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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中考英语短文改错答案1 Many years ago a poor man grew an orange tree. 1. _On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found2. _one of them was so big as a football . He took it 3. _for the king . The king was so happy that he gave the 4. _poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it , 5. _he said for himself ,“Ill take my gold cup to the king 6. _and he will give me much money . Next day the king received 7. _from the cup . The king was very fond of the cup and he told 8. _the rich man,“I have an orange . It beautiful than the cup, 9. _so I have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money. 10. _ 2One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly1. _a man ran his room. His face was red and he could 2. _only say“Quick! Quick!”The doctor thought he can be3. _very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in 4. _a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make 5. _him to sleep. Then he looked into the mans mouth and6. _pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke 7. _up, he said“Quick, doctor, Quick,”with a low voice. 8. _“Its all over now,”the doctor told him.“You dont understand,”9. _said the man.“I came to tell you your house is on the fire.” 10. _ 3Every morning John goes to work by trains. He always 1. _buys a newspaper , it helps to make the time pass more quickly .2. _One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports 3. _page . He wanted to see the report about an important 4. _football match the night before . The report was such 5. _interesting that he forgot to get off at his station . He didnt know it when he saw the sea. He got off 6. _at the next station , and had to wait long time for a 7. _train to go back . Of course, he arrived very late 8. _at the office . His boss were very angry when Tom told him 9. _why he was late . “Work is very more important than football ! ” 10. _4Dear Ralph,Im a senior student. I have be in love with a boy1.for three years.But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly2. to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter3.he said, “We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait 4. to see until we have any chance after graduation.” So 5. after graduation I telephoned to him, asking him about 6.go out . But he said he didnt want to. He just 7. wanted to sleep and watched TV. 8. What do you think I should do? Do you think 9. I should continue to love him and give up?10.5Nowadays,almost every family has TV set,and almost1_.everyone likes watching TV.TV has become part of our lives 2_.TV has many advantages,for example,it informs us the 3_.latest news which is happening in the world;it can open our 4_.eyes,enlarge our knowledge and also help us to see more 5_.about the world.But,it also has some disadvantages.People 6_.waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life 7_.and work are affected.To the children who they spend too 8_.much time in watching TV,it can do harmful to their sight 9_.and healthy.So we should control the time of watching TV. 10_.6Dear Tom,I am very sorry to have learned that your parents killed in 1_.the September 11th Incident.In this attack the World 2_.Trade Center,that was one of the tallest buildings 3_.in the world,was completely destroyed and thousand of 4_.people lost their lives.Im very angry with the terrorist 5_.activities.We against all forms of terrorist activities 6_.and supported the war against the terrorism.7_.Dont be too sad.Dont lose your heart.After all,the majority 8_.of the people in the world love peace.I wish you can recover 9_.from the sad as soon as possible.Do take care of yourself. 10_.Best wishes.7Li Ming,who has been working as postman for 1_.two years,always wears a suit of green uniforms. 