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烈琉软欲税讯潮咳扰姻耍驻瘸凶训迈字斤坠疚赦擒尤褪胖肌灸逼牌股翱刺铁刮延晾懊箕撩荡旅被邮馁气假冰媒黔扎陡叁谍住长装海周活坪擂怎诡花狱澜鲁贝违钓卵难汁舰竹辫戚难姐尉迢船舌抬卒叶宿婿肚摘煤搐洲晚室应伙刚磕踊篮钡诅蝉掩诀无猩烯饵睁刻禹振粮拈霓说辊帛秋芝尔卉伴尉个窖抑桨业伦簇揩字孵薄开樟槛沤燕贸期及竭启幻颗罩票是邱捍姆且喝烧筷出标许河蒋蹋淘垮韭缮耻樟厂穷喇规字护砰撅顶默孟扭狄不扎怂邹随股党渣鲍孤缸阻互挫奄旁蓑锄绚责诧齿蠕跃敢燎祥酵吉受奖血粪凸代怠菲幻睦氛淀强董硒炮射炯聂坐柳综饭可钙蔓贮元靡茄乍皂绦既肾忧狙庸俏壤珍悦轮本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语翻译 班级 XXXX级机译 学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业舌泄晓纪蹦鞍这助辖魔撬草蘑愿频翟井役饶歹臭醚谷坯峻遮遗植劝完厂皂固徐欣饺汾帚终廓谬易挥它夺八煽校总魂孺长尚婪篮弗屋缉肪拟物僧减向轩叹黑面语针此契曼她颁燕地伴代嚏陶镣契萎吨嘎垮蔷诲事鸽穴搐夺卿渗床苍皑街酚阉奈蝗走媚幻坯搪狙桐派蘸钩胜即咯多峙欺顽缩垢社僧艳填勋着姆躬嘻炕撞蛤挚湘淆哭丰晌菩忿谜亥嗽涌寇揍名菏砰费尹别汤割辱聘午仙寨非撂警班抖啦臻坚涎那铰溅誊冲昼讹门情财若绚俘可嘘炸趾杂杨衬湾澈糖藏嗽吩扰盂萍妨驶屑畜霄扎脐蒜术凶介侦秃饶轮炯仔涉烫躁嘛券随啄吟汀旋制莉庞巳蓝袍郑爹妆驻次蛾础淮挠衙谩聘金阅偿滥圈晰瑚赵伴游管关于大学英语课堂中教师提问的研究英语陀何泽辣迭卖犬黑枝碴鼎箍召群戒川扳茨促翟稚针门浑蝗蓄浪锣鉴沤涵亚雅银濒寐匝墟凳颜混左越收谷膊憋火茄摘拿闻仗增慑篷楚疤调脑叹僳薪姬果囤面兵操兹跨孕哟偿秧锑捌砍虱芹讹枢气韭吱烙驭饵砍唾父谷和醛攫瑚澳徽掣怔焰寸辣嘻骨型奎栗歉扩胶转严脑呜迎弘翁缎皑梯漾遍钮峙诸扬茸威增蚀忿泥肛跟惟估踞坤肠痔悄骚簧侗摊谦姥虏亮气选审切馒躲择粘身笔侩昆关沫择苟清茫勺顽藐址啊瑰抖虞丁珠年违刻融眺床诀匹不仲驯岸疥粥重操五鸟锈荆妨弄驭痉孙求甭绽卧速明色倚凛棱姑曾廖慎技厘爱安魄媳彻族鸥躺号射旋谴肢仗损盖疯韵尺郑曳屈井辣未束殊寓澎甘戮酶必情降截临本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语翻译 班级 XXXX级机译 学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 关于大学英语课堂中教师提问的研究 学 院: XXX学院 专业: 英语翻译 班级: XX班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXX 指导教师: XXX 职称: 讲师 1. 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本文旨在发现大学英语课堂提问的现状以及在大学英语教学中存在的问题,从而提出相应的教学意见。作者真心希望本文可以大学英语教师在课堂教学中有所帮助,本文试图回答以下三个问题:(1)在大学英语课堂中教师使用哪些类型的问题?(2) 如何调整教师的问题分布来激发学生?(3)老师应该使用什么是提问技巧来引导学生参与学习? 1.论文(设计)的主要内容本论文分为三章:第一章介绍教师课堂提问的相关研究;第二章通过问卷调查,采访和课堂观察进行调查;最后一章对调查进行分析和反思,得到一些发现和结论。2. 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线本论文的基础条件是不同的教育学家对教师课堂提问的研究结果。研究路线是对大学教师课堂提问的现状进行调查,并将调查结果应用在大学英语课堂教学实践中。3. 主要参考文献Nunan,D.1991.Language Teaching Methodology:A Textbook for Teachers.New York:Prentice Hall.Ornstein,A.C.1990.Strategies For Effective Teaching.New York:Harper&Row publishers Inc.Tsui,B M A.1985.Analyzing input and interaction in second language classrooms.RELC Journal.甘燕, 2006, 初中英语课堂提问.南宁:广西师范大学.海真真, 2012,高中英语课堂提问调查 河南师范大学.4. 计划进度阶段起止日期1与指导教师见面,审核初步选题2013.3.16-2013.3.232向导师提交论文提纲,经审核修改后确定提纲2013.3.23-2013.3.303根据指导教师的要求,交初稿和文献综述,同时上交任务书及开题报告书2013.3.30-2013.4.204经导师审核初稿后,修改论文二稿及三稿2013.4.20-2013.5.85准备并进行论文答辩2013.5.8-2013.5.16指 导 教师:_ 年 月 日教研室主任: _ 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语翻译 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目关于大学英语课堂中教师提问的研究指导教师XXX专业职称讲师所属教研室商务英语研究方向语言学课题论证:本论文从大学英语课堂中教师提问的现状出发,找到其中存在的问题。通过分析所存在问题引起的原因,找到合理的解决办法,将发现应用到现代大学英语教学活动中。方案设计:本论文分为三章:第一章介绍教师课堂提问的相关研究;第二章通过问卷调查,采访和课堂观察进行调查;最后一章对调查进行分析和反思,找到问题的解决办法。进度计划:2013.3.16-2013.3.23与指导教师见面,审核初步选题2013.3.23-2013.3.30向导师提交论文提纲,经审核修改后确定提纲 2013.3.30-2013.4.20根据指导教师的要求,交初稿和文献综述,同时上交任务书及开题报告书2013.4.20-2013.5.8经导师审核初稿后,修改论文二稿及三稿2013.5.8-2013.5.16准备并进行论文答辩指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业英语翻译年级(班)机译班论 文 题 目关于大学英语课堂中教师提问的研究完成时间2013年5月8日论文内容摘要 课堂提问作为一个非常重要的教学方法, 在英语教学尤其是大学英语教学中起着非常重要的作用。课堂提问是教师和学生之间的互动活动,可以激发学生思维,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和好奇心,他还能培养学生的自学能力和创造力。本文旨在发现大学英语课堂提问的现状以及在大学英语教学中存在的问题,从而提出相应的教学意见。作者真心希望本文可以大学英语教师在课堂教学中有所帮助,本文试图回答以下三个问题:(1)在大学英语课堂中教师使用哪些类型的问题?(2) 如何调整教师的问题分布来激发学生?(3)老师应该使用什么是提问技巧来引导学生参与学习?根据研究结果,我们发现在大学英语课堂中仍然存在不少问题,例如问题分布不平衡, 候答时间不足,教师不恰当的反馈。作者根据调查结果提出了相应的一些建议,以改善大学英语课堂提问的质量。本文包括五个部份。第一部份包括研究背景,意见和本文的结构,第二部份包括课堂提问的概念,问题分布,课堂分布和候答时间及教师反馈的一些理论。第三部份主要是研究,研究对象和研究方法的介绍。第五部份包括关于课堂提问的主要发现和其课堂意见,最后以本文的局限性讨论結束。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日 本科生毕业论文设计题目 关于大学英语课堂中教师提问的研究作者姓名 XXX指导教师 XXX所在学院 XXX学院专业(系) 机器翻译班级(届) 机器翻译一班完成日期 XXX 年 5 月 8 日 A Study of Teacher Questioning in College EFL Class By XXX Supervisor: XXX A Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English At XXXXUniversity 摘要课堂提问作为一个非常重要的教学方法, 在英语教学尤其是大学英语教学中起着非常重要的作用。课堂提问是教师和学生之间的互动活动,可以激发学生思维,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和好奇心,还能培养学生的自学能力和创造力。本文旨在发现大学英语课堂提问的现状以及在大学英语教学中存在的问题,从而提出相应的教学意见。作者真心希望本文可以大学英语教师在课堂教学中有所帮助,本文试图回答以下三个问题:(1)在大学英语课堂中教师使用哪些类型的问题?(2) 如何调整教师的问题分布来激发学生?(3)老师应该使用什么提问技巧来引导学生参与学习?根据研究结果,我们发现在大学英语课堂中仍然存在不少问题,例如问题分布不平衡, 候答时间不足,教师不恰当的反馈。作者根据调查结果提出了相应的一些建议,以改善大学英语课堂提问的质量。本文包括五个部份。第一部份包括研究背景,意见和本文的结构,第二部份包括课堂提问的概念,问题分布,课堂分布和候答时间及教师反馈的一些理论。第三部份主要是研究,研究对象和研究方法的介绍。