我的生活、我的老师等。她一生一共写了14部著作。她一个生活在黑暗中却又给人类带来光明的女性,一个度过了生命的88个春秋,却熬过了87年无光、无声、无语的孤绝岁月的弱女子。 Rivews: born child drew-drow letter herself all over world model later asListen and find She see and she hear. She also write.couldntcouldnt couldAbout myself could see hear read write couldnt dance swimming ride a horse play footballverbs walk speak smile cook draw sing play football swimming jump dance play basketball flyAsk these answers Where was she born? When was she born? How did Helen learn to speak? Did she learn to read and write? When did she died? Did she write a book about herself?Use “could”and“couldnt” 1.He is deaf,so he ( )hear. 2.She became blind,so she( )see. 3.Lingling learned English,so she ( )speak English.Translion 1.The teacher drew _ (字母) in Helens hand. 2.Helen keller is a _ (模范)for blind people . 3.She wrote a book about _ (她自己).Homework: 1.1.听录音,熟读课文。听录音,熟读课文。2.2.把海伦把海伦凯勒的故事讲给自己的朋友和家人。凯勒的故事讲给自己的朋友和家人。