Unit9 Myfavoritesubjectisscience3

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横 山 县 第 二 中 学 教 学 设 计No. 2 Middle School of Hengshan County 课题Unit 9My favorite subject is science.Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)主备人周丽课型语法单元课时3总课时数6授课人Teaching aims1.复习表示喜好的用语:Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.。2.总结Wh-引导的特殊疑问句的构成方式及回答。3.通过不同形式的训练what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句来提出问题,并能正确回答。二次备课Teaching key points1.学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。Teaching difficulties2.熟练运用what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句来提问并能正确回答。Teaching methods1.Task-based teaching method2.Heuristic models of teaching method(启发式教学)3.Communicative teaching methodStudying methodsPair work, group work, discussion and cooperation in groups, summarizing Teaching proceduresStep1:Leading in Warm up by talking about their own favorite subjects, using target languages.T:Hello, everyone! Good morning/afternoon!Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr./Ms.T:Lets review the words about subjects. What subject is it? (Point to the cover of the book in the photo.)Ss: Math.T:Can you spell it?Ss: Yes. M-A-T-H.Review other words.T:Whats your favorite subject?S1:My favorite subject is art.T:Now according to your favorite subject to make up dialogues.Step2.Grammar Focus1. Now lets sum up the expressions.(Play the PPT and get the students to read them aloud.) Please read the Grammar Focus.2.T:(After reading the Grammar Focus, say) OK. Please tell me how to talk about your/his/her favorite subject.Ss: Whats your/his/her favorite subject?T:How do we ask the reason?Ss: Why do you like?T:I want to know who teaches you science. What should I say?Ss: Who is your science teacher?Write them on the blackboard. The teacher tells the students that these sentences are what-questions.设计意图引导学生总结归纳英语语法要点,培养学生总结知识的学习习惯和自主学习的能力。Step3.Practice (3a)T: Now come to 3a.Fill in the blanks with what, who, or why.Then ask two students to read out their work. Let other students help to correct the mistakes if any. Then two students do it. The teacher helps them with the pronunciation and intonation.T:Now read the conversation, boys A, girls B. Then girls B, boys A.The teacher asks two students to act in class. 设计意图通过前面的语法总结,让学生自己填空,最后分组朗读和展示的过程可以巩固所学知识。Step4.Practice (3b)T:Please look at 3b (PPT).Before you fill wh-special questions, you should find the key words. It is a good habit to do this kind of work.(Get the students to finish the task. Then ask a student to read the key words.)T:Well done! According to the key wordsBecause, Science and math, on Monday, art, Mrs.Qin, you may write questions correctly.Let some pairs read out their questions and check their answers.Ss practice the conversations with their partners. 设计意图先提示做题技巧,有助于学生迅速准确地运用本节课的重点句型。Step 5. A game (3c)1.Divide the class into groups of four. Interview three classmates of each group.2.T:Now we know a lot about our partner. But do you know anything about your classmates? Now, in groups, you can interview three classmates and complete the chart in 3c.S1:Whats your favorite subject, S2?S2:My favorite subject is music.S1:Why do you like it?S2:Because its fun.S1:Who is your music teacher?S2:Mr.Li.S1:Whats your favorite subject, S3?S3:My favorite subject is art.Students practice in groups like this. The teacher goes round and gives help when necessary.Let a student of each group report like this:My classmate S1s favorite subject is music. Because its fun.S1s music teacher is Mr. Li. But S3s favorite subject is art.设计意图这是一个听、记、说的综合练习,复习巩固所学知识,培养学生综合运用能力。Step6.Summary and AssignmentT:In this class, we must learn:(Show the language points.)Whats your/her/his/Davids favorite subject?My/Her/His/Davids favorite subject is science.Why does Bob like history?Because its interesting.Why do they like P.E.?Because its fun.Who is your music teacher?My music teacher is Ms. Xie.When is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday.Step 7.Homework1.Review the grammar and make conversations with your classmates.2.Write the conversation in 3b on the exercise-books.设计意图口头、书面练习和语法综合知识练习相结合,注重了语言知识的操练。 Unit 9My favorite subject is science Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 7 Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。


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