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Unit3 At the zoo Part A Lets learn 教学设计岳阳市云溪区文桥中心小学 414012吴妍虹 18973006160Teaching aims:1. Ss can listen to, say, read and write the words correctly: tall, short, fat and thin.2. Ss can introduce an animal in simple English.3. Ss can use the sentence structures “Look at Its” to describe the animal they like or see.4. Ss can learn to love animals and try to protect them.Teaching contents: Unit3 At the zoo Part A Lets learn1. New words: tall, short, fat, thin2. Main sentences: Look at that Its (tall, short, fat, thin)Teaching steps:1. Warm-up(激活图式):Teacher tells the Ss that they are going to visit a zoo together, and they will see many animals at the zoo. Teacher introduces many pictures of animals to arouse the Sss interests in learning this lesson. 2. Presentation(建立图式):Teacher provides a situation: Some boys and girls are visiting a zoo, first they plans to visit the giraffes. Suddenly, a frog comes, the frog thinks he is taller than the giraffe, but he is wrong. Teacher shows the picture of “frog and giraffe”, and helps the Ss think out the meaning of “tall” and “short”. Then they visits the monkeys. At the same time, Teacher teaches “fat” and “thin”. After visiting the monkeys, two rabbits are coming. Teacher shows the picture of “white rabbit and grey rabbit”, and helps the Ss think out the meaning of “fat” and “thin”. (1) Teaching of tall. Teacher helps the Ss to think of the pronunciation of tall by giving the tips: a-l-l, b-all, c-all, f-all, t-all. (2) Teaching of short: Teacher helps the Ss to think of the pronunciation of short by giving the tips: or, sh-or-t.(3) Teaching of fat. Teacher helps the Ss to think of the pronunciation of fat by giving the tips: b-a-t, c-a-t, p-a-t, f-a-t.(4) Teaching of thin: Teacher helps the Ss to think of the pronunciation of thin by giving the tips: t-in, b-in, d-in, th-in.3. Practice(运用图式):Three minions are coming, they have some exercises for the Ss.(1) Read aloud and choose: Loot at that panda, its fat.Practice the sentence structures “Look at Its”(2) Read aloud and choose: Look at that man, hes tall.Practice the sentence structures “Look at hes”(3) Listen and choose: a fat cat.(4) Think and choose: I like the short duck.4. Emotional education:The Ss should love animals and protect them, because humans and animals are friends and we cant live without them.5. Homework(1) Draw an animal you like and describe it with you partner.(2) Make a sentence in this pattern “Look at Its”.(3) Preview the new lesson on P25.


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