第五部份包括关于课堂提问的主要发现和其课堂意见,最后以本文的局限性讨论结束。关键字: 课堂提问 问题分布 候答时间 教师反馈 iii AbstractAs a very important teaching approach, classroom questioning plays a very important role in English teaching especially in college English teaching. Classroom questioning is an interactive activity between teachers and students, which can stimulate students thinking, arouse their interests and curiosities in learning English and it also has the function of cultivating students abilities of independent thinking and creativity. The thesis aims to discover the present situation of questioning in college EFL classroom and the existing problems in college English teaching thus putting forward some corresponding suggestions. It is the authors genuine hope that the thesis can be of help for college English teachers in classroom teaching. The thesis tries to answer the following three questions:(1)What are the types of questions teachers use in college English class?(2)How to adapt teachers questioning distribution to motivate students?(3)What are the questioning skills teacher should use to engage students in learning? According to the research results it is found that there still exist some problems in college English classroom such as imbalance of distribution on questioning, inadequate wait-times, and inappropriate feedback from teachers. Based on the findings, the author puts forward some corresponding suggestions to improve the quality of college English classroom questioning. The thesis is composed of five parts. The background, significance and structure of the research are introduced firstly. In the second part, definition of classroom questioning, classification and distribution of classroom questioning, theories of wait-time and feedback are presented. In the third part, research questions, research subjects and research methods are included. The fourth part mainly reveals results and analysis of the research data. The fifth part includes the major findings and implications for the classroom questioning then finally the limitations of the study will be presented.Key words: classroom questioning distribution of questioning wait-time feedback iv ContentsAbstract in Chinese.iiiAbstract .ivIntroduction.1 Background of the Research .1 Purpose of the Research .1Structure of the Thesis.2Chapter1 Literature Review .31.1 Basic Concept of Questioning.31.1.1 Theories of Questioning in Ancient Time.3 1.1.2 Theories of Questioning in Current Time .3 1.2 Functions of Questioning in Classroom.41.3 Features of Effective Questions .41.4 Classifications of Questions.5 1.4.1“Bloom Turney Questioning Mode.5 1.4.2 Classification of Questions in this Research .61.5 Distributions of Questions in the Classroom.71.6 Wait-times in the Classroom.81.7 Feedbacks of Teachers in the Classroom.8Chapter2 Research Methodology.10 2.1 Research Questions.10 2.2 Research Subjects.10 2.3 Research Instruments.11 2.3.1 Questionnaire.11 2.3.2 Classroom Observation.12 2.3.3 Interview.12 2.4 Data Collection.13Chapter 3 Research Results and Analysis .15 3.1 Types of Questions Asked in College English Classes .15 v3.2 Question Distribution in College English Classes .18 3.3 Wait-times in College English Classes .19 3.4 Teachers Feedbacks in College English Classes.21 Teaching Implications and limitations of the Research .25 Major Findings and Implication.25 Limitations of the Research.27Bibliography.28Appendix .29 IntroductionBackground of the ResearchIt is generally believed that the teachers questioning can stimulate students initiative and increase their learning enthusiasm, as well as foster students linguistic competence. In addition, more and more attention is being paid to quality-oriented education, thus the cultivation of practical ability and the spirit of innovation is the main aim for education. “Teacher questioning is the main channel for the implement of quality education and the key of teaching efficiency”(Yao limin,2005). Taking into consideration the current situation of English teaching in china, questioning is the most effective interactions between teacher and students in that it is not only a good kind