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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note(自主测控卷)测控导航类别内 容单词补丁permit v.许可,n.通行证;spot vt.发现,n.斑点;passage n.通道,船费;unpaid adj.未付款的;appearance n.外貌;patience n.耐性;patient adj.有耐心的,n.病人;willingness n.乐意;pretend vt.假装;manner n.方式;simply adv.仅仅;indeed adv.真正地;humour n.幽默;loneliness n.孤独;character n.人物,性格重点短语a large amount of大量的;make a bet打赌;go ahead能够;by accident偶然;stare at凝视;as a matter of fact实际上;account for导致;to be honest说实话;in rags衣衫褴褛;get into trouble陷入困境;take a chance(碰运气)主要句型1. What did you think of it?2. Youre about to hear the most incredible tale.3. I wonder if youd mind us asking a few questions.4. I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.5. And it was the ship that brought you to England.6. .even if you do dress in a rather unusual way.语法名词性从句()宾语从句和表语从句的用法写作Dialogue writingHow to write a play共同基础平台(90分钟,100分)第卷(三部分,共80分)第二部分:英语知识使用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree.A. why B. where C. what D. how12. The road is covered with snow. I cant understand they insist on going by motorbike.A. whyB. whether C. when D. how13. Why! I have nothing to confess(坦白). you want me to say?A. What is it that B. What it is thatC. How is it that D. How it is that14.Perseverance(毅力) is a kind of qualityand thats it takes to do anything well.A. whatB. that C. which D. why15.I think its going to be a big problem.Yes, it could be.I wonder we can do about it.A. ifB. how C. what D. that16.How are the team playing?Theyre playing well, but one of them hurt.A. gotB. gets C. are D. were17.What do you think of the building built to the shape of nature? .A. Yes, I like its shape B. What I like is the colourC. Its really like a bird net D. I really think it is wonderful18. The little chick the earthworm, deciding whether to swallow it or let it go.A. stared at B. glimpsed at C. looked into D. glared at19. Was it Toms carelessness your keys were lost?A. because; whichB. for; whatC. because of; that D. since; why20. The southern part of the country hot and moist all summer.A. continuesB. goes C. stays D. lasts21. He saved the drowning boy that winter, and was a hero for his courageous deeds.A. honouredB. honoured as C. honoured with D. honoured for22. An awful accident , however, occur the other day.A. do B. did C. has to D. had to23. Youll find this map of great in helping you to get around London.A. priceB. cost C. value D. usefulness24. I him to give up smoking, but he didnt listen.A. preferred B. hoped C. advised D. suggested25.Good morning. ?Id like to have a pair of glasses.A. What can I do for youB. What do you like to haveC. What do you want to buyD. Do you like me to do it for you第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin, a world-famous funny actor. People 26 have laughed at Charlie Chaplins films 27 tears run down their faces. From his very first 28 they know what will happen. The little man is always with black moustache, wide-open eyes, round black hat and 29 too large for his feet. Hell 30 through snow, and fall from windows. Hell fight men who are twice his 31 or fall in love with women, who 32 notice him and try to hug(拥抱) them.The poor man that Charlie Chaplin 33 in dozens of films makes all kinds of stupid mistakes. He is always in 34, but he never 35 .He dreams of becoming a great man.Even people who 36 understand English can 37 Chaplins films, because they are mostly 38 .It isnt what he 39 that makes people laugh. His comedy(喜剧) doesnt depend on words. It depends on little 40 which mean the 41 thing