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长城钻探工程有限公司国际钻井公司2011年安全经验分享材料汇编二一二 年二 月北京目 录安全经验分享(第1期)4安全经验分享(第2期)6安全经验分享(第3期)7安全经验分享(第4期)8安全经验分享(第5期)10安全经验分享(第6期)11安全经验分享(第7期)12安全经验分享(第8期)14安全经验分享(第9期)15安全经验分享(第10期)16安全经验分享(第11期)17安全经验分享(第12期)18安全经验分享(第13期)20安全经验分享(第14期)23安全经验分享(第15期)24安全经验分享(第16期)25安全经验分享(第17期)27安全经验分享(第18期)29安全经验分享(第19期)30安全经验分享(第20期)31安全经验分享(第21期)32安全经验分享(第22期)33安全经验分享(第23期)34安全经验分享(第24期)35安全经验分享(第25期)36安全经验分享(第26期)38安全经验分享(第27期)39安全经验分享(第28期)40安全经验分享(第29期)41安全经验分享(第30期)42安全经验分享(第31期)43安全经验分享(第32期)44安全经验分享(第33期)45安全经验分享(第34期)46安 全 经 验 分 享(第1期) 编 号:201101时 间:2011年1月30日Fireworks Safety TipsWith severe to extreme drought conditions in place this year across north China, to minimize the risk ofinjury, attending organized public fireworks displays is recommended.If youchoose to have family fireworks or an informal neighborhood display, pleasefollow these important safety tips: Appoint a responsible person to be in charge. Only adults who are aware of the hazards and essential safety precautions should handle and discharge fireworks. Carefully read and follow the label directions on fireworks packaging. Always keep a water hose or pail of water close by when discharging fireworks. Discharge fireworks well away from combustible materials like buildings, trees and dry grass. Keep onlookers a safe distance away, upwind from the area where fireworks are discharged. Light only one firework at a time and only when they are on the ground. Never try to light a firework in your hand or re-light dud fireworks. For dud fireworks, it is best to wait 30 minutes and soak them in a bucket of water. Dispose of them in a metal container. Discharge fireworks only if wind conditions do not create a safety hazard. Keep sparklers away from children. Sparklers burn extremely hot and can ignite clothing, cause blindness and result in severe burns. As the sparkler wire remains hot for some minutes after burnout, it should be immediately soaked in water to avoid injury. If someone gets burned, run cool water over the wound for three to five minutes and seek medical attention, if necessary.安 全 经 验 分 享(第2期) 编 号:201102时 间:2011年2月9日 HSE Experience SharingDont ignore post-holiday syndromeToday is the first day back to work after the colorful and meaningful Spring Festival holiday. Many office workers suffer from similar symptoms - they cant concentrate, fight to keep their eyes open, feel generally exhausted - and are not in the mood to work. Its not some disease, but results from being too relaxed during the past holiday week, then experiencing a shock to the system when returning to work to face new and challenging tasks.The post-holiday syndrome isnt a disease, but can cause you to become susceptible to illness and can potentially be damaging your health. So dont hesitate to battle against it. Try to ease back into your normal lifestyle, control your intake of meat and alcohol, eat more fruits and vegetables, and if you smoke - dont. If you still feel exhausted and suffer from insomnia within a couple of weeks its probably time to pay a visit to your doctor. 安 全 经 验 分 享(第3期) 编 号:201103时 间:2011年2月14日Traffic SafetyTraffic safety is everybodys business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. They dont slow down while approaching crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.安 全 经 验 分 享(第4期) 编 号:201104时 间:2011年2月21日A Fire disaster caseOn Nov. 15 2010, a high building located in jiaozhou Rd. shanghai got fired, which is under decoration of the outside wall. The welder who is in the operation lighting up the fence of the scaffold. The fire overspread rapidly due to part of materials is flammability. It take 6 hours to control the fire, in the process, 122 fire trucks are maneuver , more than 1300 fireman and fire warden participate in the battle. The fire disaster caused 58 personnel death, more than 70 personnel serious injured。