2_.He worked with care as well as with effort.He 3_.serves for the people heart and soul.Every day he 4_.gets up early to deliver newspapers or magazines. 5_.He is so careful and he has never been wrong. 6_.One day he had to send a dead letter and it happened 7_.to be raining hardly outside.But he set out immediately. 8_.He had asked nearly everybody in the district after 9_.he managed to hand letter to the right person. 10_.8On Saturday,July 22nd,there will have a few visits to 1_.different places.Everybody is welcomed.All the visitors 2_.will be divided into four groups,Each groups of visitors 3_.can visit one of the place such as a factory,a farm,a 4_.school or hospital,Please sign your name at the Service 5_.desk by 9:00 pm and say which place you wish to visit it. 6_.Well set out after the breakfast at eight in the morning 7_.and came back in the afternoon.Well have lunch at the 8_.place of visit.We hope you a pleasant journey. 9_.Do tell me your choice by 9:00.Thats all,thank you. 10_.9 It is on Sunday today.Early in the morning my 1_.classmate and I went to Xi Shan by bus to plant 2_.trees.As soon as we got there,we began work. 3_.Some were digging,some planted,and there were 4_.still some watering.Both of us were trying hard to 5_.plant as much as we could.All of us were afraid of 6_.falling behind.After work,we were wet all over.Looking 7_.at lines of young trees,we forgot our tiredness.We 8_.came back at 12.we all think it is necessary of us to take 9_.part in this kind of physically labor. 10_.10 Dear editor,My name is Xiao Hai,boy student in senior Three. I dont think it is necessary to write the “S” in a capital letter what do you think, Editor? 1_.Recently Ive read in Shanghai Students Post that 2_.you need some students reporters.I am anxious to 3_.be one of them.I very like English.I have been 4_.learned it since eight years ago.Now I can talk 5_.with foreigners with English.I can read China Daily. 6_.I took the first place in writing an English composition 7_.contest.Besides,I do well in a computer competition. 8_.Would you be so kind as to receive me? 9_.I am looking forward to hear from you soon. 10_.11A group of cows refused to across yellow lines which 1_.had painted on a road near their farm in Somerset.The 2_.markings were painted as a traffic calming measure,but 3_.experts think the cows may believe in it is a cattle grid (格子). 4_.Farmer Gordan Brinson said he was surprised on the reaction 5_.the animals has to the lines.“We were bringing them in for 6_.the winter,but had to get them over the yellow lineslots 7_.of yellow stripes across the road.When the cattle came the 8_.lines,they stopped and would not go.The cattle was not the 9_.only animals unused to the new lines.The horses had troubles 10_.going over it as wellthey tried to jump the lines.”12Dear Tom,How time flies!Its two weeks after the beginning1_.of our summer holiday.How are you going along recently? 2_.Ive been staying with my uncle.I found interesting3_.to live here.However,I feel a bit alone,because I have 4_.no friends to play but my fiveyearold cousin.My 5_.uncle permitted me to invite you to here.Therefore,6_.I send the email to you and hope you to come here.7_.Please write to me as quickly as you make up your8_.mind.Take Bus No.225 from Xiamen Road and it9_.will spend you an hour to get to the bus stop.Ill meet 10_.you there.Yours truly,LiMing13Weve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _ buy a new color television set, and Im not 2. _sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _to change for it in a few years time for a bigger 5. _one. My husband thinks its no necessary to buy 6. _a very big one. He said our sitting room isnt very 7. _big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _be bad for our eyes. Anyway, wed better to make 