to people all over the world.Chaplin raises his thick eyebrows or rolls his eyes. He hides behind a fat lady or under a table to escape from his 42 . He dresses well and pretends to be a 43 and important man. It is all so hopeless and 44 that he makes us laugh. This is the 45 of Chaplins huge success.26. A. hereB. everywhereC. abroadD. who27. A.if B. onceC. becauseD. until28. A.disappearanceB. appearanceC. wordsD. emotions29. A.trousersB. stocksC. shoesD. hands30. A.sleepB. sitC. playD. struggle31. A.lengthB. sizeC. greatness D. width32. A.hardlyB. deeplyC. widelyD. luckily33. A.playedB. recognizedC. lovedD. fooled34. A.joy B. excitementC. sorrowD. trouble35. A.comes downB. gets awayC. goes backD. gives up36. A.dontB. canC. doD. may37. A.understandB. watchC. enjoyD. see38. A.frighteningB. silentC. pleasantD. moving39. A.playsB. actsC. expectsD. says40. A.actionsB. expressionsC. storiesD. words41. A.someB. differentC. sameD. bitter42. A.enimiesB. ownC. charactersD. films43. A.poorB. sadC. richD. beautiful44. A.possibleB. impossibleC. instructiveD. tired45. A.wayB. beginningC. theoryD. secret第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat Is Bird Flu?What is bird flu? Its a form of influenza believed to strike all birds. Though poultry(家禽) are believed to be especially prone to(倾向于)humans, no human-to-human transmission(传播) has been reported.Where is it? Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China have reported outbreaks in birds in recent months. Thailand and Vietnam have reported human cases. Bird flu was first reported in humans in Hong Kong in 1997.Since then, its popped up mostly in Asia, although the Netherlands reported an outbreak, including human cases, in 2003.How many people have been affected? The disease has killed seven people. Vietnam has confirmed six human cases, and all of them have died. Thailand has confirmed three cases, including one death.How is it passed? Infected birds spread the virus through saliva(唾液),faeces(粪便),and nasal secretions(鼻腔分泌物).So far, only humans with direct contact with sick birds have caught the disease. But scientists are worried that bird flu could link with regular human influenza, mutate(变异),and become a deadly new virus and cause a pandemic(全国性流行病).What are the symptoms(症状) in birds? Loss of appetite, ruffled(竖起的) feathers, fever, weakness, diarrhea(腹泻), excessive thirst, swelling. Mortality rate(死亡率) can range between 50 percent to 100 percent.What are the symptoms in humans? Fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, eye infections, pneumonia(肺炎),viral pneumonia and so on.World Health Organization(WHO) says this years strain is resistant to cheaper antiviral drugs, for instance, amantadine(三环癸胺,一种抗病毒药).Scientists are exploring more expensive treatment.WHO also recommends quarantining(隔离) sick people.Theres no evidence that the virus is being passed through eating chicken products, health experts say. Heat kills viruses, and WHO says chicken products should be cooked thoroughly at the temperature of at least 70 degrees Celsius(158 degrees Fahrenheit).WHO also says people should wash their hands after handling poultry so as not to contaminate(污染) other objects.46. What is bird flu?A. It is a form of influenza which strikes all the animals.B. It is a form of influenza which strikes all birds,even humans.C. It is a form of influenza which strikes only poultry.D. It is a kind of illness which strikes poultry instead of humans.47. In which place no bird flu cases were reported?A. Japan.B. Australia.C. Taiwan.D. South