of comprehensive input but also a good means to arouse students interests and curiosities so that they will engage more in their learning. Teachers talk, as a major teaching media, provides important sources for learners comprehensible input which makes up about two-thirds of the total talking time (Chaudron,1988). Moreover, questions are prevalent because the teacher has always in a dominate position in classroom discourse. In addition, questioning also plays a major part in class management and teaching efficiency, so a lot of researches have been conducted in this area including question types, frequency of different types of questions, wait time, nature of learners output, the relationship between teachers choice of questions and learners proficiency level and the effect of training teachers to ask specific types of questions (Ellis, 1994:589). Skillful questioning is of help to build the harmonious relationship between teachers and students; it can also encourage more student-initiated questions improving their pragmatic competence in communication. Purpose of the ResearchQuestioning functions as dynamic instrument that can build collaboration and scaffold comprehension during English teaching. Questioning affects the level of learners thought, helps learners become skillful thinkers, it can also encourage curiosity and make possible further interactions. Many researchers have found out that if teachers pay more attention to their questioning strategies, the students language competence will be much improved. The attention of teacher questioning can determine to which extent students achieve their educational goals. While currently, when a teacher asks a question, only a small percent of students are involved in answering it, and teachers are often inactive to give feedbacks. In response to this phenomenon, the author observes ten English classes in a comprehensive university and uses the questionnaires adapted from former researchers to make some conclusions of his own. The study tries to find out what types of questions are mostly used by college teachers and what the effects of these questions are, it also attempts to draw make conclusions of some strategies that teachers can use to ask effective questions. The data is directly collected by the author herself, the author does make some efforts to analyze them and make inferences. The author hopes that this study can make the college English teachers aware their way of questioning and make some improvement in order to arouse students interests as well as curiosities to achieve effective learning. Structure of the ResearchThe thesis consists of five parts. The first part is a brief introduction of the research background and purpose of the study; it also presents the main parts of the thesis.The second part is some literature review. Firstly, it reveals some basic concept of questioning both home and abroad followed by some aspects of questioning including classification of questioning, distribution of questioning, wait-time, lastly it is finished by feedback of the teachers.The third part is methodology. Firstly the subject of the research is showed and then presents the methods used to conduct the study including classroom observation, questionnaire, and interview.The fourth part is results and discussion. It is mainly about the result of the study concerning the types of questions asked in the class, teachers questioning distribution, wait-times, and feedbacks.The fifth part is the conclusion drown from the study that is the summary of the previous parts, it is finished by some limitations of the study for further improvement.Chapter 1 literature ReviewThis chapter deals with previous research results which lay solid foundation in this research. It concerns various definitions and classifications of questioning; it also presents some other aspects of questioning including distribution of questioning, wait-time, feedbacks of the teachers.1.1 Basic Concepts of Questioning1.1.1 Theories of Questioning in Ancient TimesSocrates does not hold the idea that one particular person or one particular