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Unit 9 Chinese New YearThe 1st PeriodMain points of teaching: a. Asking Wh-questionsb. Using be going to to talk about plansDifficult points of teaching: a. Asking Wh-questionsb. Using be going to to talk about plansTeaching aids: a cassette player, word cards and picture cardsTeaching steps:I. Revisiona. Get pupils to make dialogues.b. Ask and answer questions about What are you going to do?II. Teach PB Aa. Bring in Chinese New Year decorations.b. (Books closed.) Show the decorations. Tell the pupils These are Chinese New Year decorations.c. Ask the pupils Whens Chinese New Year?d. Ask the pupils to tell the words they know for things they see and do at Chinese New Year. Accept all relevant words in this brainstorming activity and write them on the board.e. Show Transparency. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the cassette.f. Point to the small pictures of Pat and her family at Chinese New Year. Teach the phrases and ask Do you at Chinese New Year?g. Read the conversation between Koko and Pat. Ask the pupils to repeat the conversation after the teacher.h. Elicit of teach the question form What else do you do at Chinese New Year? Tell the pupils to work in pairs. The pupil role-playing Koko should ask the questions What else do you do? And the pupil role-playing Pat should answer according to the other pictures on the page.III. Ex.a. Pupils make dialogues in the groups. Get them to act out the dialogues.b. Do WB. Ex. (P. 51).Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the words. Then ask the pupils to match the verbs with the noun phrases and write the words under the correct pictures.IV. Summing-up and for homeworka. Revise the lesson.b. Remember the words by heart.Unit 9 Chinese New YearThe 2nd PeriodI. Revisiona. Get some pupils to act out the dialogues.b. Ask the pupils What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?II. Teach PB B1, B2 and B3.a. Bring in photos of the teachers family at Chinese New Year or bring in greeting cards.b. (Books closed.) Show the photos or greeting cards and revise the words flowers, fruit, money, etc.c. Write the date of the first day of Chinese New Year this year on the board. Ask the pupils How about Chinese New Year this year? What are you going to do ? Remind them that when they talk about plans they should use going to.d. Put a list of phrases from page 61 on the board. Point to one activity and ask individual pupils Are you going to ? Encourage them to answer in full sentences for this drill.e. (Books open.) Teach more able classes the word album by pointing to the photo album Tim is showing Koko. Point to the small pictures in the text and say These are Tims photos.f. Ask the pupils to look at the first picture. Ask What is Tim going to do? Make sure that the pupils know they should write the correct verbs in the blanks.g. Ask the pupils to work independently first and check their work together later. Then go over the answers in class.h. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils to check answers.i. Bring in flashcards showing the activity from section A.j. Ask a pupil to come to the front. Give a few cards to them. Then ask Are you going to? If they are holding the corresponding card, prompt them to reply Yes, I am. If they arent, prompt them to reply No, Im not.k. (Books open.) Ask the pupils to look at the picture and finish the conversation by filling the blanks.l. Show Transparency. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the conversation and check their own answers.m. Play the Pupils Book Cassette. Ask the pupils to listen to the cassette and put a tick in the correct boxes to show what Pam and Ken are going to do.III. Ex.a. Do WB. Ex. (P. 52)IV. Summing-up and for homeworka. Revise the lesson.b. Prepare for a dialogue.Unit 9 Chinese New YearThe 3rd PeriodI. Revisiona. Get pupils to make dialogues in class. Comment the dialogues.b. Ask the pupils What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?II. Teach PB C and Da. Point to Jennys letter. Bring in a letter written or received to show the pupils.b. Point to the top of the letter where it say “Dear Chris”. Tell them this is how we say hello when we write a letter in English. Ask the pupils who Chris might be. Point to the bottom of the letter where it says Write to me soon. Tell the pupils this is one way we can say goodbye when writing a letter.c. Play the Pupils Book Cassette. Ask the pupils to following along in their books. d. Read the letter out loud to the pupils. Stop after each sentence or a group of sentences to ask questions about what the teacher has read, e.g. Who is Jennys friend? What holiday is coming soon? Is Jenny going to clean the house, too?e. Play the cassette again or ask more able pupils to take turns reading sections of the letter out letter out loud to the class.f. Ask the pupils to read the letter again. Tell them to read the questions and then to check in the story.g. Ask the pupils to write answers to the questions in the blanks.h. Check the answers with the pupils.III. Ex. a. Pupils act out the story.b. Do WB. Ex. (P. 53)IV. Summing-up and for homeworka. Revise the lesson.b. Prepare for the new lesson.Unit 9 Chinese New YearThe 4th PeriodI. Revisiona. Get some pupils to act out PB C.b. Pupils make dialogues in their groups.II. Teach PB E and F.a. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.b. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are making the correct sound.c. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without the teachers model.d. Play the Pupils Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.e. Play the cassette again and tell them to circle the same letters with the same sound.f. Tell the pupils to work in groups of four. Ask them to brainstorm and make sentences about the things they usually see and do at Chinese New Year. Remind them that they did this brainstorming activity at the beginning of the unit. They should come up with four ideas.g. The pupils put their pictures together to make a poster on page 67. Tell them they can be imaginative with where and how they write sentences as captions on their posters. The sentences should be abut the things they are going to do at Chinese New Year.h. Put the pupils work up in the classroom or a public place in the school. Encourage interesting things you can see or read on the posters. Ask the pupils to tell the teacher which are their favourite posters and why.III. Ex.a. Do WB. Ex. (P. 54)b. Do WB. Ex. (P. 55)IV. Summing-up and for homeworka. Revise the lesson.b. Prepare for the new lesson.Unit 9 Chinese New YearThe 5th PeriodI. Revisiona. Pupils revise the previous lessons.b. Divide the class into groups and get some pupils to make dialogues using What are you going to do?II. Teach PB G and Ha. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.b. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.c. Ask the pupils if they know where this famous clock tower is. Tell the pupils that the clock has big bells inside. Draw a picture of a bell on the board. Ask what the people are doing. (They are counting down from 5 to 0.) What do the pupils think will happen at 0? (The bell will ring). What time of the year are the people waiting for? (New Years Day.) The answer is New Years Eve.III. Ex.a. Pupils revise the lessons.b. Do WB. Ex. (P. 56)IV. Summing-up and for homeworka. Revise the lessons.b. Prepare for Unit 10.


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