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新世纪综合教程 2 课后选单词选词组答案1.My neighbours are a friendly bunch 一组 of people. 我的邻居是一个友好的人堆一组2.Dave amazed惊讶 his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.2 。戴夫惊讶惊讶他的朋友离开了待遇优厚的工作去周游世界。3.Theemployeesinthiscompany work aneight-hour shift 转移 .3 。这个公司的员工八小时轮班工作转移。4.the professor came to the classroom with a bundle 捆 of newspapers under his arm.4.教授来到胳膊下夹着一捆报纸教室。5.a passenger asked the driver:”could youdrop me off near the post office?Id liketo post a letter.”5 一位乘客问司机:“你能在邮局附近下车吗?我想寄一封信。”6.thelittlegirlscapacitylearning languages astonished me.6.容 量for小女孩的学习能力的语言让我吃惊。7.how many countries will be participating参与 in the Olympic Games?7.how要参加奥运会?许多国家将8.IlikethetypicallyFrenchstyleofliving.It is so romantic.8我喜欢典型的法国式的生活,它是如此的浪漫。9.theyhavemadetheirfortunesfromindustry and commerce商业 .9.他们从工商发财。10.the threatened to shoot him and rob himof all his possessions.10. 威胁要射杀他,夺走他所有的财产。11.in many cultures, the lion is the symbol of courage.11. 在许多文化中,狮子是勇敢的象征。12.yourhelp was greatlyappreciated.Weare帮助是极大的赞赏。我们很感激你的。13.It s the first time the painting hasbeen displayed显示 tothe public.13这是第一次,这幅画是向公众展示的。14.duringthe exam,the naughty boy triedtoslip悄悄地 a note to his classmate whilethe teacherwasn考试,那个淘气的男孩试图把纸条给他的同学趁老师不注意。15.as the saying goes,conquer 征 服 the desires,or they will conquer you.15. 俗话说,征服的欲望,否则他们将你征服。晚宴,妈妈命令从屠夫烤。17.I didn figuredt wait for you at home because I估计 that you wouldnt come.17我没有在家里等你,因为我想你不会来了。0.inthispainting,asinglered rosestandsinrichcontrastto与丰富的对比thegrassland 在这幅画里,一朵单一的红玫瑰代表着浓郁的草原。1.Thefactoryworkersareexposedtopoisonous gases and many of them suffer from lung diseases. 工厂的工人暴露在有毒气体中,他们中的许多人患肺疾病。2.Duringthe war,thesoldierriskedhislife冒着生命危险helping others to escape.在战争期间,士兵冒着生命危险去帮助别人逃跑。3.Do trustme.you can relyon依靠me to keepyour secret.相信我可以依靠我为你保守秘密。4.If you are attacked or robbed at knifepoint在刀点 how would you react then?如果你是在刀点攻击或抢劫,你会如何反应呢?5.She is such an extraordinarygirlthatshealways stands out站出来 in a crowd.她是一个如此特别的女孩,她总是在人群中脱颖而出6.Obviously,thisfoolishidea runs contraryto违背 common sense. 显然,这种愚蠢的想法与常识背道而驰。7.I was very tried and had to flag down下 a taxi in order to get home early努力,不得不放下一辆出租车,以早日回家旗我很8.The mother picksup her childrenfromthekindergarten at 5:00 p.m. Every day.妈妈拿起她的孩子从幼儿园每天下午5:00 。9.The publishers took a gamble赌了一把 onan unknown author,and the books have sold well. 出版商在一个不知名的作家的一场赌博,而这些书很畅销。10.The driver waved to us as he pulled away 司机向我们挥手示意他离开了11.The driver pulled over to the side of the road to see what was wrong with his truck.司机把车停在路边,看看他的卡车有什么毛病。1.don tjustmake a negativecomplaintabout our service;give us some positive积极的 advice 不要只是对我们的服务提出负面的抱怨,给我们一些积极的建议2.The noise of the car startled吓了一跳 thebirds and the whole flock flew up into theair汽车的喧闹声惊动了鸟儿, 整个羊群飞进了空中3.Viewed form an international perspective 透视 . 从国际视角看。4.In this terrible job you have to harden变硬 your heart to pain and suffering在这可怕的工作中,你必须使你的心变的痛苦和痛苦5.We can have many choices in life and thechoices that we make will shape形状 ourlife 我们可以在生活中有许多选择,我们所做的选择将塑造我们的生活6.Effortsshouldbe made toaddressthecommunicationproblemexistingbetweenteenagers and their parents 应努力解决青少年和他们的父母之间存在的沟通问题7.Thatcouple has endured so many emotionaland financialcrises危机 . 这对夫妇经历了如此多的情感和金融危机8.Justbefore the speech contest,hefellilland was not able to participate in it;hecould only curse诅咒 his luck就在演讲比赛前,他病倒了,无法参加比赛,他只能诅咒自己的运气9.It is incredible简直 不可思议that herfour-year-oldboy can writesome600 Chinesecharacters 令人难以置信的是,她四岁的男孩可以写一些 600 个汉字10.You can add the liquid to the powder, or conversely 相反地 the powder to the liquid.