Korea.48. How many people died of bird flu according to the passage?A. Six.B. Nine.C. Seven.D. Eight.49. The scientists are most worried that .A. infected birds spread the virus through saliva and faecesB. mortality rate will increase rapidlyC. peoples illness caused bird fluD. bird flu could contact with regular human influenza, mutate and become a deadly new virus50. Which should not be done in order to make sure of safety?A. Eat chicken products which are cooked at a temperature of 60.B. Sick people should be quarantined.C. People should wash their hands after handling poultry.D. Something should be done to ensure poultry carcasses do not contaminate other objects.BNow net fiction(小说),also called computer fiction is popular in more than 80 countries.To write computer fictions, the writers dont have to think about making any plot. Like reporters, they just go to a lot of places and collect materials:what most women want, their ideas about life and love, their happiness and sufferings and emotions. All these materials are fed into the computer to be processed(处理) and classified(分类).Then the writers just pick some materials from every part and fill in some details(细节) and a story is made up.The first computer fiction was edited by 13 editors and published in Canada in 1976.It was a great success and 45 million copies were sold. Seeing this new process as profittaking(赢利的) a big American publishing company bought over the majority of the 13 Canadian editors and soon a series of computer fictions were published in the United States.All the computer fictions have very romantic(浪漫的) titles. The heroine(女主人公) is always about 20,while the hero is a 30 to 40 bachelor(单身的),handsome, with money and power. The hero and the heroine have a happy reunion(团聚) after all kinds of misunderstandings(误会).Computer fictions are enjoyed by most women readers of the west. But people doubt if they have any literary value(文学价值).51. When writing computer fictions, the writers .A. think hardB. collect materials from many placesC. express what they want toD. describe womens sufferings and emotions52. How do computers write fictions?A. They classify the materials and make up a story according to the information put into them.B. They pick up some useful materials.C. They make up the story in details.D. They are no more than typists.53. The first computer fiction was published years ago.A.13B.28C.20D.8054. Computer fictions are all about .A. romantic peopleB. 20-year-old beautiful womenC. rich, strong and handsome young menD. the happy lives of heroines and heroes55. Computer fictions are popular for the following possible reasons except that .A. readers like themB. they are easily soldC. people are curious about the stories written by computersD. people doubt if they have any literary valueCDear Sir,I am interested in your advertisement in the“Arkadia Morning Mail” for hostesses to be in charge of the welfare(福利),entertainment and guiding of British guests in your holiday centre in Ruusulinna.I am now a third-year student of English and History in the University of Gardenia but I am free from early June till late September. I have spent one year in London working in an English family and attending courses in English so I can speak this language fluently(流利地).My father has been a guide and I have often followed him and also myself acted as a guide to English-speaking groups. My studies and experience have made me familiar with many interesting places in my country. I am sociable, really interested in people and, at the same time, I am