After investigation by the expert, they concluded the main reason as follows: 1、 The welder who without certification is serious against the operation regulation,the worse behavior is the welder run away after fired. 2、 There are too many sub-contractors, so the safety responsibility is not put into effect. 3、 The management on location is confusion; more consideration was taken to speed up the operation process than safety to keep finishes the work on time. 4、 Part of the material be used on location is not fireproof, such as nylon. 5、 The safety supervision mechanism is out of function, especially for some project which was shut down for modification. Alerts:1、 Enhance the emergency drilling; enhance the ability to deal with the emergency situation.2、 Equip fire fighting equipment for high building as perfect as possible 3、 Enhance the public training course for escape 事故经过:11.15日上海胶州路一幢28层公寓楼在进行外立面施工时由于脚手架防护网起火,火势迅速蔓延,经过近6小时的战斗,大火得以控制,共动用消防车辆122台,1300余名消防官兵投入战斗,火灾导致58人死亡,70多人受伤. 事故原因: 专家调查后,对事故原因进行了分析,主要是:1、 电焊工无特种作业人员施工上岗证,严重违反操作规程,引发大火后逃离事故现场。2、 装修工程违法层层多次分包,安全责任不落实3、 施工作业现场管理混乱,安全措施不到位,存在抢工期,抢进度行为。4、 事故现场使用大量尼龙等易燃材料,导致大火迅速蔓延。5、 有关部门安全监管不力,对停产后复工的建设项目安全管理不到位。 经验教训:1、 加强应急演习,提高应急处理能力2、 做好高层建筑消防设施的配备3、 加强逃生演习。安 全 经 验 分 享(第5期) 编 号:201105时 间:2011年2月28日Waste management (ExxonMobil)ExxonMobil uses a tiered approach to reduce both hazardous and nonhazardous waste. 1、ExxonMobil first work to reduce waste at its source。2、waste is recycled or reused materials where possible. 3、Any remaining waste is either treated to render it nonhazardous or disposed of in compliance with local regulations.埃克森美孚公司的废弃物管理 埃克森美孚公司采用了分层的方法来减少危险和非危险废弃物。1、首先是从源头减少废物。2、尽可能的对废弃物进行材料回收或再利用。3、剩下的废品或者是进行无害处理或者遵守当地法规。 安 全 经 验 分 享(第6期) 编 号:201106时 间:2011年3月7日Tips for Keeping Healthy in TravelDietetic hygiene is a key factor to stay healthy during traveling. Here are some tips as below for you to prevent disease from going in by the month, and keep healthy in travel. 1. Drink clean water2. Clean or peel the fruits before eat3. Pay much attention to each meal, choose before dine4. Learn to recognize the dietetic hygiene status of the restaurant5. Restrain your diet when traveling with ship or flight安 全 经 验 分 享(第7期) 编 号:201107时 间:2011年3月21日iodine tablet and securitySupermarkets in many parts of China are running short on salt due to panic buying in the wake of the Japanese nuclear crisis. Apart from salt, many other items, such as iodide tablets and face masks that are considered able to protect people from radioactivity, are also on the list of panic purchases. However, experts suggest people be cautious when taking extra iodide tablets.Taking iodide tablets must be under instruction from doctors only, as they have many side effects. People who are allergic to iodine, or have problems with their thyroid gland are advised to be more cautious with iodide tablets. It should not be taken without a prescription from a doctor.词汇panic buying:恐慌购买,也称为“疯狂抢购”,有时也用panic purchase表示,类似的“紧急状况”就是panic stations。另外,在公共场所遇到紧急情况别忘记按下panic button(应急按钮)。iodine tablet:碘片,碘片的主要成分是碘化钾(potassium iodide)化合物。Iodine:碘, 碘酒的表达也是iodine, 译文:日本发生核污染后,中国市民为了防辐射开始抢购食盐,导致中国许多城市超市内的食盐被一抢而空。 除了食盐,市民们抢购的还有被认为可以防辐射的碘片,口罩。 但是,专家表示服用过量碘片时,需要格外小心。碘片需要在医生的指导下服用,以免对身体产生副作用。那些对碘过敏,或者是患有甲状腺疾病的人们专家建议更要小心服用碘片。没有医生开方,禁止服用碘片。