您可以将液体添加到粉末中, 或相反的粉末到液体中。11.The next big issue问题 confronting theworkers is the question of social security工人面临的下一个大问题是社会保障问题12.Iwroteto them amonth ago buthaven tgotten a response yet我一个月前给他们写了信,但没有得到回应13.I shall have to refuse your invitationbecause of a prior 先前的 engagement 由于事先的约定,我不得不拒绝你的邀请14.There used to be various kinds of birdshere,but now they are rare lack of food resources稀有的 due to这里曾经有各种各样的鸟类,但现在他们是罕见的, 由于缺乏食物资源15.Is it true that visualizing a task bypositive thinking helps to accomplish完成the task better? 它是真的,通过积极的思维可视化的任务有助于更好地完成任务?1.Youmayfeelawkwardwhenyoustartlearning how to drive,but its easy onceyou get the hang of 获得的窍门 it 当你开始学习如何开车的时候, 你可能会感到尴尬, 但一旦你得到了它的窍门,就很容易了2.As one of those who have lived through有过 two world wars作为一个曾经经历过两次世界大战的人3.When you are learning driving a car, itmakes a difference是有区别的 whether youhave a good teacher or not当你在学习驾驶一辆汽车时,你是否有一个好老师会产生不同的关系4.He is so stubborn.We have no idea不知道how to persuade him to accept our proposal他太固执了,我们不知道如何说服他接受我们的建议。5.Bemoreconcernedwithcharacter than your reputation关 注your与你的名声比你的名声更关心6.To our surprise,Mr.Thompson slipped over 溜过 an important point in his analysis-thecause and effect of the problem令我们吃惊的是,汤普森先生滑倒了, 他分析问题的原因和效果的一个重要点7.To my pleasant surprise , I run into遇到 my best friend Helen in Paris last week让我惊喜的是,上周我在巴黎遇到了我最好的朋友海伦8.I hit the tree behind me when I put the car in reverse 在反 without looking back first当我把车放在倒车时, 没有回头看, 我撞到了树的后面9.i ll leave you alone here so you can mull over 仔 细 考 虑 the problem and make a decision on your own.9,我将离开你独自一人在这里,所以你可以仔细思考问题,自己做决定。1.a smart appearance tends to make a favourable 有 利 的 impression at an interview 聪明的外表往往会在面试中给人留下好的印象2.The scientist failed in his experimentsmany a time ,but he was never discouraged 气馁 instead,he stuck it out and finallymade a great scientific discovery这位科学家在实验中失败了很多次, 但他从未气馁, 他坚持了出来,终于作出了伟大的科学发现3.When i asked my mother if i could marry George,she consented 同 意 but rather unwillingly 当我问妈妈我是否能和乔治结婚,她同意了但很不情愿地4.The garden has fallen into a state of neglect 忽视 since its owner died two yearsago 自从两年前主人死后,花园就陷入了一种被忽视的状态5.Coming homelate,the boy crept 爬 quietly into the house to avoid waking his parents回家晚了,男孩悄悄地进了房子, 以免吵醒他的父母6.Ifyouwanttolearnalanguagewell,sufficient足够的 time is necessary.如果你想学好一门语言,有足够的时间是必要的。7.TheoriginofChinesewritingcanbetraced 追溯 back to ancient China althoughwe arenotcertainofthedateofitsinvention中国文字的起源可以追溯到中国古代,虽然我们不确定它的发明的日期8.The price was somewhat 有点 higher than I had expected. 这个价格比我预料的要高一些。9.When you feel tired ,a rest and a cooldrink will refresh刷新 you 当你感到累的时候,休息一下,喝一杯清凉的饮料会让你恢复精神10.As I sit here today,I couldnt be moregratefulfortheopportunity,notonlytobealive,but also to apply my life to such aworthy 值得的 effort 当我今天坐在这里, 我不能更感谢的机会, 不仅是活着, 而且要把我的生命,这样一个值得努力11.More and more people in big companies areenrollinginEnglishcoursestoimprovetheir promotion prospects前景 .