the one with common sense on whom people can depend.I put the address of the Manager of the local Tourist Information Office with the letter inside, who is ready to supply further information about me.If you are interested in my application(申请),I should be pleased with further information about these jobs, including the salary and general condition of employment.Yours faithfully,Polly Cosmos56.What do you think the“Arkadia Morning Mail” is?A. Its a TV station.B. Its a radio station.C. Its a newspaper.D. Its a company.57. By writing the second paragraph Polly Cosmos mainly tries to make the manager believe .A. she is a third-year student of English and HistoryB. she is able to speak English very wellC. she has attended courses in English in LondonD. she has no lessons from early June till late September58. In the third paragraph she wants the manager to know how able she is to serve as .A. a guideB. an actorC. an English-speakerD. a person with common sense59. The underlined word“sociable”here means“fond of “.A. doing good deedsB. making tripsC. visiting the places of interestD. being with other people60. What she wants to know very much is .A. what job shell be givenB. when she may go to workC. whether shell be employedD. whether the condition of employment is good答 题 栏题号123456789101112131415答案题号161718192021222324252627282930答案题号313233343536373839404142434445答案题号464748495051525354555657585960答案第卷(共20分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分20分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断。如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按照下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。In Wednesday morning, Tom was walking along61. the streets. Suddenly he heard two shots. It came62. from the bank. He ran to the bank but saw a man63. coming out of. The man was short and fat64. with red hair. He has a bag of money and a65. gun in his hands. The man ran away quick and66. was not caught that morning. That afternoon Tom67. went see a film. He saw the thief again and phoned the68. police. They caught the thief. How an exciting day69. for Tom! The bank gave him 100 dollars for a reward.70. 第二节:书面表达(共10分)假设你是邮递员李华,右边六幅图是你今天送信的经历。请根据图示写一篇英文日记。注意:1.词数:100左右;2.日记的开头已为你写好。参考词汇:投递:deliverSaturday, May 15th RainyI had an unforgettable experience today. 个性创新拓展小组讨论:Make a list of the skills an actor must learn and think how these skills might be useful on stage and in real life.我的思路:SkillOn stageIn real lifeRemember linesRemember what to sayStudy, take examsSpeak clearlySpeak to the audienceGive a speech, read poetryUnderstanding feelingsPlaying a characterUnderstanding ourselves and our friendsTeam work(Various answers are possible)Act together with other actorsStudy together, work togetherUnit 3The Million Pound Bank-Note自主测控卷共同基础平台11.解析:考查表语从句的用法。由句意“你总是说人人平等,而这就是我所不同意的地方”可知应选where,其意为“所的地方”。答案:B12.解析:考查宾语从句的用法。句意:路面上满是雪,我不明白他们为什么坚持骑摩托车。答案:A13.解析:考查强调结构的用法。是It is .that .的疑问形式,被强调的内容是say的宾语。答案:A14.解析:表语从句中的take须带宾语,故选连接代词what。答案:A15.解析:宾语从句的连接代词what作do的宾语。答案:C16.解析:get用作连系动词,意为“受到,遭到”。注意本句的时态及主谓一致。答案:A17.解析:What do you think of .?是询问对某事(人)看法的话语。回答时自然要说出自己的主观意见。四个选项中,只有D项是回答所问。答案:D18.解析:stare at “盯着看”;glimpse at “瞥一眼”;look into “调查”;glare at “怒视”。答案:A19.解析:被强调部分是原因状语,用that而不能用why。答案:C20.解析:stay hot and moist “仍然很热、很潮湿”,stay在此是连系动词。答案:C21.解析:as是“作为而被人尊敬”,for表示“由于而被尊敬”。答案:B22.解析:did occur是强调形式,意为“的确发生了”。答案:B23.解析:of great value=very valuable。答案:C24.解析:四个选项中能接“.sb. to do sth.”的只有A、C两个选项。但从意义上来看,应是“劝说”他戒烟,而不是主观上“喜欢、愿意”。答案:C25.解析:本题考查交际用语。交际用语What can I do for you?是服务员、售货员、乘务员及医生招待/接待顾客、乘客及病人的用语。