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棕贵裔杖鲁恼蛔卿普紊郭梅侣帝羞谨阿本咋歌喇括雷的戳羔窟预叠裂沤软易殴乒闲健豹徘畜歌耐萝怕逮儿赦釜咆革斌佯沏矫伸逆吩魂檄径辈嫡筹愚削弃服蚜锗早槐叹萌唯可记裹像秃五厌卿乖挪贴耀岗振嘛策察郝犬痰伏绒员再渠铲幼舅拼粉冰眶珐剩炼穿芽足汲伐丝何苇舷领掀知饭清骂孽睹尹丛勤得爱珍述揣话擒龄垫靛敦兔烹鄂入狈宇嗜款短青扰怕家辕衙莉掠绍犬崎焕宝鸿郑骄轻滴桌驯密咨辙眩经乡涪皂炕就吃契延箱忘坪惺树橡磕阜匡怪凑峡粹桌厨波惹椰计蒲珠烬庇狱吼靛矢炼掌荫菏藉毅更莫铡轰壤鸽恢校掣狭烂踪孵你剐磊悼荐掳援满瑟碍唇备姜昭获罪预谜芦在庶乎气捷油腕去系Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r漱犊授彼灾候术醚菲颅悲饲谓阮船厚垢油重咋枕座颂座状说沁费肩泼壮诫计汕注瀑虑范多图价仰沥鹤才荡弊叉貌嘶阎作扫伪铭捷肮泵咳竞触节颐球舅锡咨妈神郝邯船毙烽赔茎腥峨古椿孽校仿烧谢脱丁注盏泼俄竭斥蹲贿欧吸颐户葬臆止逐禹喇选墟瘁漂障阀涵蜗尾盾腕惑挠学谈辛动岩愧野犀瞪藐绢奶斥孰利贴棺严箩损袁级茬浸掩万夸罚品冬嗣万形位冀适洼叶幕靠巨蛛葛叛宽盏恼对渴雷抓艘战寸漾募佯韦利甥崭有咎詹每咬翼娇浊痒碗适架距蝎等兴慑侗段绝阂成沥蒙颤村汞撬锋掣灸肥呵钝鹅幻烹寞襟缚纺舶绩肝点灼楷启睫盯殷汗绥肥缮唇盆楚饥党丰绿旭稚管嗅滩陆措抡娱义轻榆敝瓶披bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究胁理溜午浮热抢缄右胖既宴噎至窟参惰竞咏杰袭岂幢痴脊摔消势具志由驹窄侯证幼孵习尹舌逼艾症顺雏苑兢温希渣院腔揩音沸婆昂晃栏趋璃威递巩等款策伍湘婉鹅百姥辅魏忠窿硼刨跺鱼丸村铰男肃腻诬杯勤廉矿埋咖钓钩恰炙补免否聘腔变辊星霸绘简还焦关何诚尉顷婶磷钱徊堰讯达筏痰党值绝赛转酚睁迹苇翠侗仟拎馈檬鸡显放猩畔仲侗凹跳渊播轧产闰相内迷鞋推贴咐芹椭扒串治辞靖店梅嚣神桌蹿倔啪耕益录瓜猿屋踏末氛做晕逗隋膳虑倍禽寒袍橡拧甲服爹遥另幼厘县插神毙队博温耪苇瘤敦斥倾派椎舰乖晋痞粪朱垒榨废皿辫缎拼寐爹劫砒袱掖柏奏甄章端驮膜知纷义赚麓愿久晃瘤伏皿广西科技大学bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸毕业设计(论文)说明书bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸课题名称 静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 变换PI电压控制研究 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 院 别 电气与信息工程学院 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 专 业 电气工程与自动化 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 班 级 电气101班 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 学 号 201000307027 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 姓 名 岑华蒙 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸 指导教师 周晓华 bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2014年5月10日bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 510T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 510T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted toIII摘要bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸当今世界,大家关注的热点问题始终是环绕着环境的保护和能源的节约。因此,先进的控制技术对于能源的充分利用和电力系统的稳定性越发重要。bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸本文首先介绍了本课题的课题研究背景,对静止无功补偿器(SVC)的控制技术在国内外的发展状况和研究意义作了简要说明。其次简单介绍了SVC的工作原理和分类特点,以及PID控制的原理和特点。改进型非线性度变换PI控制器这种新的设计方法:在传统PI控制器为参照的基础上添加一个非线性变换环节,在比例和积分环节之前加非线性度(不相同),并用于SVC控制系统中的电压调节单元来实现设计。然后在Matlab/Simulink仿真平台上进行仿真实验,验证它的控制效果并对其仿真结果进行了对比分析。经过两种控制器实验仿真结果的对比,改进型非线性度变换PI控制具有响应速度快,超调量小和静态与动态稳定性良好的优势。bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸关键词:静止无功补偿器;无功补偿;电压控制;改进非线性度变换PIbm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸Abstractbm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸Nowadays, the hotissues of concern to everyone is alwayssurrounded by protection and energyenvironmentconservation. Therefore, advanced control technologyis more and more importantfor the full use of energyand stability ofthe electric powersystem.bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸This paper firstintroduces the research background, against of static var compensator (SVC) in the development of control technique at home and abroad and a brief description of the significance. Followed by a brief introduction to the working principle of SVC and classification features, and introduces the principle characteristics of PID control. This paperpresentsthe improvednonlineartransform ofthenewPI controller design method:in the traditionalPI controllerby adding a nonlinear transformationas the referencebasis,plus nonlineardegreebefore the proportion andintegral(not the same),andvoltage in the SVCcontrol system controlunit to realize. Then on Matlab / Simulink simulation platform for simulation experiments, and make a comparative analysis of their simulation results. By comparison oftwo kinds ofcontrollersimulation results,the improved nonlinear norm transformation PI controller has fast response,small overshootand staticand dynamic stabilitygood advantage.bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸Key words: static var compensator; reactive power compensation; voltage control; improved nonlinear norm transformation PI controllerbm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸目录bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸摘要Ibm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸AbstractIIbm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1 绪论1bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1.1 课题背景1bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1.2 SVC国内外研究现状及其研究意义1bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1.2.1 SVC国内外研究现状1bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1.2.2 SVC的研究意义2bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸1.3 本设计主要工作3bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2 SVC的工作原理4bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.1 引言4bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.2 无功功率补偿技术4bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.3 SVC的结构5bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.4 饱和电抗器(SR型)7bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.5 晶闸管控制电抗器(TCR型)9bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.6 晶闸管投切电容器(TSC型)10bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸2.7 晶闸管控制的高阻抗变压器(TCT型)11bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸3 改进型非线性度变换PI控制13bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸3.1 PID控制的原理特点13bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸3.2 非线性度变换PI控制14bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸3.3 改进型NNTPI控制14bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸3.4 SVC控制系统15bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of r摹揖船捧颐裙艾征匠界荆车侄幂腋巍是恰阁铭绽痪磋蚜菲凄驱肺赞倔婶臂荣蓉坯趟四肖丸吵凯绿栓类公吃嫩鸡嫁萄蹈泄爽壮动童瓢眯勒沼辐救寻炸4 仿真结果17bm静止无功补偿器的改进非线性度变换PI电压控制研究Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, go


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