在大公司的越来越多的人正在参加英语课程,以提高他们的推广前景12.I made full preparations for my journeyto London on footand I resolved解决 togetthere in five days我为我的伦敦之旅做了充分的准备,我决定在五天内到达那里13.At the end of the interview ,she remarked 说, 在采访结束时,她说,14.I hope that I shall never again have toundergo 经历 such a terrible experience我希望我再也不必经历这样可怕的经历15.Susan startedsingingtoher baby and wasrewarded奖励with a smile苏珊开始唱歌给她的孩子,并获得了一个微笑1.Sincethesummervacationhasstarted,lets pack up and spend a week inthe country with my grandparents自从暑假开始了,让我们收拾行李, 和我的祖父母一起在乡下度过一个星期2.The boy is so interested in the popularnovel entitledHarry Porterand the DeathlyHallows that he has read it for many a许多 time 男孩是在流行的小说 哈利波特与死亡圣器,他已经读了很多次,那么感兴趣3.I admire Steve very much,for in his pursuit of a successful life ,he always stays the course 停留的过程 and 我很佩服史提夫,因为在他追求成功的生活中, 他总是保持着课程和4.The couples love was put to the test投入试验 when the husband was crippledin acar accident当丈夫在一次车祸中致残的时候,这对夫妇的爱情被考验了5.Imailedout250letterstocompletestrangers for help and within 6 weeks thestream of oney camefloodingin from alloverthe country我寄出 250 封信完成的帮助, 6 周内的资金流涌入的来自全国各地的陌生人6.When searching for some news online lastnight,Icame across遇 到aninterestingwebsite devoted to computer games昨晚在网上搜索新闻时,我偶然发现了一个专门用来玩电脑游戏的网站7.He isso cleverthathe can alwayscome upwith想出solutions at the last moment他是如此聪明,他总能在最后一刻想出解决办法8.Atthe sightofthebigfish,thefishermanplungedhishands intothewaterand caughtit with graceful ease.渔夫一看见那条大鱼,就把手伸进水里,轻松自如的抓住了它。1.their experiment stretched拉伸 over aperiod of ten years. 他们的实验在一个为期十年的时间里。2.Communicationistheonlyremedy救 济against conflict within the family沟通是解决家庭内部冲突的唯一补救办法3.Youd better confine限制your summaryto the main idea;donttryto talkabout thetrivial things你最好把你的总结局限于主要的想法,不要试图谈论琐碎的事情4.Trulyremarkable 非凡的 progresshas beenmade in a short period of time在很短的时间内取得了显著的进步5.Thank you foryour kind help-IthinkI owe欠 you a favour 谢谢你的帮助我想我欠你一个忙6.When he sleeps by the window on hot summerafternoons,hetendstolower降 低thecurtain to keep out the sun当他在炎热的夏天的下午睡觉的时候, 他会降低窗帘以遮挡阳光7.Joseph did give me a quick reply this time , but I wonder why he made no response 响应 tomy last question这一次约瑟给了我一个快速的回答,但我不知道他为什么不回答我的最后一个问题8.History will reveal 揭示 the truth in the future and they will realize what a wrongthing they did历史将在未来揭示真相,他们会意识到他们所做的是一件错误的事情9.Thecamelischaracterized特征byanability to go without water for days骆驼的特点是有一种能在几天内不喝水的能力10.Itishardtopicture照片himasagovernmentofficialbecausehelookssofunny, but I bet he makes a good one很难想象他是一个政府官员,因为他看起来很有趣,但我敢打赌,他做的很好11.Men should open up theirminds and adopta correct attitude towards women男人应该敞开自己的头脑,对女人采取正确的态度12.Since all of us were tired,Martin proposed 提出了 that we take a short restbefore continuing our work既然我们都累了,马丁提出再继续我们的工作我们休息一会儿13.Seeingabigsnakeunderthetable ,Sophia could not help trembling颤抖 from head to foot在桌子下面看到一条大蛇,索菲亚忍不住从头到脚发抖1.Rosa was singled out for 挑出来 praise by the teacher because her art project was so creative 罗萨被老师表扬了,因为她的艺术项目很有创意2.Rebecca told us most of the story but kept back 保持背部 the bit about herself because she didnt want to make her good deed known丽贝卡告诉我们大多数的故事, 但不停地回到自己的位,因为她不想让她的善行知道3.The local people tell me it is all butimpossible to climb up to the top of the ofthe snowy mountain当地人告诉我,爬上雪山的山顶几乎是不可能的了4.Marilyn Monroe went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune 梦露玛丽莲去好莱坞寻找名利5.in heaven let us be two birds flying evertogether,andonearthtwotreeswithbranches interlocked forever在天堂我们两只鸟飞曾经在一起,在地愿为连理枝6.last but not least, I would like to thankall of you ,and in particular特别是 thechairman,drRogers,forhisfullsupportover the last three years最后但并非最不重要的是,我要感谢你们所有人,特别是主席,博士,在过去的三年里全力支持他7.ollverisa respectedengineer,managerand teacher ,but first and foremost首先,he is a kind fatherand lovinghusband,whichis something he takes greatpridein.ollver是一位受人尊敬的工程师、 经理和教师, 但首先他是一个慈祥的父亲和丈夫,这是他很自豪8.when he took in在 what was happening andrealized something was wrong he decided to他发生了什么错了,他决定马上离开是什么。


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