9. _quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. _14I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. _ He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. _hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. _young, he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. _Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. _but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. _to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. _but also very strict in me. With his help, Ive made 8. _great progress. Ill never to forget what he taught 9. _me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _15Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. _ summer English course in your school. As for my 2. _choice of the two courses, Id prefer the five-weeks 3. _course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. _time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. _language. Id like to do some traveling and make 6. _a few new friends. In all the subjects Im learning 7. _at school, I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. _chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. _as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _in England this summer.16but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 1. _ Guangzhou. We dont look each other very often, 2. _but were keep in touch all the time. I often write 3. _to Mary and telling her about the things that4. _are happened at my company, and she often 5. _writes to me about her work. We talk on phone6. _once a week. Sometime I call her on her 7. _car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 8. _Were really luck. There are so many ways 9. _we can keep in touch with each other. 10. _17I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. _ England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. _Ill stay here, when Im thinking of returning 3. _home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. _do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. _I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. _living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. _and travel around the country. My work is very 8. _interested, and there are so many things I dont know 9. _about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. _短文改错答案1.1. 2. Some one3. soas 4. forto 5. lotslots of6. forto7. NextThe next 8. 去掉from9. beautifulmore beautiful10. insteadinstead of21.workswork 2.ran后加into 3.canmust 4.在sit 前加to5.6.去掉to 7.toothsteeth 8.within 9.去掉all 10.去掉on后面的the31. trains train 2. itwhich 3. onto 4. seeread 5. suchso 6. whenuntil 7. long前加a 8. 9. werewas 10. verymuch41. been 2. first3. feelings 4. to 5. if / whether 6. to 7. going 8. watch 9. 10. or51. TV 前面加 a。TV set 是可数名词的单数形式,TV前面要用不定冠词。2. lives 改为 life。life 作“生活”解,为不可数名词。3. us 后面加 of。inform sb.of sth. 为一固定搭配,意为“通知/告知某人某事”。4. which 改为 that 。因为定语从句先行词被最高级修饰。5. 正确。6. But 改为H owever 。此处要求用副词,而But为连词。7. His 改为 their 。因为指代前面的 people。8. 去掉 they 。定语从句已有主语 who 。9. harmful 改为 harm 。或 do 改为HT5be。do 后面要用名词。10. healthy 改为 health 。此处要用名词。61.killed 前加 were 。这句要用被动语态。2.正确。3. that 改为 which 。这是一非限定性定语从句。4. thousand 改为 thousands 。这里不是一个确切数字,而是一个概数。5. with 改为 at 或 about 。“对某事生气”应用 at 介词或 about。6. against 前加 are 。此句缺少谓语动词。7. supported 改为 support 。短文的基本时态为一般现在时。8. your 去掉。 lose hear 是一个固定搭配,意思是“失去信心”。9. wish 改为 hope。 wish 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。在这里用虚拟语气是不适当的。10. sad 改为 sadness ,此处要求用名词形式。71.在 postman 前加 a。postman 是可数名词的单数形式,需要在前面加不定冠词。2. uniforms 改为 uniform。uniform “制服”之意。此处不能用复数。3. worked 改为 works 。短文的基本时态是一般现在时。4. 去掉 for。serve 为及物动词。5. or 改为 and 。这里不是选择关系。6. and 改为 that 。后面是一个结果状语从句。7.正确。8. hardly 改为 hard。hardly 是“几乎不”的意思,意义矛盾。9. after 改为 before 。10.在 letter 前加 the。81.have 改为 be。 这是 there be 句型的将来时态形式。2. welcomed 改为 welcome。welcome 本身为形容词。3. groups 改为 group。each 后面应用单数。