安 全 经 验 分 享(第8期) 编 号:201108时 间:2011年3月28日Good afternoon!Everybody!The safety contact topic today is “driving safety”.As we know,With the rapid increase of vehicles in our country,driving safety is becoming more and more important. This has been one of great concern yet. And,What kind of driving habits we may have in our daily lives?What do you think often causes traffic accidents?Now,Lets watch a short video below.As we saw in this video,the unsafe behaviors like phone calls、send messages、disconcentration and so on,these carelessness may led to a serious traffic accident,even a small mistake.Please correct unsafe behaviors your may have,wear a seatbelt,follow the traffic rules,concentrate your driving ,take others safety into consideration.At last ,in one word good drivers just drive安 全 经 验 分 享(第9期) 编 号:201109时 间:2011年4月6日THE IMPORTANCE OF INVOICEOn Friday last week, I went to the Great Wall Drilling Company to attend weekly meeting by a taxi, My mobile phone was left in the taxi when I got off hurriedly and did not notice.After while I found that my mobile phone was disappeared. My cell phone was left in the car. Then I tried to dial my phone, but it has been turned off, I thought I will never get it, but fortunately I had requested the invoice before got off, so I found the taxi company number and contacted with the incharger of the taxi company. Then I provided the car license plate number, getting-on time and place and getting-off time in detail .The taxi company found the driver in accordance with these informations and the driver admitted to pick up my cell phone and returned it to me at last.So remember to ask the invoice from diver and keep it at any time. For the same situation, the shopping invoice also should be kept well in case of the goods quality issues. 安 全 经 验 分 享(第10期) 编 号:201110时 间:2011年4月11日Fasten The Seat BeltOne day, I drove to a restaurant outside of Fifth Ring together with my friend. Because it was night, and I was not familiar with the road, suddenly, the car hit on to the kerb. Both of the two front airbags were bounced out, even the right side airbag cracked the front windscreen due to fiercely impact. Fortunately, I and my friend were safe, because we both fastened the seat belt. So, for the safety of us and our friends, please fasten the seat belt. 一天,我和朋友驾车去5环外的一家餐馆。由于是晚上,我对路又不熟,车一下撞到了路边的石头上。由于猛烈的撞击,前面两个安全气囊都弹了出来,而且右边的安全气囊还撞碎了挡风玻璃。幸运的是,我和朋友都安然无恙,因为我们当时都系了安全带。因此,为了我们自己和朋友的安全,请系好安全带。安 全 经 验 分 享(第11期) 编 号:201111时 间:2011年5月9日How to keep health in spring How to keep health in spring? The answer is simple but useful .just three key elements.1. Good sleep: Everyday when we came back, we felt exhausted, so how to cope with next days work. “early sleep early get up”, that make you have enough energy to handle everything .2. Good mood: In spring, maybe you will feel easy fidget; Especial too much hard work make you have large pressure ,it will potential damage your health., we should have good mood to face all the difficult . “Everything is cloud rack”.3. Drink more water :drink more water can make your body circulation fast . circulation can take the bad material from your body. 安 全 经 验 分 享(第12期) 编 号:201112时 间:2011年5月16日The amending law on Road Traffic Safety came into force on May 1, 2011, motorists should be severely punished for drunk driving. 1.Whoever drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be temporarily suspended of his driving license for six months, again after being punished for such act shall be detained for not more than ten days, and be revoked of his motor vehicle driving license.2.Whoever drives a motor vehicle when he is drunk shall be revoked his motor vehicle driving license, he shall not re-apply for a motor vehicle driving license within five years. 