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课题Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! (第 2 课时)目标知识目标1、学会简单的问候用语。2、词汇:自己和同伴的英文名字。水平目标巩固所学的八个人名。情感目标记住自己和同伴的英文名字。教学重点了解一些常用缩略字的含义。教学难点八个字母的准确书写和记住尽可能多的名字。主要教法Leading method教学媒体Tape教 学 过 程Teaching contents: Section A 1a, 2b, 2c, 2d 3, 4aStep1:Warming-up1. Sing “Good morning” song.2. Greet all the Ss with : Hello, or Good morning, using their English names.(Ask all the students to wear their name cards ) At the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember their names.Step2:Presentation1.Show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. First big letters, then small letters.2. Find out these letters in the picture.Step3:Learn the letters. (Work on A 2a2d)1. Listen and repeat the eight letters. (2a) 2. Teach them how to write these big and small letters. (2d)3. Write the small letter for each big letter. (2d)4. Find the big letters for these small letters. (2b)5. Listen and number the letters they hear. (2c)Step4:Game.(Which letter is missing?)Show seven big letters(from A-H) on the slide picture, see who can find the missing letter. Then show seven small letters. Ss play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters.Step5:PresentationShow some letters and ask them to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have difficulties, T can give them some hints. Step6:Work on Section A3Ss discuss and guess what these letters stand for and then check the answers with the whole class. Step7:PresentationShow the eight names on the slide picture first and ask some to read. Then put them in order according to the first letter.Step8:Work on 4aListen to the tape and circle the names they hear. Step9:PracticeIn groups of five, Ss introduce their English names first. Then practice “Good morning, ”to each other like the dialogue they heard just now on the tape.Step10:Homework1.Listen and read about 10 minutes after the tape.2.Copy these eight big and small letters five times.3.make their own conversations .4.Find as many letters like HB, CD as they can.5.New words of P3-6.课后反思教学成败得失及改进设想:课堂气氛相当活跃,学生学习英语的积极性很高。基本上完成了教学任务,达到了教学要求。


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