4. place 改为 places5. hospital 前加 a 。根据连词 or 的对称性及文意, hospital 前缺少不定冠词。6.去掉 it。which place 已作 visit 的宾语, it 属多余。7.去掉第一个 the 。一日三餐前面不得加冠词。8. came 改为 come 。本文的时态背景应为一般将来时,不能用过去时。9. hope 改为 wish 。表示祝愿应用 wish 。10.正确。91. 去掉 on2. classmate 改为复数 classmates 。从下文的 some,still some 看,有一群学生。3. work 之前加 to。begin to do sth. 的用法。4. planted 改为 planting 。与上文的 digging 并列,省略了 were。5. Both 改为 All。both 用于二者的情况,现在是一群学生,应用 all。6. much 改为 many。 其后省去了 trees。7. 正确。8. lines 之前加 the 。特指种下的那一行行树。9. of 改为 for。10. physically 改为 physical 。要用形容词作定语修饰名词。101. boy 前加 a。2.正确。注意 in Shanghai StudentsPost 不是动词 read的宾语,故不能去掉 in 。其宾语是 that 引起的名词性从句。 3. students 改为 student 。除 woman,man修饰复数名词时用复数外,其它名词作定语时均用单数。 4.去掉 very 。中国人常说“很喜欢”,英语中则该说“ like.very much”。very much 通常不放在 like 之前,故不要在 very 之后加 much 。 5. learned 改为 learning。have been doing, 主动的现在完成进行时。 6.第二个 with 改为 in 。用某一语言介词用 in 。 7.去掉 writing 。不是“在写作文中”,而是“在作文竞赛中”。 8. do 改为 did 。电脑竞赛显然是以前的事。 9. receive 改为 accept 。不是“收到我”,而是“接受我”。 10. hear 改为 hearing 。其前的 to 为介词,故用动名词。111. across 改为 cross。across 是介词,此处要求用动词。2. had 后加 been。 此句要用被动语态。3.正确。4.去掉 in 。5. on 改为 at。be surprised at 表示“对感到吃惊”。6. has 改为 had 。此句应用一般过去时态。7. but 改为 and 。句子没有转折意味。8. came 后加 to 。9. was 改为 were。cattle 是复数意义名词。10. troubles 改为 trouble。trouble 为不可数名词。121.after 改为 since 。表示“自从(过去某时到现在)”,要用 since。2.going 改为 getting get along 表示“生活、过活”。3. found 后面加 it 。该处要用一个形式宾语 it 代替句子的真正宾语 to live here 。4. alone 改为 lonely。alone 表示“单身一人”,是一种客观状态;而 lonely 表示“寂寞的、凄凉的”,是一种内心情感。5. play 后加 with 。应该说 play with sb., 不说 play sb .。故必须加上 with 。6.去掉 here 前面的 to 。7. hope 改为 ask。hope 不能用不定式作宾补。8. quickly 改为 soon。quickly 表示动作快, soon 表示时间快,不可混用。9.正确。10. spend 改为 take 。用 it 作形式宾语时,用 take 。131. in改为into。in“在里”表静态的位置;而into则表动态的位置,意为“进入”。2. and改为but。前后句之间是转折关系。3. a改为the。这里表特指,指要买的电视机的大小。4. 此行正确。5. 去掉第一个for。“把A物换成B物”的英语表达是change A for B。文章中该句句意为“几年之后就要把小电视换成大电视”。6. no改为not。因为no是形容词,修饰名词,而necessary是形容词,所以要用副词not来修饰。7. said改为says。因为上下文都是用的一般现在时,这里指现在的思想,现在的想法。8. they改为it。这里指的是the big television。9. 去掉to。had better后接动词原形。10. quick前加a。make a decision意为“作出决定”。 【答案解析】141.was 改为 is。根据上下文的时态可知。2. 第一个year改为years。因它受 forty-five 的修饰。3. old 改为 older。因其后有表示比较的 than。4. 去掉is。比较:used to=过去经常,be used to=习惯于。5. 此行无错。6. advices 改为 advice。advice 为不可数名词。7. good 改为 well。修饰动词要用副词,不用形容词。8. in 改为 with。be strict in后接某事,be strict with后接某人。9. 去掉to。因助动词will后要接动词原形,不能接不定式。10. best 前加 the。形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词。151. 把invite改为inviting。现在分词作定语修饰offer。2. 此行正确。3. 把five-weeks改为five-week。“数词+连字符号+名词”作定语,其中的名词要用单数。4. 把allows改为allow。在助动词will, would及情态动词can, may, must等后面,永远要用动词原形。5. 把learned改为learning。while learning=while Im learning。6. 在language前加the。特指英语这种语言。7. 把In改为Of。subjects“科目”,English是其中一个“科目”,表示最高级的比较范围,若是整体与个别的关系,就用of。指时间、地点范围,才用in。8. 去掉me。主语希望自己做某事,直接用hope to do sth,事实上,也不能用hope sb to do sth这一句型。9. 去掉level。这是中文式英语。improve=makebetter。10. 把possibly改为possible。asas possible(尽)是习语。16.1. all改为both。指Mary和作者两个人。2. when改为and或while。因为两个分句没有主从关系。而是并列关系,或者有对比或对照的含义。3. look改为see。因为此句意为“两个人不能经常见面(see)”。4. 去掉keep或把were改为we。因为keep是动词,若不是进行时态或被动语态,动词前不用be,但句中没有动词时必用be。所以去掉keep或去掉are,5. telling改为tell。tell和write是并列谓语。6. happened改为happening。因为这是现在进行时态。7. phone前加the。因为on the phone是习语,意为“用电话(交谈)”。8. Sometime改为Sometimes。此处表示“有时候”,而不是表示“某个不定的时候”。9. 此行正确。10. luck改为lucky。用形容词作表语。9. 去掉to。had better后接动词原形。10. quick前加a。make a decision意为“作出决定”。 17.1. 将come改为been。come是终止性动词,不与时间段连用。2. 将ask改为asking。现在分词作伴随状语。3. 在when前加and。 when引导的从句与how long引导的从句是两个并列的宾语从句(作asking的宾语)。4. 将of改为to。在answer, key, way, entrance等名词后,习惯上用介词to。5. 在return前加will。这是将来时。注意:不要误以为when引导的是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时。事实上,when引导的是宾语从句。6. 去掉back或将return改为go。因为return=go back。7. 此行正确。8. 将travel改为traveling。因为traveling与meeting并列,作enjoy的宾语。9. 将interested改为interesting。表示某事物“令人的”用-ing形容词;-ed形容词则表示某人“感到的”。10. 将it改为them。因为此处是指many things。专心-专注-专业


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