3.Whoever causes a serious traffic accident by driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol or when he is drunk, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, and be revoked of his motor vehicle driving license, he shall not re-apply for a motor vehicle driving license for life.Here, Ill remind you all: To ensure the safety of the lives and property, harmonious family, do not drive after drinking.根据修改的道路交通安全法,自2011年5月1日起,凡涉酒驾车将被重罚: 1、饮酒后驾驶机动车的,处暂扣六个月机动车驾驶证,因饮酒后驾驶机动车被处罚,再次饮酒后驾驶机动车的,处十日以下拘留,吊销机动车驾驶证。 2、醉酒驾驶机动车的,吊销机动车驾驶证,五年内不得重新取得机动车驾驶证。 3、饮酒后或者醉酒驾驶机动车发生重大交通事故,依法追究刑事责任,并吊销机动车驾驶证,终生不得重新取得机动车驾驶证。 在此,提醒诸位:为了您和他人的生命财产安全、家庭幸福,请勿在饮酒后驾车。 安 全 经 验 分 享(第13期) 编 号:201113时 间:2011年5月20日What is heat stroke?Heat stroke is a form of (过高热), an abnormally elevated body temperature with accompanying physical and neurological symptoms. Unlike (热抽筋)and (热衰竭), two other forms of hyperthermia that are less severe, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated. The body normally generates heat as a result of metabolism(新陈代谢), and is usually able to dissipate the heat by either radiation of heat through the skin or by evaporation of sweat. However, in extreme heat, high humidity, or vigorous physical exertion under the sun, the body may not be able to dissipate the heat and the body temperature rises, sometimes up to 106 F (41.1 C) or higher. Another cause of heat stroke is . A dehydrated person may not be able to sweat fast enough to dissipate heat, which causes the body temperature to rise. 什么是中暑?中暑是一种热疗、异常升高的体温伴随身体与精神上的症状。不像热抽筋和热衰竭,其它两种形式的热疗,并不太严重,中暑,是一个真正的医疗紧急情况不可能是致命的,如果适当和及时的治疗。中暑有时也被称为中暑。身体产生的热量时,通常由于新陈代谢,通常能够驱散热要么以辐射热量通过皮肤或通过蒸发的汗液。然而,在极热的环境下,高湿度,或剧烈体力活动在阳光下的时候,身体可能无法驱散的不适和对体温的升高,有时长达106华氏度(41.1 C)或更高。中暑的另一个原因就是脱水。一个脱水的人可能无法汗水速度之快足以散热,这导致体温升高。How can heat stroke be prevented? The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather. If you have to perform physical activities in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids (such as water and sports drinks), but avoid alcohol, , and tea which may lead to .Your body will need replenishment of (such as sodium) as well as fluids if you sweat excessively or perform vigorous activity in the sunlight for prolonged periods.Take frequent breaks to hydrate yourself. Wear hats and light-colored, lightweight, loose clothes. 怎样才能预防中暑?最重要的措施,防止中暑要避免成为脱水,避免在炎热和潮湿天气的剧烈运动。如果你必须在炎热的天气执行物理活动,喝大量的液体(例如水和运动饮料),但要避免酒精,咖啡因,茶,可能导致脱水。你的身体需要补充电解质(如钠)以及流体如果你出汗过多或执行在阳光下长时间剧烈运动。经常休息来滋润自己。戴帽子和浅色,轻便,宽松的衣服。Heat Stroke At A GlanceHeat stroke is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not promptly and properly treated.Cooling the victim is a critical step in the treatment of heat stroke.The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.Infants, the elderly, athletes, and outdoor workers are the groups at greatest risk for heat stroke. 预防中暑提示热中风是一种医疗紧急事件,可能是致命的,如果不及时妥善处理。冷却受害人是在治疗中暑的关键一步。最重要的措施,以防止中暑要避免成为脱水,避免在炎热和潮湿天气的剧烈运动。婴儿,老人,运动员,户外工人在热中风的风险最大的群体。 安 全 经 验 分 享(第14期) 编 号:201114时 间:2011年5月30日夏季用车安全提示Security Tips for Driving in Summer1. Avoiding long driving. It is necessary to take several breaks in a journey. Drivers should drive in shade and ventilated roads. Opening the engine hood is allowed for ventilating and heat dissipation if situation permits. When the needle of thermometer is pointing at or to the high-temperature zone, the automobile must be stopped for heat dissipation so as to cool down the engine.(1)尽量避免长时间行车。行驶途中要注意适时休息。停车时应尽量选择在阴凉通风处,如条件允许也可打开发动机罩通风散热。若温度表的指针已经指近高温度区,这时就必须让车停下来“退热”,使发动机逐渐降温。