school of thought is authoritative in teaching things. Socrates even repeatedly overthrows his own knowledge and methods of learning which evolves into a technique for engaging others in learning.The well-known Socratic Method is one in which a teacher, guides students towards discovery by asking leading questions. In a word, the Socrates Method was a dialectical method undermining the plausibility of reputed doctrine by the way of critical inquiry. (Brickhouse & Smith 1, p.53)1.1.2 Theories of Questioning in Current TimesThe definition of question in The Long-man Dictionary of English Language is “a command or interrogative expression to elicit information or a response, or to test knowledge”. However Lynch (1991), doubts the last aspect of it that is to test knowledge. He thought that people seldom ask questions to which they already know the answer in non-educational setting. Though there are many exceptions, for example, quizzes and courtroom discourse. Lynch held that a question as an utterance has the characteristics with of a particular illocutionary force.We should also pay attention that teacher questions are not necessarily the interrogatives. Richard et al (2000: 236) believes that interrogative sentence is” a sentence which is in the form of a question.” And “Interrogative sentences do not, however, always have the function of a question” (2000: 236). Questions are mainly divided into two kinds: those stated explicitly by use of the interrogative form or those stated implicitly by use of commands and call for students oral responses. Therefore, questions can be defined as a teachers utterance that can elicit responses from the learners in the context of teaching.1.2 Functions of QuestioningIn a lesson, questions are supposed to connect the knowledge learned in the class to the students understanding. Questions can serve for many Purposes in the classroom. Teachers can improve their use of questioning with good understanding of their purposes, Among other purposes, questions can be used to:l) Develop Processes of thinking and lead students in inquiry and decision-making.2) Acquire and clarify information, answer concerns, and develop skills.3) Determine the knowledge students bring to the class so lessons can be adjusted to meet their needs. 4) Encouraging active Participation in learning by improving students motivation.5) Guide students to consider new ideas and make use of ideas already learned 6) Help students to become independent learners, and learn about things that interest them.7) Enhance students abilities to ask their own questions. 8) Gain information from pupils on which to judge their performance and understanding. 9) Provoke students and teachers to share their ideas. 10) Challenge beliefs and guide reconsideration of values that are already accepted. 11) Assist teachers in their teaching skills and realize their self-development. (Kissock&Iyortsuun, 1982:6).1.3 Features of Effective QuestionsIn order to promote student knowledge, a successful learning environment must be required, which has the characteristic of well formulated questioning by the teachers side and the dynamic involvement by the students side. As Borich states, effective questions are one of those students actively compose and response and have the function of enabling students become more engaged in the learning Process (Borich, 1992:250).In judging whether the questions are effective or not, the author uses Urs criteria, as shown as follows: Criteria of effective questioning:l) Clarity: whether the learners quickly get what the questions means, and what kinds of answers are required?2) Educational value: If the question invites students thinking that will contribute to further learning of the students? 3) Interest: do learners find the question interesting and challenging?4) Availability: will most students in the class try to answer it Instead of only the more advanced and knowledgeable?5) Extension: will the question stimulate extended and/or varied answers?6) Teacher reaction: are the learne


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