Module 4 Education教案

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Module 4 EducationUnit 2 Project Hope has built many schools.Teaching planTitle Module 4 Education Unit 2 Project Hope has been built many schoolsTypeReadingTeaching aimsKnowledge and ability Ss will / can1. review the words and phrases2. do fast reading: To understand the passage.3. do intensive reading : understand the passage better.Virtue AimsWe should love each other and help others.TeachingEmphasisTo understand the passage by asking and answering questions.LearningDifficultyTo ask and answer questions according to the passage.Teaching StrategyCooperative Learning TeachingAidsMultimedia, reading materialWriting on the blackboardModule 4 Education Unit 2 Project Hope has built many schools. Teaching aims: Review the words and phrasesDo fast reading: To understand the passage. Do intensive reading: understand the passage better. Speaking: 1.Are they happy or sad? 2. Are they rich or poor? .Teaching Steps Teacher ActivitiesStudents Activities Purpose and time Step 1 Warming upLet the students review the words and phrases .All the students stand speak the words 活跃课堂气氛,提高学生学习英语的积极性,刺激学生记忆,摆脱枯燥,增强小组合作意识。3Step 2 Show something on the blackboard. Ask them to show what they have remembered and previewed . Every group write down their words , phrases and sentences. 检查学生复习、预习情况,当堂展示,考察小组合作情况。5Step 3 Lead in Show some pictures See some pictures and say something about it. 看图片。初步了解希望工程。4Teaching stepsTeacher Activities Students Activities Purpose and time Step 4Do fast readingAsk the students to read the 5 questions first and do fast reading. 1. Read and discuss the questions in group.2. Read the passage by themselves and choose the answer.快速阅读文章,初步了解文章大意,完成简单问题。让学生掌握快速阅读的方法。小组长掌握好阅读时间与阅读速度。10Step 5 Do Intensive reading Give different questions to different groups .1. Read the paragraphs theyve got and finish the questions.2. Change questions and check the answers.让学生仔细阅读,完成所给问题,掌握精读的方法。小组合作、讨论提出并完成问题,小组长进行讲解,充分发挥小组长的作用,维持好本组秩序。15Teaching stepsTeacher ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurpose and timeStep 6Free talkingPrepare some questions for the students .Discuss in group.加强小组合作、讨论,为学生创设真实讨论、练习英语的环境。5Step 7 SumaryAsk them to write something on the paper.Write something on the paper.自我评价这节课的收获与不足。3Step 8 Homework1. Write a short passage about what you can do for the Project Hope.2. Read the passage again and find questions.1


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