其他选项不符合英美人的习惯。答案:A26.解析:首句已经交代:卓别林是举世闻名的滑稽演员,故此处选B最符合文意。答案:B27.解析:until意为“直到”,是四个选项中唯一符合文意的连词。答案:D28.解析:appearance在此意为“出场”。答案:B29.解析:卓别林的形象众所周知,他个子小却穿着一双大鞋;另外,后文有feet一词暗示。故选shoes。答案:C30.解析:此处往后至第一段结束,描写的是卓别林的一系列滑稽动作:他在雪中挣扎、从窗户上跌下、同身材比自己大一倍的人抗争,或是爱上对他不屑一顾的women。答案:D31.解析:size常表示体型的大小;greatness意为“伟大”,用于抽象的概念。答案:B32.解析:hardly意为“几乎不”,含否定意味。答案:A33.解析:play在此是“扮演(角色)”之意。答案:A34.解析:be in trouble是习惯搭配,意为“处于困境”。答案:D35.解析:never give up意为“从不放弃”,符合文意。答案:D36.解析:people之前有even一词着重强调;再者,卓别林主演的电影字幕是英文,故此处须用否定式。答案:A37.解析:enjoy有“欣赏”之意。答案:C38.解析:卓别林早期所演的电影是无声电影。答案:B39.解析:这一句与后两句道出了卓别林喜剧的特色:不依赖语言,而是以细微的动作(little actions)取胜。答案:D40.答案:A41.解析:人类文化有一个共性,这一部分文化在全世界是相通的,因而能被全世界的观众所理解。答案:C42.解析:要躲避他的敌人,藏在一位肥胖妇女的后面或者是桌子底下是没用的,但卓别林这样做恰恰增加了喜剧的色彩。答案:A43.解析:根据这句话的前一部分,他衣着华丽是为了假装富有和地位显赫。答案:C44.解析:这句话的意思:他使我们笑得那么情不自禁,那么无法抗拒。答案:B45.解析:最末一句是说卓别林取得巨大成功的秘密所在。答案:D46.解析:根据文章第一段就可推出答案。答案:B47.解析:根据文章第二段第一句话就可推出没有B项Australia。答案:B48.解析:细节题,根据第三段第二句话可知。答案:C49.解析:根据第五段第二句话可知。答案:D50.解析:根据文章最后两段可以推出A项中的温度应是70。答案:A51.解析:从“the writers dont have to think about making any plot.Like reporters,they just go to a lot of places and collect materials”可知。答案:B52.解析:从“All these materials are fed into the computer to be processed and classified. Then the writers just pick some materials from every part and fill in some details and a story is made up.”可知。答案:A53.解析:从文章第三段第一句可推知。答案:B54.解析:从最后一段可推知。答案:A55.解析:从全文最后一句可推知,人们怀疑网络小说有没有文学价值。答案:D56.解析:Polly显然是在那份名为“Arkadia Morning Mail”的报纸上看到了广告。答案:C57.解析:Polly写第二段的目的主要是让经理相信她英语说得很好。答案:B58.解析:根据第三段第一句可知。答案:A59.解析:sociable的基本意思是“好交际的”,与fond of being with other people意思接近。答案:D60.解析:当然,想要知道的,首先是是否被录用。答案:C61.解析:表示具体某一天早上用介词on。答案:InOn62.解析:上文说两声枪声,因此用人称代词they来代替。答案:ItThey63.解析:根据上下文,此处表示时间上的顺承,不表示转折关系。答案:butand64.解析:此处表示“出来”,不表示从哪里出来。答案:去掉of65.解析:根据上下文全是过去时态。答案:hashad66.解析:修饰动词短语要用副词。答案:quickquickly67.68.解析:去看电影用“go to see a film”。答案:went后加to69.解析:这里是修饰名词day,要用what。答案:HowWhat70.解析:这里表示“作为”,要用介词as。答案:第二个foras书面表达One possible version:Saturday,May 15thRainyI had an unforgettable experience today.This morning,I was on my way to deliver letters when I noticed dark clouds gathering in the sky. Without hesitation,I took off my jacket and covered the letters with it. Before long,it started to rain.When I came to a new address and handed a letter to a little girl in a raincoat,I was wet through. Without saying anything,I hurriedly continued my journey. Suddenly I heard the girl shouting behind,“Wait a minute,Uncle!”I stopped and turned around. To my surprise,the girl ran up and handed me her own raincoat,saying,“Take this to keep off the rain.”Looking at the raincoat,I felt warm at heart.Unit 3The Million Pound Bank-Note自主测控卷共同基础平台听力原文及答案(Text 1)W:I cant decide whether to buy a new car or try to find a second hand one.M:If you buy a new one,youll probably save money in the end.(Text 2)W:Do you want to go walking?M:No,not really.W:Then if I were you,I wouldnt spend my time in the mountains.(Text 3)M:Does the play start at 7:15?W:It starts fifteen minutes later.(Text 4)W:How long does it take you to travel to work?M:Well,its 15 minutes walk from my house to the bus stop,and its about half an hours drive to my factory.(Text 5)W:Mr Jones,I wonder if I could take Friday off.M:Do you really have to?Its difficult with so many people away on holiday,you know?(Text 6)M:May I help you?W:Yes. Im looking for a sweater for my son. This white one doesnt have a price on it. How much does it cost?Do you know?M:Yes,thats $37.99.W:Oh,thats expensive.M:Heres a nice orlon one for $17.99.We se


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