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高一(下)高一(下)Unit 1 AdvertisingReadingAdvertisements Do you like advertisements? Where can we find them? 2. Do you think advertisement play an important role in our lives? Why or why not? 3. How many types of advertisement do you know? What are they? Show some example?Lead-inQuick lookv Take a quick look at the title and the subtitles (小标题小标题). v What do you think might be discussed in the article? Fast-reading1. What do ads try to persuade people to do?To buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea.2. What does PSA stand for?Public service advertisement.3. What do PSAs aim to do?They aim to teach us and help us lead better lives.Introduction of subjectSupporting detailsConclusionReading strategy: reading expository writingstructure Para 1Para 2-5Para 6The same structure exists in each part.Supporting detail 1 What is an advertisement? Supporting detail 2 Does an advertisement tell people the complete Truth?Supporting detail 3 Public service advertisements QuestionsRead the text again and answer the questions.1. Where are advertisements usually found?They are usually found in newspapers and magazines, on the Internet, radio and television.2. What is the major distinction between commercial advertisements and PSAs?A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service, while a public service advertisement is often run for free, and is meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.3. Why are some of the advertisements clever according to the article?4. When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign?Because even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent.In 1996.5. Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?Because PSAs are meant to benefit the public, and by following the advice in PSAs, we can often learn a lot.T or F Most people are not aware of how many ads are around them. Advertisements are always meant to promote a product or service. PSAs are only found in newspapers and on TV. PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods. Commercial ads can often give us valuable information about how to live our lives.1.An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.Fill in the chartTypes of adsSimilaritiesDifferences exam-plesplaces foundmethods usedpurposesValidityCommercial ads PSAs SimilaritiesPlaces foundMethods used _ language_ picturesNewspapers MagazinesThe internet RadioTelevisioncleverattractiveTypes Differences Purposes validityComme-rcial adsPSAsTo promote a product or serviceTo educate people about health, safety or any Other problem affects public welfareThey are not altogether innocent.They are helpful and we can learn a lot by following the advice they give. examples Commerc-ial adsPSAs“Bright-teeth fights bad breath!”“You are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?”“Yes to life, no to drugs”“Knowledge changes life”“Project Hope educating every child”“When you smoke cigarettes, Choose the words below to finish the authors e-mail to a professor who helped her with her research.dealing with comments campaigns promote benefit cheated even if fool ConsolidationDear Professor Liu Kai, I want to thank you for offering me such useful advice _ my research. I have just published my article about advertisements on our school website, and have already received many kind _ about it from my readers. The information I found has really helped me educate others in the ways in which companies _ their products. dealing with comments promoteBefore I consulted you, I had no comprehension that a company might try to _ people into buying a product or service. Now, _ there are exciting pictures and clever language in an ad, I will remember to think before I buy something so that I will not be _.I will also pay a lot more attention to the public service ad _. fooleven ifcheated campaignsNow I know how they can _ society. I will encourage my friends to pay more attention to them as well. Thank you again for helping me find so much useful information!YoursQian LilibenefitI hope that after they read my article, my schoolmates will understand that PSAs are _ to educate us about _ issues, and that commercial ads are meant to _ products or services. Before our talk, I did not think very much about how an advertiser might be trying to trick _ into buying a product or a service. Now I think I will be much smarter about what things to buy. public welfarecustomerspromoteintended Even if there are lots of exciting images and language, I will remember to think about the things I buy. I will also pay a lot more attention to the _ public service ad _ ,because now I know how helpful they can be. I will _ my friends to pay attention to them as well.Thank you again for helping me find so much useful information!Yours faithfully,Qian Lilinationwide campaigns encourage DebateGroup A: Advertising has a positive effect on our lives.Group B: Advertising has a negative effect on our lives.Language points 1. We are so used to them ( line 1) be used to do / doing sth. -get accustomed to used to -happened in the paste.g.I am not quite used to living here/city life. I used to live in Nanjing.Ex: The new machine _production. However I_it.A. is used to increase; am not used to controllingB. is used to increasing; dont used to controlC. used to increase; dont used to controlD. used to increasing; am not used to controlA注意被动语态的区别!