2. Fireproofing. For the hot weather in summer, the inflammable and explosive objects should be kept away form automobiles. Smoking is prohibited in the vehicles (to avoid accident). Before moving off, drivers should make sure that the circuit is normal, the plug is stable, the terminal of oilway is not leaking and the tailpipe is functioning normally. In case there is any problem, the vehicles should be overhauled immediately. The vent holes of storage battery should be kept clear and unblocked.(2)高温防火。夏季由于天气炎热,气温偏高,因此车上一定不要携带易燃易爆物品,不要在车内抽烟,以免发生火灾。出车前,要经常查看电路是否短路、漏电,插电是否松动;检查油路接头是否漏油、排气管是否放炮,如有问题,应立即检修;要注意保持蓄电池通气孔畅通。安 全 经 验 分 享(第15期) 编 号:201115时 间:2011年6月7日 a safety in our daily lifeHere I will share a story that happened on me last month. I prefer to cook in my spare time and enjoy the process of cooking and feel happy when families or friends enjoy my meal. But one day , I was puzzled because I found it burned weakly when I turned on the gas to cook something. At the same time, I smelt something strange. Then I checked the gas pipe at once, and found the pipe was leaking because of the corrosion. I think I was lucky but scared. So I hope that everyone here can be careful in our daily life. 安 全 经 验 分 享(第16期) 编 号:201116时 间:2011年6月20日A Well-balanced lifeA well-balanced life is necessary to live in todays world. Without a well-balanced life a person can neither function properly nor develop into a well-rounded individual. Without some sort of balance in life people tend to be unfulfilled and unhappy.well-balanced welblnst a. 平衡良好的,情绪稳定的function fkn n. 函数;功能,用途;职能properly prpli ad. 恰当地;正确地well-rounded welraundid a. 丰满的;多才多艺的,(语句)有表达力的individual ,individjul a.& n. 个人(的),个体(的)sort of 有几分,有那么点儿tend to 有.的倾向,常常。unfulfilled nfulfild a. 未实现的;未得到满足的Leisure time is very important and necessary for everyone. Someone spend most of it extra time reading, listening to music, talking to their real life friends, or talking on the Internet with people they meet. Along with reading to relax, listening to music is very important to the people. Music is the universal language and it can express different feelings. It can relate to the soul, or in fact it is the soul of feelings. Friends have always been important to everyone. They are the backbone in everything. leisure n. U 闲暇,空暇时间 a空闲的;业余的extra ekstr a. 额外的;外加的 & ad. 额外地;另外universal ,ju:niv:sl a. 全体的;普遍的;一般的soul sul n. 灵魂,心灵C精神;精力U气魄;热情Ubackbone bkbun n. 脊骨,脊柱, 支柱;骨干;基础Many things add to having a well-balanced life. Stress can be a very dangerous and tiresome experience. It can lead to depression and unhappiness. But when it happens, you can do something other than wait. stress n. 压力;紧张;压迫UC(+on)tiresome taism a. 使人疲劳的;令人厌倦的;讨厌的,烦人的depression dipren n. 忧伤,沮丧,意气消沉A well-balanced life is important to maintain. Without some sort of balance it is hard to get by in everyday life. maintain meintein vt. 维持;保持;使继续安 全 经 验 分 享(第17期) 编 号:201117时 间:2011年6月27日Today I want to say some things about hand-foot-mouth disease, which happened in my family half month ago.Firstly, Ill say some symptoms about the disease, fever is the obvious symptom, the temperature is about 38 to 39 Celsius, one or two days later, blisters will be found on the skin, especially on hands, feet and in the mouth. If these symptoms found, we should consider about the hand-foot-mouth disease, and send the kid to the hospital to make sure whether it is or not.Secondly, if the disease is confirmed, you must take more attention about the disease ongoing, normally it will be cured by itself in two weeks, but if it gets worse, it also can kill a kid, especially for kids years less than 3, so you should care about the kid carefu


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