注意被动语态的区别!2. I did some research on(line 2) to share with you.(line 3)research: 1) N. do/conduct research on:我正在做关于广告的研究。我正在做关于广告的研究。2) V. to study商人研究市场很重要。商人研究市场很重要。share with: use sth. together withe.g. Id like to share my book with you. She _ my troubles as well as my joys. A. shares with B. shares (in)I am conducting research on advertisements.Its important for a businessman to research the market.Bshare sth. with sb.3. encourage peoplebelieve in an idea (line 6)encourage:give support or confidence to sb.Dont encourage bad habits in a child.老师鼓励她看英文电影。老师鼓励她看英文电影。The teacher encouraged her to watch English films.believe in: to have firm faith inMany people believe in God. Ex: believe/believe in I dont _ ghosts. I _ that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.believe inbelieve You can do it well!4. for free, and are intended to(line 11)for free:free of charge/without paymentYou can take the ticket for free.每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书。每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书。intend to: design/mean to do sth.I intended to do it, but Im afraid I forgot.What he said at the meeting _ make us to support his idea. A. intended to B. intends to C. was intended to D. is intended to Every child will get a book for free.C5. China has strong laws to protect people from (line 14)protectfromkeep sb/sth safe fromWe should protect the earth from pollution.人们通常戴太阳镜以妨眼睛被太阳灼伤。人们通常戴太阳镜以妨眼睛被太阳灼伤。More relative phrases:People usually wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from being burned by the sunlight.protect/prevent(from)stop/keepfrom6. from advertisements that lie or (line 14)lie: lied (pt, pp), lying (pres p) vt.说谎说谎 to sb. about sth.She was lying! She lied to me about her age!lie: lay (pt) lain (pp) lying(pres p) vi.平躺平躺He has lain in bed since this morning.lay: laid (pt, pp) laying (pres p) vt. 放置放置He laid his hand on my shoulder.Ex: He _ the book on the desk and told me that he had _in bed for the whole morning.But I knew that he was _ to me.laidlainlying7must be aware of the methods (line 16)be aware of: realizing sth. that existsAre you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language?你知道是什么时候了么?你知道是什么时候了么?be aware that: having knowledge of sth./sb.She became aware that something was burning.我很清楚吸烟有害健康。我很清楚吸烟有害健康。Are you aware of the time?Im well aware that smoking is bad for our health.8. connect them to the food(line 25)connect: bring together/joinThe two cities are connected by a railway.She is connected with a famous family.You should not connect the two differentthings to each other.我这就给你接通王先生的电话。我这就给你接通王先生的电话。connection: N. in connection with他们与这个案件有关联。他们与这个案件有关联。Ill connect you with Mr. Wang immediately. They are in connection with the case.9. We must not fall for this kind (line 26)fall for sth.: to be trickedYou should be clever enough not to fall for his tricks.他说他是学生我信以为真。他说他是学生我信以为真。fall guy: person who is trickedHow could you be easily cheated by his words?You are really a fall guy.fall for sb: be attracted to sb.They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. More phrases about fallHe said that he was a student and I fell for it. fall down: The plan fell down because it proved to be too expensive.fall into sth:You can not fall into the bad habitsmoking a lot.fall off:The production has fallen off since last month.fall to doing sth:They fell to thinking about what had happened to them.10. ads play tricks on (line 28) play tricks on: play a joke on Children, as well as adults, usually play tricks on each other on Halloween. 老师要求我们不要再捉弄对方了。老师要求我们不要再捉弄对方了。The teacher asked us not to play tricks on each other any more.trick: V. trick sb. into doing sth.She tricked him into giving her all his money.11. A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service.句中句中which引导一个定语从句,修饰先行引导一个定语从句,修饰先行词词one。 pay for 付款付款, 偿还偿还 Let me pay for dinner this time. Hell have to pay for what he has done. pay up 全部付清全部付清pay back 偿还,回报偿还,回报pay off 偿清(欠款)偿清(欠款)pay a visit to 参观,访问参观,访问pay 的其他搭配的其他搭配:12. PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.be meant to 目的是,旨在目的是,旨在 This software is meant to protect computers from being attacked by viruses. affect v. 作用,影响作用,影响 she was deeply affected by this sad story.13. One grocery tells customers, you are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?be proud of 以以而自豪而自豪I confess to being proud of my sons success. He was proud of what he had done. 14. China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in 1996, and since then various types of PSAs have appeared around the country. nationwide adj. 全国性的全国性的 Global warning has caused nationwide concerns. adv. 在全国范围内在全国范围内 This case deals with widespread food safety problem. Retell the article about advertisement. Look for more information about commercial advertisements and public service advertisements on the Internet.Homework谢谢 谢!谢!放映结束 感谢各位观看!让我们共同进步


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